Technical University of Munich
Professorship for Neuroengineering Materials (Prof. Kozielski)
Office hours: by appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Aleksandra obtained her bachelor's degree in materials engineering from the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, where she researched lead free piezoelectric bismuth sodium titanate nanoparticles for energy harvesting. In 2018, she was admitted to the Politecnico di Milano as one of the talented international students, winning a merit based scholarship. She did her master's degree at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, supervised by Professor Kristen Kozielski, with whom she is currently doing her PhD. Aleksandra's current field of research is the synthesis of magnetoelectric nanoparticles for neural stimulation management. Aleksandra is fluent in Serbian, English, Italian, and Spanish. Apart from langagues, Aleksandra enjoys baking and playing video games.