Beiträge in Tagungsbänden internationaler Konferenzen
M. Tafertshofer, M. Binder and E. Biebl, "Evaluation of a Metal 3D- Printed Corrugated Conical Horn Antenna for the E-band," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Biomedical Engineering and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/COMCAS58210.2024.10666250 .
O. Arnold, V. Kurz and E. Biebl, "Improving Elevation Angle Resolution with a 77 GHz FMCW Bistatic Radar," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Biomedical Engineering and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/COMCAS58210.2024.10666251 .
F. Rutz, R. Rasshofer and E. Biebl, "Radar Cross Section Analysis for Road Debris in Automotive FMCW Radar," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Biomedical Engineering and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/COMCAS58210.2024.10666261 .
O. Arnold, M. Tafertshofer and E. Biebl, "Over-the-Air Synchronization of Automotive Distributed Radar Networks by Using 3D-Printed Antennas," 2024 Kleinheubach Conference, Miltenberg, Germany, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/IEEECONF64570.2024.10738989.
M. Tafertshofer, O. Arnold and E. Biebl, "Radar Target Generation for Angular Resolution Testing in a Compact Test Range with Two Antennas," 2024 Kleinheubach Conference, Miltenberg, Germany, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/IEEECONF64570.2024.10739122.
C. Buchberger, V. Kurz, Florian Pfeiffer and E. Biebl, "Aspects of Radar Cross Section Optimization for Dielectric Corner Reflectors," 2023 International Radar Symposium (IRS2023), Berlin, Germany, 2023.
F. Rutz, R. Rasshofer and E. Biebl, "Transfer Learning in Automotive Radar Using Simulated Training Data Sets," 2023 International Radar Symposium (IRS2023), Berlin, Germany, 2023.
O. Arnold, M. Tafertshofer and E. Biebl, "Influence of the Engine Hood on an FMCW Radar in an Elevated Mounting Position," 2023 Kleinheubach Conference, Miltenberg, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-4.
O. Arnold and E. Biebl, "Quasi-CDMA Synchronization Technique for a Bistatic Loosely Coupled FMCW Radar," 2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Taipei, Taiwan, 2023, pp. 321-323, doi: 10.1109/APMC57107.2023.10439944 .
C. Buchberger, A. Schoisl, O. Kepenek and E. Biebl, "Equivalent Angular Resolution for Distributed Radar Sensors," 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, 2022, pp. 237-239.
T. Wengerter, R. Pérez, E. Biebl, J. Worms and D. O’Hagan, "Simulation of Urban Automotive Radar Measurements for Deep Learning Target Detection," 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2022, pp. 309-314, doi: 10.1109/IV51971.2022.9827284.
C. Buchberger, A. Schoisl and E. Biebl, "Range and Doppler Correction for Velocity Vector Estimation using Distributed Non-Coherent Radar Sensors," 2022 Kleinheubach Conference, 2022, pp. 1-4.
K. Vera and B. Erwin, "MmWave Scattering Properties of Objects in Automotive Scenarios," 2022 Kleinheubach Conference, 2022, pp. 1-4.
M. Lach, C. Looschen and E. Biebl, "Analysis of Indoor Propagation Characteristics Under Varying Environmental Conditions Introducing the Degree of Impact Metric for Evaluation of UHF-RFID Applications," 2022 Kleinheubach Conference, 2022, pp. 1-4.
F. Rutz, E. Biebl and J. -P. Konrad, "Transfer Learning in ML-based Radar Systems for Automotive Applications," 2022 Kleinheubach Conference, 2022, pp. 1-3.
M. Tafertshofer, O. Arnold and E. Biebl, "Influence of Antennas on Generated Radar Targets when Using Radar Target Simulators," 2022 Kleinheubach Conference, 2022, pp. 1-3.
M. Lach, F. Rutz and E. Biebl, "Prediction of UHF-RFID Tag Performance Utilizing Deep Learning Regression," 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA), 2022, pp. 213-216, doi: 10.1109/RFID-TA54958.2022.9923995.
C. Winter, S. Holzknecht, T. Fabbri, I. Weber and E. M. Biebl, "Evaluation of Influences of Titanium Dioxide on Radar Sensors Operating at 77 GHz," 2022 14th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2022, pp. 220-223.
V. Kurz, L. Friedmann, C. van Driesten and E. Biebl, "Physically based radar simulation parameter of road surfaces in OpenMATERIAL," 2022 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC), 2022, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.23919/AT-AP-RASC54737.2022.9814181.
C. Buchberger, T. Eder, F. Pfeiffer and E. Biebl, "Analytical Model for the Maximum Radar Cross Section of Dielectric Trihedral Corner Reflectors," 2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/RadarConf2248738.2022.9764361.
A. R. Unterhuber, S. Iliev and E. Biebl, "Performance Analysis of Single-Lane Multi-Tag Vehicle Identification Scenarios with UHF RFID," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), 2021, pp. 391-392, doi: 10.1109/APS/URSI47566.2021.9704804.
F. Muralter, M. Hani, H. Landaluce, A. Perallos, E. Biebl, "UHF RFID chip impedance and sensitivity measurement using a transmission line transformer," 2021 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/RFID52461.2021.9444382.
A. R. Unterhuber, S. Iliev, E. Biebl, "Interferences and Shadowing in Multi-Lane UHF RFID-Based Vehicle Identification Systems," 2021 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA), 2021, pp. 153-156, doi: 10.1109/RFID-TA53372.2021.9617393.
M. Lach, M. Hani, C. Looschen, C. Buchberger, E. Biebl, "Evaluation of UHF-RFID Tag Performance Considering Near-Field and Detuning Effects on Various Dielectric and Inhomogeneous Application Surfaces," 2021 Kleinheubach Conference, 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/IEEECONF54431.2021.9598454.
F. Rutz, E. Biebl, "Denoising Range-Doppler-Data using ML-based Autoencoders for Automotive Applications," 2021 Kleinheubach Conference, URSI e.V., Miltenberg, Germany, 2021, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.23919/IEEECONF54431.2021.9598357.
