Datum | Vortragende Person | Thema | |||||
30.10.2024 | Aleksander Bajt | Study of the influence of electrode coverage on the performance of PMUTs | |||||
13.11.2024 | Christian Görner Tenorio | Fluidic Shutter – Overview and Simulation. | |||||
20.11.2024 | Jiapeng Xu | Inverse Design of PMUT Cell Shapes via Deep Reinforcement Learning. | |||||
27.11.2024 | Ekin-Alp Bicer | Will be announced soon. | |||||
04.12.2024 | Philipp Möhrle | Will be announced soon. | |||||
11.12.2024 | Til Friebe | Force-Feedback Control of Piezoelectric MEMS Microphones. | |||||
18.12.2024 | Ferdinand Schiller | Will be announced soon. | |||||
08.01.2025 | Barbara Leikam | Design Studies and Optimization of Acoustic Pressure in Acoustofluidic Cell Manipulation Platforms. | |||||
15.01.2025 | Nadine Philippin | Will be announced soon. | |||||
- Alle Vorträge finden im Raum N1414 statt.
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