Raumfahrtelektronik für Sensorsysteme
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) | |
Art | Vorlesung |
Semester | Sommersemester 2023 |
Termine | Siehe TUMonline |
During the participation in the module the student receives a deeper
understanding and knowledge in the following areas:
- Basic elements of a space mission (Mission Subject, Launch-, Space-, Orbit-, Operations-, Ground Segment, Command/Control/Communication Architecture)
- Characterisation of environmental conditions such as cosmic radiation, micro gravity, vacuum and mechanical shock/vibration loads for space systems
- Interaction of cosmic radiation with electronical, optical and optoelectronical parts, counter measures
- Design, development and qualification of space equipment, reliability and redundancy of systems, quality assurance
- Development phases of missions, instruments and systems using the example of current projects, technology readiness levels
- Project management and system engineering in space related development projects, conducting meetings and reviews
understanding and knowledge in the following areas:
- Basic elements of a space mission (Mission Subject, Launch-, Space-, Orbit-, Operations-, Ground Segment, Command/Control/Communication Architecture)
- Characterisation of environmental conditions such as cosmic radiation, micro gravity, vacuum and mechanical shock/vibration loads for space systems
- Interaction of cosmic radiation with electronical, optical and optoelectronical parts, counter measures
- Design, development and qualification of space equipment, reliability and redundancy of systems, quality assurance
- Development phases of missions, instruments and systems using the example of current projects, technology readiness levels
- Project management and system engineering in space related development projects, conducting meetings and reviews
Vorlesung mit Projektarbeit
Fr., 15:45 - 17:15, N0507
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Ott
Alle Vorlesungs- und Übungsunterlagen werden über das TUM elearning System bereitgestellt.
Inhalte der Vorlesung:
Während der Teilnahme an den Modulveranstaltungen erhält der Studierende ein tieferes Verständnis
und Kenntnise in folgenden Bereichen:
- grundlegende Elemente einer Raumfahrtmission (Mission Subject, Launch-, Space-, Orbit-,
Operations-, Ground Segment, Command and Control and Communication Architecture) - Charakterisierung von Umgebungsbedingungen wie Weltraumstrahlung, -temperatur,
-vakuum sowie mechanische Schock- und Vibrationslasten für Instrumente und Sensorsysteme - Wechselwirkung kosmischer Strahlung mit elektronischen, optischen und opto-elektronischen Bauteilen
- Entwurf, Entwicklung und Qualifikation von Weltraummechanismen / Mechatronik
- Entwicklungsschritte von Missionen, Instrumenten und Sensorsystemen für Fernerkundung,
Exploration und Grundlagenforschung anhand konkreter Beispiele