Interdisciplinary project for computer scientists

Lecturer (assistant)
TermSommersemester 2019
DatesSee TUMonline


The interdisciplinary project contains a practical part and one of the following lectures with an exam: Optomechatronical Measurement Systems, Photonic Measurement Systems, Space Electronics for Sensor Systems or Fiber-optic sensors and their applications .


Interdisciplinary Student Project

Please, arrange first with the suitable responsible person of the concrete research area the exact subject.
Then, the Interdisciplinary Project can be realized.

Subjects to be available:

Organisational matters:

  • Subjects are consecutive.
  • Procedure of IDP: IDP is divided in 2 sections: 1) preparing lecture (3 SWS). 2) practical part: treatment of the subject, written report, presentation of approx. 10 min. The timeframe is flexible
    planned by / with the supervisor: spread over the term, condensed in the term or in semester break.
  • Important: it is required to attend the preparing lecture and to pass it, ideally before starting the practical part. Only in exceptional case it is allowed to start first with the practical part. It is advisible to check out
    the lecture with the supervisor.

Please have a look at our completed theses!