Quantum Photonic-Integrated Computer (QPIC-1)

Acronym: QPIC-1
Title (DE):  Photonisch-Integrierter Quantencomputer
Title (EN): Quantum Photonic-Integrated Computer
Funding source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 1.9.2021 - 31.8.2025
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Kai Müller (TU Munich)

TU Munich (Prof. Dr. Kai Müller, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Holger Boche, Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley)
University of Paderborn (Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns, Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley)
HU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Oliver Benson)
FU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert)
DLR (Prof. Dr. Janik Wolters)
Saarland University (Prof. Dr. Christof Becher)
Ferdinand Braun Institute (Dr. Tim Schröder)

Synopsis: The goal of this project is to develop a novel platform for photonic quantum computation. To this end, the project adresses the development of novel sources of quantum light, as well as photonic-integrated circuits where the quantum information processing takes place.
Further info: Link to profile on www.quantentechnologien.de