C. Winter, E. M. Biebl, "Influence of Application Techniques of Automotive Coatings on Radar Transparency," 2021 Kleinheubach Conference, URSI e.V., Miltenberg, Germany, 2021, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.23919/IEEECONF54431.2021.9598190.
M. Hani, O. Bartels, E. Biebl, "A Novel Approach for Frequency Chirp ToF Estimation Utilizing Analog Hilbert Transformation," 2021 Kleinheubach Conference, URSI e.V., Miltenberg, Germany, 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/IEEECONF54431.2021.9598354.
V. Kurz, F. Pfeiffer, C. van Driesten, E. Biebl "Radar Backscattering Of Vegetation For The Automotive 77 GHz Band," 2021 IEEE 21st International Radar Symposium (IRS), IEEE, Berlin, Germany, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.23919/IRS51887.2021.9466234.
T. Gisder, M-M. Meinecke, E. Biebl. "Algorithmic Steps for SAR Backprojection on Radar Based Motion Estimation." 2020 21st International Radar Symposium (IRS). pp. 385-390, IEEE, 2020, pp. 385-390, doi: 10.23919/IRS48640.2020.9253947.
V. Kurz, A. Bilato, E. Biebl, V. Issakov, "A two-stage F-band cascode power amplifier with a peak PAE of 17% in SiGe BiCMOS technology," 2020 IEEE 20th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), San Antonio, TX, USA, 2020, pp. 81-83, doi: 10.1109/SIRF46766.2020.9040172.
J. Weiß, R. Pérez, E. Biebl, "Improved People Counting Algorithm for Indoor Environments using 60 GHz FMCW Radar," 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), Florence, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/RadarConf2043947.2020.9266607.
A. R. Unterhuber, S. Iliev, E. Biebl, "Optimal Tilt Angle of Reader Antennas for Truck Tolling Based on UHF RFID." 2019 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech). IEEE, 2019.
V. Issakov, A. Bilato, V. Kurz, D. Englisch, A. Geiselbrechtinger, "A Highly Integrated D-Band Multi-Channel Transceiver Chip for Radar Applications," 2019, 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS), Nashville, USA.
N. Engelhardt, R. Pérez, Q. Rao, "Occupancy Grids Generation Using Deep Radar Network for Autonomous Driving", 2019, 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Auckland, New Zealand.
R. Pérez, F. Schubert, R. Rasshofer and E. Biebl, "Deep Learning Radar Object Detection and Classification for Urban Automotive Scenarios", 2019, 2019 Kleinheubach Conference, Miltenberg, Germany.
A. R. Unterhuber, S. Iliev, E. Biebl, "Influence of the Vehicle Velocity on the Number of Reads in UHF RFID Scenarios." 2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA). IEEE, 2019.
T. Eder, R. Hachicha, H. Sellami, C. van Driesten and E. Biebl, "Data Driven Radar Detection Models: A Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Non Parametric Density Estimators on Synthetically Generated Radar Data", 2019, 2019 Kleinheubach Conference, Miltenberg, Germany.
V. Kurz, C. Buchberger, C. van Driesten and E. Biebl, "Retroreflective mmWave Measurements to Determine Road Surface Characteristics", 2019 Kleinheubach Conference, Miltenberg, Germany.
P. Eschlwech and E. Biebl, "A Polarimetric Method for Multipath Phantom Target Suppression in UHF-RFID DoA Estimation Applications", 2018, 15th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC), Bremen, Germany.
R. Pérez, F. Schubert, R. Rasshofer and E. Biebl, "Single-Frame Vulnerable Road Users Classification with a 77 GHz FMCW Radar Sensor and a Convolutional Neural Network," 2018, 19th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Bonn, Germany, pp. 1-10.
F. Harrer, F. Pfeiffer, A. Löffler, T. Gisder, C. Buchberger, and E. Biebl, „Multi Channel Approaches for an Automotive Synthetic Aperture Radar”, 2018, IEEE 11th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Freiburg, Germany.
F. Harrer, F. Pfeiffer, A. Löffler, T. Gisder, and E. Biebl, „Synthetic Aperture Radar Algorithm for a Global Amplitude Map”, 2017, 14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC), Bremen, Germany.
N. Hirsenkorn, H. Kolsi, M. Selmi, A. Schaermann, T. Hanke, A. Rauch, R. Rasshofer, and E. Biebl, „Learning Sensor Models for Virtual Test and Development”, 2017, Workshop Fahrerassistenz und automatisiertes Fahren, Walting, Germany.
N. Hirsenkorn, P. Subkowski, T. Hanke, A. Schaermann, A. Rauch, R. Rasshofer, and E. Biebl, „A Ray Launching Approach for Modeling an FMCW Radar System”, 2017, 17th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Prague, Czech Republic.
A. Ascher, J. Lechner, S. Nosovic, P. Eschlwech and E. Biebl, „3D Localization of Passive UHF RFID Transponders using Direction of Arrival and Distance Estimation Techniques”, 2017, IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), Chongqing, China.
A. Schaermann, A. Rauch, N. Hirsenkorn, T. Hanke, R. Rasshofer, and E. Biebl. Validation of Virtual Perceptual Sensor Models“, 2017, Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Redondo Beach, USA.
T. Hanke, A. Schaermann, M. Geiger, K. Weiler, N. Hirsenkorn, S. Schneider, and E. Biebl, „Generation and Validation of Virtual Point Cloud Data for Automated Driving Systems”, 2017, International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Yokohama, Japan.
A. Ascher, J. Lechner, S. Nosovic, P. Eschlwech and E. Biebl, „Localization of UHF RFID Transponders regarding Industry 4.0 Scenarios using DoA Estimation Techniques”, 2016 IEEE European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Duisburg, Germany.
M. Engelhardt, F. Pfeiffer and E. Biebl, „A High Bandwidth Radar Target Simulator for Automotive Radar Sensors”, 2016, European Radar Conference, London, UK.
