Active Projects
- TUM Innovation Networks
Artificial Intelligence Powered Multifunctional Materials Design (ARTEMIS) - DFG Project II: DFG Initiative of Excellence e-Conversion Cluster
Solid-Liquid Interfaces - DFG Project I: DFG Initiative of Excellence e-Conversion Cluster
Molecularly-Functionalized Interfaces - ptj/BMWi Project: PrOperPhotoMile SOLAR.ERA.NET
Auf dem Weg zur Vorhersage der Betriebslebensdauer von Perowskit-Photovoltaik; Teilvorhaben: Ermittlung von Beschleunigungsfaktoren in Perowskit-Photovoltaik durch maschinelles Lernen - EU H2020 Project: LION-HEARTED
Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease - IGSSE Project: CONTROL
Controlled prOcessing and Numerical models for the understanding of charge Transport & Recombination in Organic eLectronics (CONTROL TEAM 11.02)