
(FKZ: 031B0962)
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in Germany, causing a total of approximately 40% of all deaths. Tailoring treatment to the individual cardiovascular patient has revolutionized cancer therapy, but personalized medicine has yet to make much headway in the treatment of cardiovascular disease
Main question:
Are mini thrombi a functional blood cell biomarker and therefore a opportunity to determine patient risks? Does this support preventive medicine, monitoring of CVD patients, and their therapy?
Our Vision:
• Early detection of patients with cardiovascular risk
• High-resolution and high-contrast imaging of mini thrombi through a novel microscopy technique
Previous results:
• Taking personalized medicine to heart. Nat Med 24, 113 (2018)
• Swirski, F.: Platelets have a dangerous hold over immune cells in cardiovascular disease. Nature 577, 323-324, (2020).
Details of the funding initiative :
Go-Bio-initial (BMBF) as a two-stage funding initiative (exploratory/feasibility phase) www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/bekanntmachung-2722.html
Heinz-Nixdorf-Chair of Biomedical Electronics: oliver.hayden@tum.de; christian.klenk@tum.de
Chair for Data Processing: stefan.roehrl@tum.de