T. Hanke, N. Hirsenkorn, B. Dehlink, A. Rauch, R. Rasshofer, and E. Biebl, „Classification of Sensor Errors for the Statistical Simulation of Environmental Perception in Automated Driving Systems”, 2016, International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
M. Lehner, M. Eberhardt, A. Ascher and E. Biebl, "An active UHF RFID transponder for fawn saving during pasture mowing," 2015 German Microwave Conference (GeMIC), Nürnberg, Germany
N. Hirsenkorn, T. Hanke, B. Dehlink, A. Rauch, R. Rasshofer and E. Biebl, "A non-parametric approach for modeling sensor behavior," 2015 16th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Dresden, Germany
T. Hanke, N. Hirsenkorn, B. Dehlink, A. Rauch, R. Rasshofer and E. Biebl, "Generic architecture for simulation of ADAS sensors," 2015 16th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Dresden, Germany
A. Ascher, M. Eberhardt, M. Lehner and E. Biebl, "A Switchable Dual Band Antenna for Smart Devices in the UHF RFID- and the GPS L1 Band using MEMS," 2015 IEEE European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany.
M. Eberhardt, A. Ascher, M. Lehner and E. Biebl, "Array Manifold Manipulation for Short Distance DOA Estimation with a Handheld Device," 2015 IEEE European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany.
M. Lehner, A. Ascher, M. Eberhardt and E. Biebl, "An Autonomous UHF RFID Transponder Concept for Fawn Saving using Solar Energy Harvesting," 2015 IEEE European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany.
B. Brunner, F. Pfeiffer, K. Finkenzeller and E. Biebl, "Impact of GSM Interference on passive UHF RFIDs," 2015 IEEE European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany.
A. Ascher, M. Eberhardt, M.Lehner and E. Biebl, " A small UHF-RFID transponder with integrated GPS for localization applications," 2015 International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID), Rosenheim, Germany.
G. Kalverkamp, B. Schaffer and E. Biebl, "Nonuniform Stepped Frequency Radar Scheme Reducing Spectrum Occupancy and Data Acquisition Time," 2014 German Microwave Conference (GeMIC), Aachen, Germany
B. Schaffer, G. Kalverkamp and E. Biebl, "A 2.4 GHz high precision local positioning system based on cooperative roundtrip time of flight ranging," 2014 German Microwave Conference (GeMIC), Aachen, Germany
M. Chaabane and E. M. Biebl, "A SAW delay line based dual-band low-power tag for precise time-of-arrival ranging," 2014 IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNet), Newport Beach, CA, USA
M. Engelhardt, F. Pfeiffer, K. Finkenzeller, E. M. Biebl, "Extending ISO/IEC 14443 Type A Eavesdropping Range using Higher Harmonics," Proc. IEEE European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), 2013.
G. Kalverkamp, B. Schaffer and E. Biebl, "A Signal Adaptive Time of Arrival Estimation Algorithm Based on Polynomial Rooting," in Proc. IEEE Global Conf. on Signal and Inf. Processing, 2013.
G. Kalverkamp and E. Biebl, "Augmentation of Minimum Redundant Radar Observations for Improved Estimation Performance," in Proc. Int. Conf. on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2013.
B. Schaffer, G. Kalverkamp and E. Biebl, "A 5.8 GHz Cooperative Transponder System for Localization and Communication in Traffic Safety Applications," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Vehicular Technology, 2013.
G. Kalverkamp, B. Schaffer and E. Biebl, "OFDM-Based Ranging Approach for Vehicular Safety Applications," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Vehicular Technology, 2013.
M. Blesinger, H. Kellermann and E. Biebl, "A methodology for path loss simulations in automotive scenarios impacted by system configuration changes," Computational Electromagnetics International Workshop (CEM2013), 02-05. August 2013, Izmir, Türkei.
M. Chaabane and E. M. Biebl, "A Tag Complexity Reduction Approach for Code-Based Cooperative Ranging Systems", 10th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2013 (WPNC'13) Dresden, Germany
M. Blesinger and E. M. Biebl, T. Gehrsitz and J. Eberspächer, P. Herve and H. Kellermann, "Messung und Simulation der Wellenausbreitung bei 2,4 GHz unter Einfluss der Autokarosserie", Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, September 2012
C. Loibl and E. M. Biebl, "Localization of passive UHF RFID tagged goods with the Monopulse principle for a logistic application", Smart SysTech 2012 - European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies, (München), Juni 2012
F. Pfeiffer, K. Finkenzeller und E. M. Biebl, "Theoretical Limits of ISO/IEC 14443 type A RFID Eavesdropping Attacks", Smart SysTech 2012 - European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies, (München), Juni 2012
H. Kloeden, D. Schwarz, E. M. Biebl and R. Rasshofer, "Effectiveness Study of Cooperative Sensor Systems for VRU-Safety", 2012 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Conference, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, June 3-7, 2012
M. Blesinger and E. M. Biebl, T. Gehrsitz and J. Eberspächer, P. Fertl, O. Klemp and H. Kellermann, "Angle-dependent path loss measurements impacted by car body attenuation in 2.45 GHz ISM band", IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2012
B. Schaffer, G. Kalverkamp, E. M. Biebl, "A cooperative transponder system with localization and data link capabilities for improved traffic safety ", Kleinheubacher Tagung 2011
C. Neumaier, M. Lorenz, N. Spaeth, K. Numssen and E. M. Biebl, 2011, Dispersion engineering: How to design a miniature coaxial low-pass, 6th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC 2011), Darmstadt, Germany, Proceedings, Paper M5-1.
C. Neumaier, M. Lorenz, N. Spaeth, K. Numssen and E. M. Biebl, 2011, Analysis of Magnetic Coupling in Coaxial CRLH-TLs, 5th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2011), Barcelona, Spain, Proceedings, 552-554.
K. Finkenzeller, F. Pfeiffer and E. M. Biebl, "Range Extension of an ISO/IEC 14443 type A RFID System with Actively Emulating Load Modulation", RFID-SysTech 2011: Fraunhofer IPMS / TU Dresden, ausgezeichnet mit dem Best-Paper-Award
C. Neumaier, N. Spaeth, M. Lorenz, K. Numssen and E. M. Biebl, 2010, Conquering extended frequency realms by periodic coaxial structures, 40th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2010), Paris, France, Proceedings, 954-957.
