Stage Coaching for Engineers and Scientists Modulkennung/ID: EI04769LV-Nr. (VO): 0000003119LV-Nr. (UE): 0000004827
Content | The content will cover the following questions and topics: - What is a "stage profile", how can I produce it? - What is charism, how can I develop it? - What does personality mean? - Stage fright - Where does it come from and how can I eliminate it? - How do I conduct my auditory (even without using words)? - What does female leadership mean? - Introduction into "Servant Leadership" - Social Skills The exercises include elements of role-playing, free recitation, conscious listening to music, coordination training for complex movement sequences, pantomime and wordless leading. |
Format | Lecture with exercises |
Language | German / English |
Dozent | Cornelia Sonnek-Zeis / Diplompädagogin und Konzertpianistin - Institut für Klavier und Konzertpädagogik |
Credits | 3 ECTS, FIQ |
SWS | 3 SWS |
Semester | SoSe+WiSe |
Time | One group on Tuesday, 19:00 - ca. 21:00 h or/and Thursday, 19:00 - ca. 21:00 h Kickoff: Thursday 17.10.2024, 19:00 h |
Place | TranslaTUM, Einsteinstraße 25, Auditorium big part (right entrance of Johannes B. Ortner Forum) Kickoff: TranslaTUM, big part of the Auditorium, Einsteinstraße 25. |
Examination | The exam consists of an individual presentation to demonstrate practical learning achievements and an oral exam test knowledge-based learning results. The final grade is calculated from the elements: 50% grade of presentation / 50% grade of oral exam |