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Department Electrical and Computer Engineering:

Center of Competence Electronic, Optoelectronic and Hybrid Devices

TUM Department Electrical and Computer Engineering:
CoC Devices
Center of Competence Electronic, Optoelectronic and Hybrid Devices



Development of electronic devices through continuing miniaturization of the structure sizes is accompanied by increasing electric field strengths and emergence of quantization effects.

Alternatively integrated optical and magnetic devices improve the performance of speed, low power consumption, cost reduction in electronic system.

Technological advances achieved in micro- and nanoelectronics can also be used for components in optoelectronics, bioelectronics, power electronics and microsystems.

Basic research, expertise and competencies in semiconductor technology, physical device understanding and modeling, technology related circuit design and methodical design automation are  developed for improved or new solutions.

With micro-structured semiconductor devices for power electronics, powerful simulation platforms perform virtual experiments and tests by simulation.