M. Lorenz, C. Neumaier, N. Spaeth, K. Numssen and E. M. Biebl, 2010, Tailored TE11 EBGs for monomodal TEM operation in an overmoded coaxial transmission line, 4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany, Proceedings, 435-437.
T. Reichthalhammer und E. M. Biebl, "Motion Compensation of Short-Range, Wide-Beam Synthetic Aperture Radar", Kleinheubacher Tagung, (Miltenberg), Oktober 2010
C. Neumaier, M. Lorenz, N. Spaeth, K. H. E. Numssen and E. M. Biebl, "Dispersion Engineering: How to Design a Miniature Coaxial Low-Pass", eingereicht zur German Microwave Conference 2011
F. Fitzek, R. H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, "Broadband matching of high-permittivity coatings with frequency selective surfaces", eingereicht zur German Microwave Conference 2011
M. Lorenz, Ch. Neumaier, N. Spaeth, K. Numssen and E. M. Biebl, "Tailored TE11 EBGs for Monomodal TEM Operation in an Overmoded Coaxial Transmission Line", Metamaterials 2010 in Karlsruhe
F. Fitzek, Z. Abou-Chahine, R. Rasshofer and E. M. Biebl, "Automotive Radome Design - Fishnet structure for 79 GHz", Proc. German Microwave Conference, S. 146-149, 2010
F. Fitzek, Ralph H. Rasshofer and E. M. Biebl, “Metamaterial matching of high-permittivity coatings for 79 GHz radar sensors”, European Microwave Conference 2010
T. Reichthalhammer and E. M. Biebl, "Specification and Design of a Fast-Tuning Stepped-Frequency Synthesizer for a Short-Range-SAR-System in the K-Band", German Microwave Conference, 2010, pp.218-221, 15-17 March 2010
A. Fackelmeier and E. M. Biebl, "Narrowband frequency scanning array antenna at 5.8 GHz for short range imaging," Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2010 IEEE MTT-S International, pp.1266-1269, 23-28 May 2010
S. Haßler, T. Reichthalhammer and E. M. Biebl, "Design and Realization of a Broadband Single-Side-Band Mixer with a Very Short Settling Time", Kleinheubacher Tagung 2009
C. Morhart and E.M. Biebl, "Hochauflösende Ankunftszeitbestimmung für kooperative Abstandsmessung", Kleinheubacher Tagung 2009
C. Morhart, E. M. Biebl, D. Schwarz, R. Raßhofer, “Cooperative multi-user detection and localization for pedestrian protection”, German Microwave Conference 2009, (München), p. 1-5, März 2009
I. Herranz, S. Fikar, A. L. Scholtz and E. M. Biebl, “Automotive multi-standard RF front-end for GSM, WCDMA and Mobile WiMAX”, WTS 2009 (Wireless Telecommunications Symposium), S. 1-5, April 2009
S. Holzknecht, E. M. Biebl, H.-U. Michel, “Graceful Degradation for Driver Assistance Systems”, 13th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2009,(Berlin), S. 255-265, Mai 2009
C. Morhart, E. M. Biebl, “Radar vs. kooperative Mikrowellensensoren”, U.R.S.I. Workshop Kommission B – Felder und Wellen,(Engelberg, Schweiz), Juni 2009
D. Schwarz, C. Morhart, E. M. Biebl, “Emergency braking system for pedestrian protection using cooperative sensor technology”, Student Savety Technology Design Competition, 21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Savety of Vehicles, (Stuttgart), Juni 2009
R. Raßhofer, D. Schwarz, C. Morhart, E. M. Biebl, “Cooperative Sen-sor Technology for Preventive Vulnerable Road User Protection”, Proceedings of 21st In-ternational Technical Conference of the Enhanced Savety of Vehicles, (Stuttgart), Juni 2009
A. Fackelmeier and E. M. Biebl, “A multistatic radar array for detecting wild animals during pasture mowing," Radar Conference, 2009. EuRAD 2009. European , pp.477-480, Sept. 30 2009-Oct. 2 2009
F. Pfeiffer, E. M. Biebl, Karl-Heinz Siedersberger, “Determination of Complex Permittivity of LRR Radome Materials Using a Scalar Quasi-Optical Meas-urement System”, 12th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications AMAA 2008, (Berlin), S. 205 ff., März 2008
A. Fackelmeier, C. Morhart and E. M. Biebl, “Dual Frequency Methods for Identifying Hidden Targets in Road Traffic”, 12th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications AMAA 2008, (Berlin), S. 11 ff., März 2008
C. Morhart and E. M. Biebl, “Cooperative Multi-user detection and ranging based on pseudo-random codes”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2008, (Miltenberg), Sept. 2008
C. Morhart and E. M. Biebl, “Ein kooperatives, code-basiertes Abstandsmesssystem für eine große Anzahl simultaner Nutzer”, Frequenz-Jounal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications, Vol. 62, July/August 2008, pp. 175-179
C. Morhart and E. M. Biebl, “Cooperative Multi-user detection and ranging based on pseudo-random codes”, IEEE MTT-S International Mini-Symposium on Electromagnetics and Network Theory and their Microwave Technology Applications, (München), Okt. 2008
A. Fackelmeier, C. Morhart and E.M. Biebl, “Evaluation of Wave Propa-gation Effects for Detection of Vulnerable Road Users”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2008, (Miltenberg), Okt. 2008
A. Fackelmeier, C. Morhart and E. M. Biebl, “Evaluation of Diffraction Effects for Identifying Hidden Targets”, German Microwave Conference 2008, (Ham-burg), S. 291-294, März 2008
F. Pfeiffer and E. M. Biebl, “Determination of Complex Permittivity Using a Scalar Quasi-Optical Measurement System in the E-Band”, German Microwave Con-ference 2008, (Hamburg), S. 225-227, März 2008
W. Heinrich, M. Rudolph, E. M. Biebl and L. Vietzorreck, “Welcome to the European Microwave Week 2007”, EURAD European Radar Conference, art. No. 4404912, 1 p., 2007
W. Heinrich, M. Rudolph, E. M. Biebl and L. Vietzorreck, “Welcome to the European Microwave Week 2007”, European Microwave Week 2007 Conference Proceedings, EuMW 2007 – 2nd European Microwave Integrated Corcuits Conference, EuMIC 2007, art. No. 4412623, 2007
