Publications 2013
[1] | S. B. Adrian, T. F. Eibert and F. P. Andriulli: Advanced Preconditioning Techniques for the Electric Field Integral Equation URSI Commission B Workshop on Electromagnetic Fields, Insel Poel, Germany, March 2013. |
[2] | S. B. Adrian, T. F. Eibert and F. P. Andriulli: Hierarchical Regularization of the EFIE Without the Search for Global Loops IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, USA, July 2013. |
[3] | S. B. Adrian, T. F. Eibert and F. P. Andriulli: Primal and Dual Graph Haar Bases for the Hierarchical Regularization of the EFIE on Unstructured Meshes International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, September 2013. |
[4] | H. Azodi, U. Siart and T. Eibert: A Fast Three-Dimensional Deterministic Ray Tracing Coverage Simulator for a 24 GHz Anti-Collision Radar Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 11, No. 4, pages 55 - 60, 2013. |
[5] | R. Brem and T. F. Eibert: Accurate Multi-Antenna Receive Signal Computations for Ray Tracing IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, USA, July 2013. |
[6] | H. Chen, T. F. Eibert and W. Che: Driven Eigenproblem Computation for 2D Periodic Structures 34th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2013. |
[7] | H. Chen, T. F. Eibert and W. Che: The Driven Eigenproblem Computation in Periodic Structure Accelerated with Brenttextquoterights Method IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 7, No. 5, pages 325 - 331, 2013. |
[8] | C. Cherif, A. Nocke, U. Faz, U. Siart and T. Eibert: Non-Contact Characterization of Textile Material Compounds by Microwave Resonator Measurements 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Dresden, Germany, May 2013. |
[9] | C. Chwala, H. Kunstmann and U. Siart: A Dual-Frequency Dual-Polarization Monostatic Microwave Transmission Experiment for Precipitation and Humidity Observation 11th International Precipitation Conference (IPC), Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 2013. |
[10] | T. Ciric, Z. Marinkovic, V. Markovic, M. Milijic, O. Pronic-Rancic and L. Vietzorreck: Efficient Modelling of an RF MEMS Capacitive Shunt Switch with Artificial Neural Networks URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013. |
[11] | V. Dordjevi'c, O. Proni'c-Ranvci'c, Z. Marinkovi'c, M. Miliji'c, V. Markovi'c, U. Siart, C. Chwala and H. Kunstmann: ANN Applications in Detection of Precipitation Based on the Received Signal Level of Commercial Microwave Links 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), Niv s, Serbia, October 2013. |
[12] | M. A. Eberspächer and T. F. Eibert: Dispersion Analysis of Complex Periodic Structures by Full-Wave Solution of Even-Odd-Mode Excitation Problems for Single Unit Cells IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, No. 12, pages 6075 - 6083, December 2013. |
[13] | M. A. Eberspächer and T. F. Eibert: Bloch Mode Analysis by Even-Odd-Mode Simulations 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013. |
[14] | T. Eibert: Universitätsstudium: Breites Grundlagenwissen mit grosser Methodenkompetenz zur Lösung komplexer Aufgaben Arbeitsmarkt Elektrotechnik Informationstechnik, Berlin, Germany, VDE Verlag, pages 45 - 48, 2013. |
[15] | T. F. Eibert: Dispersion Analysis of Periodic Structures by Solving Excitation Problems in the Domain of the Eigenvalue and by Even/Odd mode Excitation Workshop on Electromagnetic Theory, Modeling, and Simulation, Chengdu, China, June 2013. |
[16] | T. F. Eibert, R. A. M. Mauermayer, G. Schnattinger, M. A. Qureshi, O. Wiedenmann, T. Fritzel, A. Geise, C. Schmidt and H. Steiner: Inverse Equivalent Current Methods Based on Equivalent Currents, Equivalent Plane Waves, and Equivalent Spherical Harmonics 35th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antenna and Free Space RF Measurements, Noordwijk, Netherlands, September 2013. |
[17] | T. F. Eibert and M. A. Eberspächer: Analysis and Design of Composite Right/Left-Handed Periodic Waveguides and Leaky-Wave Antennas by Even/Odd-Mode Techniques Microwave Metamaterial Concepts, Circuits, and Applications: Workshop at European Microwave Week, Nuremberg, Germany, October 2013. |
[18] | U. Faz, U. Siart, T. Eibert, T. Hermann and M. Ueding: Improved Electric Field Distribution by Utilizing Profiled Dielectric Inserts Inside Cavity Resonators with Through-Opening for Material Stream Evaluation Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2013. |
[19] | S. A. Figur, V. Ziegler, F. van Raay, R. Quay and L. Vietzorreck: RF MEMS Variable Matching Networks for Multi-Band and Multi-Mode GaN Power Amplifiers European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), Nuremberg, Germany, October 2013. |
[20] | S. A. Figur, F. van Raay, R. Quay, L. Vietzorreck and V. Ziegler: Simulation of RF MEMS Based Matching Networks and a Single Pole Double Throw Switch for Multiband T/R Modules Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 11, No. 4, pages 197 - 206, 2013. |
