Lab design and practical realization of a voltage converter
Lecturer (assistant) | |
Number | 0000006078 |
Type | practical training |
Duration | 5 SWS |
Term | Wintersemester 2023/24 |
Language of instruction | German |
Position within curricula | See TUMonline |
Dates | See TUMonline |
- 18.10.2023 11:00-12:00 N5325, Seminarraum , Kick-Off für Praktikum. Teilnahme verpflichtend für Fixplatzvergabe
Admission information
See TUMonline
Note: Die Teilnehmerliste ist vorerst auf 16 Teilnehmer beschränkt. Es wird 2 Labortage geben, an denen jeweils 4x 2er Teams ins Labor können und Tutorstunden stattfinden. Diese Tage werden während des Kick-Off Termins festgelegt. D.h. jede Gruppe kann 1x pro Woche ganztägig das Elektroniklabor nutzen. Fixplätze werden während der Kick-Off Veranstalung vergeben. Die Teilnhame daran ist deshalb verpflichtend. Sollten mehr als 16 Studierende anwesend sein, werden die Plätze in folgender Reihenfolge vergeben: - Studenten höheren Fachsemesters haben Vorrang - First-Come-First-Serve Prinzip (Anmeldezeit) vergeben.
Note: Die Teilnehmerliste ist vorerst auf 16 Teilnehmer beschränkt. Es wird 2 Labortage geben, an denen jeweils 4x 2er Teams ins Labor können und Tutorstunden stattfinden. Diese Tage werden während des Kick-Off Termins festgelegt. D.h. jede Gruppe kann 1x pro Woche ganztägig das Elektroniklabor nutzen. Fixplätze werden während der Kick-Off Veranstalung vergeben. Die Teilnhame daran ist deshalb verpflichtend. Sollten mehr als 16 Studierende anwesend sein, werden die Plätze in folgender Reihenfolge vergeben: - Studenten höheren Fachsemesters haben Vorrang - First-Come-First-Serve Prinzip (Anmeldezeit) vergeben.
After completion the students are able to design a circuit for a certain application. Therefore they have learnt to plan, simulate and measure electronic signals and evaluate the results.
The goal of the lab course is to regulate a switched voltage regulator (Buck-Converter). There is a predesigned demoboard with all the power electronics. The control algorithm is implemented with a XMC1100 Microcontroller from Infineon. The XCM1100 has an Arduino IDE which can be easily programmed. Therefore no programming skills are required.
The lab starts with easy setups like a blinking LED ("Hello World") and reading voltage levels of different Sensors at the ADC. These exercises help to understand the schematics of the PCB. After the Intro the students have to understand how a Buck works and have to design a digital controller. Therefore matlab software is used. Afterwards different measurements regarding the evaluation of the performance. Here the students learn how to use labor equipment like a power supply or oscilloscope.
The lab starts with easy setups like a blinking LED ("Hello World") and reading voltage levels of different Sensors at the ADC. These exercises help to understand the schematics of the PCB. After the Intro the students have to understand how a Buck works and have to design a digital controller. Therefore matlab software is used. Afterwards different measurements regarding the evaluation of the performance. Here the students learn how to use labor equipment like a power supply or oscilloscope.
Festkörper-, Halbleiter- und Bauelementephysik; Elektronische Schaltungen; Regelungstechnik 1
Teaching and learning methods
The work is done in groups of two people. There will be a script with all the exercises and a tutor will supervise the students partially.
Due to Covid-19 there will be regulation of participants at max. 4x2 people on one date. Dependent on the amount of registrations there will be more dates but maximum 4 dates (4 dates x 8 people = 32 max.). Two dates will be held for sure the others cannot be guaranteed. Every student has to sign a letter in which he or she confirm that there is no infection with Covid-19 (or symptoms) and the risk of getting infected during the lab course is not zero.
Due to Covid-19 there will be regulation of participants at max. 4x2 people on one date. Dependent on the amount of registrations there will be more dates but maximum 4 dates (4 dates x 8 people = 32 max.). Two dates will be held for sure the others cannot be guaranteed. Every student has to sign a letter in which he or she confirm that there is no infection with Covid-19 (or symptoms) and the risk of getting infected during the lab course is not zero.
The course will be carried out in the lab.
The exam will be a independently written report about the results of the different exercises in form of Screenshots, schematics or simulation results. The report should be around 10 pages (without pictures). In the end the students should show their results also in a practical setup and show their working controller (15 min).
The exam will be a independently written report about the results of the different exercises in form of Screenshots, schematics or simulation results. The report should be around 10 pages (without pictures). In the end the students should show their results also in a practical setup and show their working controller (15 min).
Recommended literature
R. W. Erickson, D. Maksimović, "Fundamentals of Power Electronics"