W. Heinrich, M. Rudolph, E. M. Biebl and L. Vietzorreck, “Welcome to the European Microwave Week 2007”, Proceedings of the 37th European Microwave Conference, EUMC, art. No. 4405101, 2007
W. Heinrich, M. Rudolph, E. M. Biebl and L. Vietzorreck, “Welcome to the European Microwave Week 2007”, European Microwave Week 2007 Conference Proceedings, EuMW 2007 – 10th European Conference of Wireless Technology, ECWT 2007, art. No. 4403921, 2007
F. Gerbl and E. M. Biebl, “On the influence of windowing on the SNR maximizing antenna pattern for widebeam SAR techniques”, 2nd International ITG Con-ference on Antennas INICA 2007,(München), S. 124-128, März 2007
R. Rasshofer, D. Schwarz, E. M. Biebl, C. Morhart, O. Scherf, S. Zecha, R. Grünert and H. Frühauf, “Pedestrian Protection Systems using Cooperative Sensor Technology”, 11th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications AMAA 2007,(Berlin), S. 135-145, Mai 2007
F. Gerbl and E.M. Biebl, “Balancing Target Noise against Thermal Noise-On the Opti-mum Bandwidth for Mean Radar Reflectivity Estimation”, International Microwave Symposium IEEE MTT-S,(Honolulu, Hawaii), S. 1213-1216, Juni 2007
R. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, “Bericht aus dem Verbundprojekt Amu-lett – Aktive mobile Unfallvermeidung durch kooperative Erfassungs- und Trackingtech-nologie”, U.R.S.I.-Landesausschuss,(Sankelmark), S. 14, Juli 2007
D. Schwarz, R. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, “Optimiertes Trecking in kooperativen Sensorsystemen bei Störungen durch Mehrwegeausbreitung”, Klein-heubacher Tagung 2007, (Miltenberg), Sept. 2007
W. Kiermeierand E. M. Biebl, “New dual-band Frequency Selective Sur-faces for GSM frequency shielding”, European Microwave Conference 2007, (München), S. 222-225, Okt. 2007
A. Lindner, H. Kugler and E. M. Biebl, “Manual filter tuning by cloning frequency domain data”, European Microwave Conference 2007, (München), S. 329-331, Okt. 2007
E. Napieralska, M. Zannoth, G. Kraut, W. Bakalski, E. M. Biebl, K. Kitlinski, “Outphasing power amplifier design investigations for 2.5G and 3G standards”, European Microwave Conference 2007, (München), S. 1181-1184, Okt. 2007
E. Napieralska, M. Zannoth, G. Kraut, W. Bakalski, E. M. Biebl, K. Kitlinski, “Outphasing power amplifier design investigations for 2.5G and 3G standards”, European Conference of Wireless Technologies, S. 383-386, Okt. 2007
F. Gerbl and E. M. Biebl, “SNR Considerations for Widebeam, Short-Range Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing”, German Microwave Conference 2006, (Karlsruhe), März 2006
M.O. Olbrich, W. Kiermeier and E. M. Biebl, “Evaluation of Potting Possibilities for RF Circuits up to 24 GHz”, German Microwave Conference 2006, (Karlsruhe), März 2006
A. Kravets, C. Morhart and E. M. Biebl, “Design of Radio Frequency Direction Finder for Automotive Applications”, European Microwave Week 2006, (Man-chester), p. 714-717, Sept. 2006
A. Lindner and E. M. Biebl, “A Manual Tuning Method for Coupled Cavity Filters”, European Microwave Week 2006, (Manchester), S. 1340-1342, Sept. 2006
F. Gerbl and E. M. Biebl, “On the optimum antenna pattern for wide-beam radar reflectivity estimation”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2006, (Miltenberg), Sept. 2006
F.B. Helmbrecht, M.O. Olbrich, D. Zitzmann and E. M. Biebl, “A PN-radar correlator with IF-input ports”, EURAD 2005, (Paris), S. 287-290, Okt. 2005
F.B. Helmbrecht, M.O. Olbrich, D. Zitzmann and E. M. Biebl, “A PN-radar correlator with IF-input ports”, 35th Euopean Microwave Conference 2005 – Con-ference Proceedings, 3, pp. 1995-1998, 2005
C. Morhart, M.O. Olbrich and E. M. Biebl, “High Gain Crank Line Antenna for 24 GHz”, EURAD 2005, (Paris), S. 221-224, Okt. 2005
M.R. Kühn and E. M. Biebl, „Power combining by means of harmonic injection locking,” in 2004 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., (Fort Worth, TX) S. 91 - 94, Juni 2004.
M. Jelen and E. M. Biebl, “Multi-frequency sensor for remote meas-urement of breath and heartbeat”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2004, (Miltenberg)
M.O. Olbrich and E. M. Biebl, “A low-cost versatile broadband (DC to K-band) planar 50 Ohm termination”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2004 (Miltenberg)
M.O. Olbrich, L. Huang and E. M. Biebl, “A varactor tuned low-cost 24 GHz harmonic VCO”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2004, (Miltenberg)
A. Patrovsky and E. M. Biebl, “Microwave sensors for detection of wild animals during pasture mowing”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2004, (Miltenberg)
D. Werber, A. Schwentner and E. M. Biebl, “Investigation of RF transmission properties of human tissue”, Kleinheubacher Tagung 2004, (Miltenberg)
M. Streifinger, T, Müller, J.-F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, „A software-radio front-end for microwave applications,“ in 2003 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Systems, S. 53 – 56, April 2003.
E. M. Biebl, „Sampling architectures,“ eingeladener Beitrag in 2003 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., (Philadelphia, PA) S. 1055 – 1058, Juni 2003.
M.R. Kühn and E. M. Biebl, „Power combining by means of injection locking,” in AP/URSI 2003 Conference on Antennas Propag. Digest, (Columbus, OH), Juni 2003.
M.R. Kühn and E. M. Biebl, „Beam steering and power combining by means of injection locking,” in Int. ITG Conf. on Antennas Digest, (Berlin), S. 175 – 178, Okt. 2003.