[21] | T. Fritzel, A. Geise, C. Schmidt, H. Steiner, T. Eibert, O. Wiedenmann and M. Paquay: Concept of a Portable Antenna Measurement System for Large-Scale and Multi-Contour Near-Fields 35th ESA Antenna Workshop on Antenna and Free Space RF Measurements, Noordwijk, Netherlands, September 2013. |
[22] | M. E. Gruber and T. F. Eibert: An Accuracy Comparison of Various Surface Integral Equations for Cavity Modeling 29th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Conference, Monterey, California, USA, March 2013. |
[23] | M. E. Gruber and T. F. Eibert: Simulation of Reverberation Chambers Using Method of Moments with Cavity Greentextquoterights Function and Spectral Domain Factorization IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Denver, USA, August 2013. |
[24] | M. E. Gruber, S. B. Adrian and T. F. Eibert: A Finite Element Boundary Integral Formulation Using Cavity Green's Function and Spectral Domain Factorization for Simulation of Reverberation Chambers International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Turin, Italy, September 2013. |
[25] | E. Kılıç, U. Siart, O. Wiedenmann, U. Faz, R. Ramakrishnan, P. Saal and T. F. Eibert: (doi) Cavity Resonator Measurement of Dielectric Materials Accounting for Wall Losses and a Filling Hole IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 62, No. 2, pages 401 - 407, February 2013. |
[26] | E. Kılıç and T. F. Eibert: An Inverse Scattering Technique Based on Finite Element - Boundary Integral Method 34th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2013. |
[27] | E. Kılıç, G. Schnattinger, U. Siart and T. Eibert: Electromagnetic Modelling of Material Loaded Cavity Resonators with a Filling Hole for Complex Resonant Frequency Determination URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013. |
[28] | T. Kim and L. Vietzorreck: Development of a Tunable Antenna Using RF-MEMS Based CRLH-Transmission Lines 21st International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECom), Dubrovnik, Kroatia, October 2013. |
[29] | A. Kirschner, U. Siart, J. Gütlein and J. Detlefsen: A Design Algorithm for MIMO Radar Antenna Setups with Minimum Redundancy International IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2013. |
[30] | C. Koenen, M. Gruber and T. F. Eibert: Computation of the Rectangular Cavity Green's Function Using the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform and a Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2013. |
[31] | L. Li, K. Wang, H. Li and T. Eibert: Analytical Finite Element Matrix Elements and Global Matrix Assembly for Hierarchical 3D Vector Basis Functions within the Hybrid Finite Element Boundary Integral Method Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2013. |
[32] | Z. Marinkovic, T. Kim, V. Markovic, M. Milijic, O. Pronic- Rancic and L. Vietzorreck: RF MEMS Modeling with Artificial Neural Networks 14th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems (MEMSWAVE), Potsdam, Germany, July 2013. |
[33] | Z. Marinkovic, T. Ciric, T. Kim, L. Vietzorreck, O. Pronic-Rancic, M. Milijic and V. Markovic: ANN Based Inverse Modeling of RF MEMS Capacitive Switches 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), Niv s, Serbia, October 2013. |
[34] | Z. Marinkovic, M. Milijic, O. Pronic-Rancic, V. Markovic, T. Kim and L. Vietzorreck: Modelovanje Parametara Rasejanja Kapacitivnih RF MEMS Prekidaca Pomocu Neuronskih Mrev za Konferencije za ETRAN, Zlatibor, Serbia, June 2013. |
[35] | R. A. M. Mauermayer and T. F. Eibert: (doi) A Fully Probe Corrected Near-Field Far-Field Transformation Technique Employing Plane-Wave Synthesis Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 11, pages 47 - 54, 2013. |
[36] | R. A. M. Mauermayer, G. Schnattinger and T. F. Eibert: Antenna Diagnostic, Echo Suppression and Equivalent Sources Representation Capabilities of the Fast Irregular Antenna Field Transformation Algorithm 35th Annual Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) Symposium, Columbus, USA, October 2013. |
[37] | M. S. L. Mocker, R. Brem and T. F. Eibert: Ray Tracing with Improved Accuracy for Virtual Drive Simulation EURO-COST IC1004 TD(13)06023, Malaga, Spain, February 2013. |
[38] | S. Di Nardo, P. Farinelli, T. Kim, R. Marcelli, B. Margesin, E. Paola, D. Pochesci, L. Vietzorreck and F. Vitulli: Design of RF MEMS Based Switch Matrix for Space Applications Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 11, No. 4, pages 143 - 152, 2013. |
[39] | M. A. Qureshi, C. H. Schmidt and T. F. Eibert: Adaptive Rectangular Spiral Acquisition Technique for Planar Near-Field Antenna Measurements 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013. |
[40] | M. A. Qureshi, C. H. Schmidt and T. F. Eibert: Near-Field Error Analysis for Arbitrary Scanning Grids Using Fast Irregular Antenna Field Transformation Algorithm Progress in Electromagnetics Research B (PIER B), Vol. 48, pages 197 - 220, January 2013. |
[41] | M. A. Qureshi, C. H. Schmidt and T. F. Eibert: Adaptive Sampling in Spherical and Cylindrical Near-Field Antenna Measurements IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 55, pages 243 - 249, February 2013. |
