Mahmoud, A.; Gagliardi, A.; Lugli, P.: Atomistic study of three-leg molecular devices. Organic Electronics Volume 24, September 2015, Pages 37–42 2015-05 , 2015, 37--42 more… BibTeX
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Zahir, A.; Pulimeno, A.; Demarchi, D.; Graziano, M.; Piccinini, G.; Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.; Graziano, M.: Modular framework for molecular-FET device-to-circuit modeling. Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) , 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on , IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2015Rome, Italy, 27-30 July 2015 2015-07 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Gagliardi, A.; Lugli, P.: Theoretical Study on Conductance Switching of Single-Molecule Devices. Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 14th IEEE Conference on, 1--4 (2014) , IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2014Toronto, Canada, Aug 18 - 21, 2014 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.: Towards Circuit Modeling of Molecular Devices. Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:13 , Issue: 3 ) , 2014, 510 - 516 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.: Atomistic study on dithiolated oligo-phenylenevinylene gated device. Journal of Applied Physics 116, 204504 (2014) , 2014 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.: Single-molecule electronic. In: Mahmoud, A.Single-molecule electronic. TUM, 2014 more… BibTeX
Rührmair, U.; Xu, X.; Sölter, J.; Mahmoud, A.; Majzoobi, M.; Koushanfar, F.; Burleson, W.: Efficient Power and Timing Side Channels for Physical Unclonable Functions. Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems--CHES 2014, LNCS 8731 476--492 (2014) , 2014Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany more… BibTeX
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Schukfeh, I.; Storm, K.; Mahmoud, A.; Sondergaard, R.R.; Szwajca, A.; Hansen, A.; Hinze, P.; Weimann, T.; Svensson, S.F.; Bora, A.; Dick, K.A.; Thelander, C.; Krebs, F.C.L.P.; Samuelson, L.; Tornow, M.: Bridging Electronic Barriers in InAs-Nanowires with Oligo(phenylene vinylene) Molecular Wires. 2014 MRS Spring Meeting (2014) , 2014San Francisco CA USA, Apr 21 - 25, 2014 2014-04 more… BibTeX
Zahir, A.; Mahmoud, A.; Pulimeno, A.; Graziano, M.; Piccinini, G.; Lugli, P.: Hierarchical Modeling of OPV-based CrossbarArchitectures. Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 14th IEEE Conference on, 1--5 (2014) , IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2014Toronto, Canada, Aug 18 - 21, 2014 more… BibTeX
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Lugli, P.; Mahmoud, A.; Csaba, G.; Algasinger, M.; Stutzmann, Ma.; Ruhrmaier, U.;: Physical unclonable functions based on crossbar arrays for cryptographic applications. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 41, 2013, 619-633 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.: First-Principles Study of a Novel Molecular Rectifier. Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:12 , Issue: 5 ) , 2013, 719 - 724 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.;: Study on molecular devices with negative differential resistance. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 033506 (2013), 2013 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, PL.: Influence of Doping Variation on the Transport Behavior of Aviram-Ratner Molecular Diodes. Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2013 13th IEEE Conference on , IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2013Beijing, China, Aug 05 - 08, 2013 more… BibTeX
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Rührmair, U.; Xu, X.; Sölter, J.; Mahmoud, M.; Koushanfar, F.; Burleson, W.: Power and Timing Side Channels for PUFs and their Efficient Exploitation. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2013, 851 (2013) 20131220:113813, 2013 more… BibTeX
Schukfeh, M.I.; Storm, K.; Mahmoud, A.; Sondergaard, R.R.; Szwajca, A.; Hansen, A.; Hinze, P.; Weimann, T.; Svensson, S.F.; Bora, A.; Dick, K.A.; Thelander, C.; Krebs, F.C.; Lugli, P.; Samuelson, L.; Tornow, M.;: Conductance Enhancement of InAs/InP Heterostructure Nanowires by Surface Functionalization with Oligo (phenylene vinylene)s. ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (5), pp 4111–4118 2013-04, 2013, 4111 - 4118 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.;: Transport characterization of a gated molecular device with negative differential resistance. 12th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 20121-5 more… BibTeX
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Mahmoud, A.; Lugli, P.;: Designing the rectification behavior of molecular diodes. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 113720 (2012), 2012 more… BibTeX
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