M. Streifinger and E. M. Biebl, „A software-radio front-end for mi-crowave applications,“ in The 33rd European Microwave Conference, Workshop Pro-ceedings on Reconfigurable mm-Wave Electronics and System Integration on Silicon S. 47 – 57, Okt. 2003.
M.R. Kühn, Magnus O. Olbrich and E. M. Biebl, „Beam steering by means of harmonic injection locking”, in The 33rd European Microwave Conference Di-gest, (München) S. 1211 – 1214, Okt. 2003.
A.J. Herb, R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Ein hybrider I-Q Mischer bei 77 GHz für Kfz-Radaranwendungen“, in Kleinheubacher Berichte 44, 2002.
Arnold J. Herb and E. M. Biebl, „Network Modeling of a CRW-Fed Aperture-Coupled Patch Antenna“, 32. European Microwave Conference 2002, S. 1-4, Okt. 2002
Alexander Grubl, Arnold J. Herb, Ralph H. Raßhofer and E. Biebl, „A 76.5 GHz Transceiving Mixer Using Flip-Chip Mounted Silicon Schottky-Diodes for Automotive Radar Application“, 32. European Microwave Conference 2002, S. 1-4, Okt. 2002
A. Herb, W. Schwartz and E. M. Biebl, „Antennendesign mit Hilfe von Integralgleichungsmethoden,“ in Kleinheubacher Berichte 43, 2001.
M.M. Kaleja, A.J. Herb, R.H. Raßhofer, and E. M. Biebl, „An I-Q mi-xer at 76.5 GHz using flip-chip mounted silicon Schottky diodes“, in 2001 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., S. 1653-1656, May 2001
R.H. Rasshofer, K.M. Strohm, J.–F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, „Untersu-chung der Langzeitstabilität von verlustarmen Millimeterwellenschaltungen auf hochoh-migen Siliziumsubstraten,“ in Kleinheubacher Berichte 42, S. 390 – 398, 2000.
E. M. Biebl, K. Böhm, J.-F. Luy and T. Müller, „Zwischenfrequenz-digitalisiernder GPS / GSM Empfänger,” in Kleinheubacher Berichte 42, S. 301 – 307, 2000.
M. M. Kaleja and E. M. Biebl, „Active Integrated Antennas for Auto-mobile Applications,“ eingeladener Beitrag zu IEE Colloquium "Antennas for Automobile Applications", (London), S. 2/1-2/5, März 2000.
E. M. Biebl, „Millimeter Wave Systems Based on Active Integrated Antennas,” eingeladener Beitrag zu AP2000 Millennium Conference on Antennas Propag. Digest, (Davos, Schweiz), 9. – 14. April 2000, S. 355, 2000.
A. Herb, W. Schwartz, D. Leipold and E. M. Biebl, “CPW-fed Patch Antennas with Narrow Ground Planes,” in AP2000 Millennium Conference on Antennas Propag. Digest, (Davos, Schweiz), 9. – 14. April 2000, S. 438, 2000.
E. M. Biebl, “Millimeter Wave Systems Based on SIMMWICs,“ einge-ladener Beitrag zum 2000 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, (Garmisch), 26. ¬– 28. April 2000, S. 1 – 4, 2000.
M. M. Kaleja, A. Grubl, F.X. Sinnesbichler, G.R. Olbrich, K.M. Strohm, J.-F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, „Application of Si/SiGe HBTs in active integrated anten-nas“,2000 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, (Garmisch), S. 64 – 66, April 2000
M. M. Kaleja, J. Büchler, R.H. Rasshofer, J.–F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, “Low - Cost Automobile Crash-Sensor using a 61 GHz Active Integrated SIMMWIC Antenna,” in 2000IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Boston, MA), 11.-16. Juni 2000, S. 1969 – 1972, 2000.
M. M. Kaleja, A. Grübl, F. X. Sinnesbichler, G. R. Olbrich, K. M. Strohm, J.–F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, “Si/SiGe HBT Active Integrated Antenna on High Resis-tivity Silicon Substrate,” 2000IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Boston, MA), 11.-16. Juni 2000, S. 1899 – 1902, 2000.
A.J. Herb, W. Schwartz and E. M. Biebl, „ Die Anwendung der Integ-ralgleichungsmethoden für das Design planarer Antennen“, 3. URSI-Workshop Felder und Wellen, 23-24. Nov. 2000, Odenthal-Altenberg, Germany, November 2000.
R.H. Rasshofer and E. M. Biebl, „Advanced millimeterwave speed sensing system based on low-cost active integrated antennas“, in 1999 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Anaheim, CA), S. 285 – 288, 13.-19. Juni 1999.
R.H. Rasshofer, E. M. Biebl, K.M. Strohm, and J.–F. Luy, „Long–term stability of passive millimeterwave circuits on high-resistivity silicon substrates“, in 1999 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Anaheim, CA), S. 585 – 588, 13.-19. Juni 1999.
Martin M. Kaleja, Arnold J. Herb, Ralph R. Rasshofer, Gerhard Friedsam, and E. M. Biebl, „Imaging RFID system at 24 GHz for object localization“, in 1999 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Anaheim, CA), S. 1497 – 1500, 13.-19. Juni 1999.
E. M. Biebl, „Millimeter Wave systems based on SIMMWICs”, einge-ladener Beitrag in 1999 URSI General Assembly Digest, (Toronto, Canada), S. 235, 13.-21. Aug. 1999.
M.M. Kaleja and E. M. Biebl, „Voltage Controlled Active Integrated Antennas,” in 29th European Microwave Conf. Proc., (München), S. 183-186, Oktober 1999.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Optimierte Signalverarbeitung in in-tegrierten low–cost Doppler–Radar–Systemen bei 76 GHz,“ in Kleinheubacher Berich-te 41, S. 446 – 454, 1998.
R. Nitsche, R.U. Titz and E. M. Biebl, „Ein rauscharmer Heterody-nempfänger für die Spektroskopie der Atmosphäre bei 2,5 THz,“ in Kleinheubacher Be-richte 41, S. 461 – 466, 1998.
