Practical Course Methods of Biomedical Engineering (Praktikum Methoden der Biomedizinischen Elektronik) Modulkennung/ID: folgt (neu)LV-Nr.: 0000003018
Content | · the rules of scientific protocol writing and good laboratory practise, · basic laborartory methods (such as pipetting, weighing, stoichiometric · basic statistical methods of planning and evaluating experiments · methods of cell- and tissue culture, · basic amplifier circuits for recording of biosignals and for sensors, · basics and applications of bioimpedance measurements. |
Format | Practical course with integrated lectures and exercises |
Language | German/English |
Dozenten | Dr. Martin Brischwein, Dr. Shilpi Pandey |
Credits | 5 ECTS |
SWS | 3 SWS |
Semester | SoSe/WiSe |
Time | Kickoff: Monday, 19.10.2023, 16:00 - 16:30 (Attendance is a prerequisite for participation) |
Place | Kickoff: TranslaTUM, seminar room second floor (22.2.29), Einsteinstraße 25 |
Examination | The students will write evaluated protocols to the experimental parts. They will give 15-min team presentations to demonstrate their achievements of the learning results. In these presentations, they will review, discuss, and compare experimental findings to theoretical predictions and expections. |