
Are you interested in being part of an international team and working in an exciting field of research?
We offer interesting and responsible positions with continuing education and development opportunity.

PhD & PostDoc Positions

We are currently looking for motivated researchers both at the PhD and the postdoc level in the fields of nanomechanics, nonlinear & noise-induced dynamics, collective dynamics of nanoresonator arrays, cavity optomechanics, and quantum nano-optomechanics.

Please contact us for more information in case of interest!

Theses for Bachelor & Master Students

We are continuously offering student projects as well as bachelor and master thesis projects. A few examples of open projects are listed below.
Please contact us for more details or further project topics in case you are interested.

As research topics vary over time, we may even be able to tailor your topic to your specific interests.

Available Bachelor & Master Theses

   o  Cleanroom fabrication and characterization of high Q nanomechanical resonators

   o  Dielectric control of high Q silicon nitride nanomechanical resonators

   o  Hexagonal boron nitride nanodrums

   o  Cavity optomechanics with two-dimensional materials

   o  Silicon carbide for nano- and optomechanical sensors and spin mechanics

A List on Recently Completed Theses

On Bachelor Level

On Master Level

"Phononic Crystal-based Strategies to Increase the Quality Factor of Nanomechanical Resonators in Silicon Carbide" (16.04.2024)

MA: Zhihao Niu, Supervisor: Felix David, Philipp Bredol.

MA: Master Thesis, BA: Bachelor Thesis, DA: Diploma Thesis,
FP: Forschungspraxis, IP: Ingenieurpraxis