R. Nitsche, R.U. Titz and E. M. Biebl, „A low-noise 2.5 THz hetero-dyne receiver with tunable reflector antenna for atmospheric OH spectroscopy“, in 1998 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Baltimore, MD), S. 1727–1730, 7.-12. Juni 1998.
G.L. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „Calibration of a quasi-optical reflec-tometer by means of a mixed time/frequency domain method“, in 1998 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Baltimore, MD), S. 1873–1876, 7.-12. Juni 1998.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Surface wave coupling of active an-tennas for homodyne sensor systems“ , in 1998 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Di-gest, (Baltimore, MD), S. 1891–1894, 7.-12. Juni 1998.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „A direction sensitive, integrated, low cost Doppler radar sensor for automotive applications“, in 1998 IEEE MTT–S Int. Mi-crowave Symp. Digest, (Baltimore, MD), S. 1055–1058, 7.-12. Juni 1998.
M. Wollitzer, K. Strohm, H. Jorke, J.–F. Luy, R.H. Raßhofer, and E. M. Biebl, „Flip–chip mounted silicon–based IMPATT diodes for automotive applica-tions“, in 1998 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Baltimore, MD), S. 1699–1702, 7.-12. Juni 1998.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Low-Cost Direction-Sensitive Radar Doppler Sensor,“ in Proc. 1998 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Nantes, Frankreich), 1998.
M.M. Kaleja and E. M. Biebl, „A Rigorous Synthesis Procedure for Uniplanar Radiating Transistor Oscillators,“ in IEEE Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits, (Duisburg, Germany), 1.-2. Oktober 1998.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Optimal design of detectors and video amplifiers in silicon monolithic integrated sensor systems,“ in Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Symposium Digest, (Ann Arbor, MI), 1998.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „SIMMWIC system application de-sign: Design tradeoffs and system performance,“ in Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Symposium Digest, (Ann Arbor, MI), 1998.
M. Thieme, R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Efficient Space-Domain Calculation of Moment Matrix Elements in Planar Microwave Circuits,“ in Proc. 1997 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Hongkong), S. 393, 1997.
T. Müller, G. Friedsam, R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „Computer-Aided Design of a Dielectric, Bifocal Lens with Extreme Wide Scanning Angle,“ in Proc. 1997 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Hongkong), S. 630, 1997.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „A Low–Cost SIMMWIC Short–Range Transmission Link Demonstrator at 76 GHz,“ in IEEE MTT – VDE/ITG Workshop on Mobile Millimeter Communications, (Dresden), S. 7 -10, 12.-13. Mai 1997.
G. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „Design und experimentelle Charakteri-sierung von breitbandigen Freiraummeßplätzen im Millimeterwellenbereich,“ in Klein-heubacher Berichte 40, S. 483 - 492, 1997.
M. Singer and E. M. Biebl, „Entwurf und Charakterisierung einer syn-chronisierbaren aktiven SIMMWIC-Antenne bei 76.5 GHz,“ in Kleinheubacher Berich-te 40, S. 493 - 502, 1997.
R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „A Low-Cost W-Band Multi-Beam Doppler Radar for Automotive Applications,“ in 1997 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Denver, CO), S. 971 - 974, Juni 1997.
M.O. Thieme and E. M. Biebl, „A Fast and Rigorous Synthesis Proce-dure for (Monolithic) Millimeterwave Integrated Circuit Layouts,“ in 1997 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Denver, CO), S. 1009 - 1012, Juni 1997.
M. Singer, K.M. Strohm, J.-F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, „Active SIMM-WIC-Antenna for Automotive Applications,“ in 1997 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Denver, CO), S. 1265 - 1268, Juni 1997.
M.O. Thieme, A. Stiller, R.H. Raßhofer and E. M. Biebl, „A Novel Circularly Polarized Direct Detection Receiver for Six-Port Polarimetric Radar Systems,“ in 1997 IEEEMTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Denver, CO), S. 1269 - 1272, Juni 1997.
G. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „Precision Free-Space Measurements of Complex Permittivity of Polymers in W-Band,“ in 1997 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Denver, CO), S. 1351 - 1354, Juni 1997.
R.H. Raßhofer, A. Stiller, M.O. Thieme, H. Schulz and E. M. Biebl, „A Broadband Heterodyne Measurement Setup for Active Millimeter Wave Integrated An-tennas,“ in 1997 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Denver, CO), S. 1459 - 1462, Juni 1997.
E. M. Biebl, „Integrated Active Antennas on Silicon,“, eingeladener Beitrag in 1997 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. Digest, (Natal, Brasilien), S. 279 - 284, August 1997.
R. Nitsche, R. Titz and E. M. Biebl, „Open Structure Corner Cube Mixer with Movable Roof-Top Reflector Integrated Diode and Low Noise Amplifier,“ in Proc. Fifth International Workshop on Terahertz Electronics, (Grenoble, Frankreich), 18.-19. September 1997.
M. Singer and E. M. Biebl, „Entwurf planarer Antennenstrukturen für integrierte Millimeterwellenschaltungen,“ in Kleinheubacher Berichte 39, S. 51–60, 1996.
G. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „Bestimmung der komplexen Permittivi-tät und Permeabilität mit Hilfe der Freiraummethode im Millimeterwellenbereich,“ in Kleinheubacher Berichte 39, S. 199–208, 1996.
M. Thieme and E. M. Biebl, „Analytic Calculation of Surface Wave Excitation in Planar Millimeter Wave Antennas,“ in 1996 Digest USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, (Baltimore, MD), S. 331, Juli 1996.
R. Nitsche, R. Titz and E. M. Biebl, „Quasi-Planar Schottky Diode Design,“ in Proc. Seventh International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, (Charlottesville, VA, USA), S. 488–493, März 1996.
T. Pfeifer, T. Löffler, R. Martini, H.G. Roskos, H. Kurz, M. Singer and E. M. Biebl, „Spatial Mapping of the Near-Field Radiation Pattern of a 7 GHz Planar Resonator,“ in 1996 CLEO Conf. on Laser and Electrooptics Digest, (Anaheim, CA), S. 137–138, 1996.
