Title | CONTEST - COllaborative Network for Training in Electronic Skin Technology |
Partners | Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; Technische Universität München, Germany; Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V., Germany; University College London, United Kingdom; Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, United Kingdom; The Shadow Robot Company Limited, United Kingdom; The University of Glasgow, United Kingdom |
Funding | funding through EU-Project: Reference CONTEST Proposal European Commission FP7 Seventh Framework Programme, EC LLP-2012-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP (Marie Curie Actions Grant Agreement) |
Duration | 2012 - 2016 |
Contact | TUCEP, Perugia Italy |
Homepage | www.contestproject.eu/en/ |
Aim of the Project / Overview
Future electronic systems will be bendable and conformable. They will be wearable, disposable, and ubiquitous.
CONTEST will train young researchers in the fast expanding field of flexible and large area electronics with emphasis on "wearable" devices.
Training will be implemented through well-defined work packages covering critical aspects of flexible electronics, converging towards an electronically-enhanced smart skin.
Silicon and organic materials based solutions will be investigated, yielding systems with the advantages of both.
CONTEST will push research frontiers towards i) multifunctional electronics, II) bendable and stretchable electronic systems over large areas, and III) integration of organic and inorganic materials based components onto the same substrate.
Electronic skin will enable gathering "contact information" from large areas simultaneously, creating opportunities to extend the cognitive capabilities of robots, and in human-environment interfaces.
CONTEST will thus leverage the strength of the EU in the field of large area flexible electronics, and trigger transformations in diverse sectors such as healthcare and robotics.
CONTEST brings together complementary expertise in flexible electronics, sensors, system integration, and robotics from eight key academic and research institutes, and industry.
CONTEST will deliver 480 person-months of unparalleled research training to 12 ESRs and 2 ER in these multidisciplinary areas.
Each ESRs/ERs will be mentored by selected experts and will have access to state-of-the-art equipment.
Hands-on project training will be supplemented with formal training courses in relevant fields such as system integration, fabrication technologies, and new materials, and a variety of complementary courses such as IPR, grant writing and exploiting the scientific results.
Mobility within the network will ensure exposure to complementary academic and industrial research environments.