Title | OLIMPIA - Organic Bioelectronic Material, Olimpia ESR/ER, Neuroscience, Organic Electronic Device, Private Sector |
Partners | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati di Bologna CNR-ISM, Italy; Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Dept of Anatomy Lab for Molecular Neuroscience CMBN, Norway; Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne Departement of Bioelectronics, France; Centre Microélectronique de Provence EMSE, France; Italian Institute of Technology Neuroscience and Brain Technology Centre for Nanoscience and Technology IIT-CNST&IIT-NBT, Italy; University of the Basque Country Institute for Polymer Materials UPV-EHU, Spain; Imperial College London Department of Chemistry ICL, United Kingdom; ETC s.r.l. R&D Department, Italy; Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Dept of Anatomy Lab for Molecular Neuroscience HISTOCELL, Spain; University of Bologna Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology UNIBO, Italy |
Funding | funding through EU-Project: Reference OLIMPIA Proposal European Commission FP7 Seventh Framework Programme EU-FP7-2012-PEOPLE-ITN (Marie Curie Actions Grant Agreement) |
Duration | 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016 |
Contact | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati di Bologna CNR-ISM, Bologna Italy |
Homepage | www.olimpiaproject.eu |
Aim of the Project / Overview
OLIMPIA is a training network initiative built on research and development of innovative organic optoelectronic devices interfaced and integrated with living systems.
The living systems of choice are neural cells (glia and neuron) that will be interfaced and integrated in vitro and in vivo with different organic electronic and optoelectronic devices (such as OLED, OFET/OLET, OECT, OPD).
The major objective of OLIMPIA is to establish an innovative training program aimed at enabling and supporting the development of a novel supradisciplinary field that combines the worlds of organic optoelectronics and of neuroscience.
Novel tools based on organic optoelectronic devices will be engineered and developed to stimulate and to record neuron bioelectrical activity, such as neuron excitability and membrane polarization, as well as to modulate cell proliferation and neurite outgrowth.
The OLIMPIA research will provide radically new understanding of neural cell-cell communication processes and will impact a wide variety of fields, from biomedical research to neuro-regenerative medicine.
The OLIMPIA consortium is both interdisciplinary and intersectorial. It includes key European players with long standing and internationally recognized research tradition in the field of organic electronics and optoelectronics, organic synthesis as well as neural cell biology and neurophysiology and, as such, is uniquely qualified to implement this ambitious supradisciplinary training program.
Moreover, the consortium combines 9 partners belonging to 6 European countries from academia, public research centers and industrial labs thereby offering an exciting and broad training landscape to the new generation of researchers.