M. Singer, A. Stiller, K.M. Strohm, J.F. Luy and E. M. Biebl, „A SIMMWIC 76 GHz Front-End with High Polarization Purity,“ in 1996 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (San Francisco, CA), S. 223-226, Juni 1996.
G. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „A Broadband Free-Space Dielectric Properties Measurement System at Millimeter Wavelength,“ in Proc. CPEM Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement, (Braunschweig), S. 210–211, Juli 1996.
M. Thieme and E. M. Biebl, „Calculation of Green´s Function of Layered Structures Using a Singular Value Decomposition Prony’s Method,“ in Proc. 1996 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Innsbruck, Österreich), S. 505, Juli 1996.
M. Singer, T. Pfeifer, T. Löffler, H.G. Roskos, H. Kurz and E. M. Bi-ebl, „Nearfield Calculation of Planar Antennas Using the Electric Field Integral Equa-tion,“ in Proc. 1996 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Innsbruck, Österreich), S. 550, Juli 1996.
G. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „A Corrugated Horn Antenna for Gaus-sian Beam Optics at Millimeter Wave Length,“ in Proc. 1996 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Innsbruck, Österreich), S. 620, Juli 1996.
M. Singer, J.F. Luy, A. Stiller, K.M. Strohm and E. M. Biebl, „FM Noise and Synchronization Behavior of a SIMMWIC 76.5 GHz Front-End,“ in 1996 WRI Symposium Digest, (New York, NY), 1996.
R. Nitsche, R. Titz and E. M. Biebl, „Open Structure Corner Cube Mixer with Planar Integrated Diode and Amplifier,“ in Proc. Fourth International Work-shop on Terahertz Electronics, (Erlangen, Germany), Paper 8-1, September 1996.
M. Singer, G.L. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „Analyse planarer Schlitz-antennen auf Hohlraumresonatoren mit dielektrischer Füllung,“ Kleinheubacher Berichte 38, S. 289–298, 1995.
A. Stiller, M. Thieme and E. M. Biebl, „Polarisationsselektive Anten-nenkonzepte für monolithisch integrierte Millimeterwellenschaltungen,“ in Kleinheuba-cher Berichte 38, S. 299–305, 1995.
A. Stiller, M. Singer, K.M. Strohm and E. M. Biebl, „Characterization of planar resonators by means of integrated SCHOTTKY diodes“, in 1995 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Orlando, FL), S. 1151–1154, Mai 1995.
M. Singer, G.L. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, „Effiziente numerische Be-rechnung der Reaktionsintegrale im Ortsbereich für Hohlleiterresonatoren,“ in Proc. 1995 Microwave and Optics Symp. (MIOP), (Sindelfingen, Germany), S. 88–94, Mai 1995.
A. Stiller, M. Singer, K.M. Strohm and E. M. Biebl, „Charakterisierung der Eingangsimpedanz planarer Antennenstrukturen mit Hilfe von SCHOTTKY-Dioden,“ in Proc. 1995 Microwave and Optics Symp. (MIOP), (Sindelfingen, Germany), S. 517–522, Mai 1995.
R.G. Nitsche, J. Preißner and E. M. Biebl, ''A free space technique for measuring the complex permittivity and permeability in the millimeter wave range,'' in 1994 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (San Diego, CA), S. 1465–1468, 1994.
G. Friedsam and E. M. Biebl, ''Analysis of planar slot antennas backed by rectangular cavities,'' eingeladener Beitrag in 1994 Proc. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symp.(PIERS), (Noordwijk, Niederlande), S. 165, 1994.
M.O. Thieme and E. M. Biebl, ''Theoretical and experimental analysis of surface wave excitation in planar slot antennas,'' URSI Meeting 1994, (Seattle, WA), 1994.
P. Russer, E. M. Biebl and W. Heinrich, „Planar millimeterwave circuits on silicon,“ eingeladener Beitrag zu International Workshop of the German IEEE Joint MTT/AP Chapter on Silicon Based High Frequency Devices and Circuits, (Günzburg, Germany), S. 1–15, 10./11. November 1994.
A. Stiller, M. Thieme, E. M. Biebl, W. Wollitzer and J.-F. Luy, „A dual fed coplanar resonator for monolithic integration,“ International Workshop of the German IEEE Joint MTT/AP Chapter on Silicon Based High Frequency Devices and Circuits, (Günzburg, Germany), S. 24–27, 10./11. November 1994.
M. Singer, J. Buechler and E. M. Biebl, „Slot Antenna in a monolithi-cally integrated dielectric-filled cavity resonator,“ International Workshop of the German IEEE Joint MTT/AP Chapter on Silicon Based High Frequency Devices and Circuits, (Günzburg, Germany), S. 30–36, 10./11. November 1994.
E. M. Biebl and H. Ostner, „Impedanzverhalten und Abstrahleigen-schaften planarer Schlitzantennen,“ Kleinheubacher Berichte 36, S. 25–33, 1993.
H. Ostner and E. M. Biebl, „Planar slot antennas backed by a ground plane,“ in 1993 IEEE Int. AP-S Antennas and Propagation Symposium, (Ann Arbor, Michigan), S. 612-615, 1993.
E. M. Biebl, J. Müller and H. Ostner, „Analysis of planar millimeter wave slot antennas using a spectral domain approach,“ 1992 IEEE MTT–S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, (Albuquerque, New Mexico), S. 381–384, 1992.
H. Ostner, T. Ostertag and E. M. Biebl, „Calculation of the impedance of planar slot antennas,“ 1992 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conf. Digest, (Adelaide, Australien), S. 137–140, 1992.
E. M. Biebl, K. Anemogiannis, R. Weigel and P. Russer, „High per-formance mobile communication front–ends in the GHz range using low loss SAW–filters,“ 1991 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. Digest, (Orlando, Florida), S. 55–58, 1991.
E. M. Biebl and P. Russer, „Analysis of the acoustooptic interaction in proton-exchanged lithium niobate,“ 1990 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. Digest, (Honolulu, Hawaii), S. 599–604, 1990.
E. M. Biebl, P. H. Russer and K. Anemogiannis, „SAW propagation on proton-exchanged lithium niobate,“ 1989 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. Digest, (Mon-treal, Kanada), S. 281–284, 1989.