[42] | M. A. Qureshi, C. H. Schmidt and T. F. Eibert: Cylindrical Near-Field Acquisition with an Efficient Sampling Representation along with Direct Near-Field Far-Field Transformation 29th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Conference, Monterey, California, USA, March 2013. |
[43] | M. A. Qureshi, C. H. Schmidt and T. F. Eibert: Efficient Near-Field Far-Field Transformation for Nonredundant Sampling Representation on Arbitrary Surfaces in Near-Field Antenna Measurements IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, pages 2025 - 2033, April 2013. |
[44] | G. Schattinger and T. F. Eibert: 3D Dyadic Point Spread Functions for Electromagnetic Imaging Based on Analytical Integral Solutions Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) B, Vol. 58, pages 1 - 17, 2013. |
[45] | G. Schnattinger, C. Lopez, E. Kılıç c and T. Eibert: Fast Near-Field Far-Field Transformation for Phaseless and Irregular Antenna Measurement Data Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2013. |
[46] | G. Schnattinger, R. A. M. Mauermayer and T. F. Eibert: Fast Monostatic RCS Prediction from Monofrequent Near-Field Data Performing Plane Wave Based Near-Field Far-Field Transformation 35th European Space Agency (ESA) on Antenna Workshop on Antenna and Free Space RF Measurements, Noordwijk, Netherlands, September 2013. |
[47] | G. Schnattinger, R. A. M. Mauermayer and T. F. Eibert: Transformation of Monostatic Near-Field Scattering Data by Fast Irregular Field Transformation Algorithms 35th Annual Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) Symposium, Columbus, USA, October 2013. |
[48] | G. Schnattinger and T. F. Eibert: Iterative Solution of the 3D Full Vectorial Inverse Source Problem 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013. |
[49] | G. Schnattinger and T. F. Eibert: Analytic Point Spread Functions for 3D Full Vectorial Inverse Source Imaging URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2013. |
[50] | U. Siart, T. Wächter and S. Bonerz: Radarbasierte Kollisionsverhütung in der Werkzeugmaschine MM Maschinenmarkt, No. 28/29, pages 53 - 55, July 2013. |
[51] | T. Spreng, U. Prechtel, B. Schönlinner, A. Meusling, U. Siart and V. Ziegler: UWB Near-Field MIMO Radar: Calibration, Measurements and Image Reconstruction European Radar Conference (EuRAD), Nuremberg, Germany, October 2013. |
[52] | A. Tag, J. Leinhos, G. Hechtfischer, M. Leibfritz and T. Eibert: 1mm Coaxial Matches with an Excellent Absorption Behavior over the Frequency Range: 0-110 GHz European Microwave Conference, Nuremberg, Germany, October 2013. |
[53] | S. Tooni, T. F. Eibert, M. Tayarani and L. Vietzorreck: Dispersion Analysis of Open Periodic Structures Using Reflection Pole Method 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013. |
[54] | L. Vietzorreck and T. Kim: RF MEMS Based Systems for Space Communications 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), Niv s, Serbia, October 2013. |
[55] | L. Vietzorreck and T. Kim: Efficient Modelling of Finite Periodicity with the Method of Lines Computational Electromagnetics Workshop (CEM), Izmir, Turkey, August 2013. |
[56] | T. Wächter, U. Siart, T. Eibert and S. Bonerz: Multi-Sensor Doppler Radar for Machine Tool Collision Detection Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2013. |
[57] | K. Wang, L. Li, T. F. Eibert and S. Tooni: Equivalent Circuits of Compact Monopole Arrays Based on Scattering Parameters 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013. |
[58] | K. Wang, L. Li and T. F. Eibert: (doi) Comparison of Compact Monopole Antenna Arrays With Eigenmode Excitation and Multiport Conjugate Matching IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, No. 8, pages 4054 - 4062, August 2013. |
[59] | K. Wang, L. Li and T. F. Eibert: A Highly Compact Four-Element Monopole Array with One-Layer Decoupling and Matching Network IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, USA, July 2013. |
[60] | O. Wiedenmann and T. F. Eibert: A Novel Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for the Solution of Boundary Integral Equations IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, USA, July 2013. |
[61] | O. Wiedenmann and T. F. Eibert: (doi) The Effect of Near-Zone Preconditioning on Electromagnetic Integral Equations of First and Second Kind Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 11, pages 61 - 65, July 2013. |
[62] | O. Wiedenmann, R. Ramakrishnan, E. Kılıç c, P. Saal, U. Siart and T. Eibert: Local Microwave Heating as a Means to Overcome Design Limitations in Metal Casting Processes Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2013. |
[63] | K. Yinusa and T. F. Eibert: Multi-Probe Measurement Technique for Echo Suppression in Near-Field Measurements 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2013. |
[64] | K. A. Yinusa and T. F. Eibert: Echo Suppression by Means of Multi-probe Antenna Measurements 35th Annual Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) Symposium, Columbus, USA, October 2013. |
[65] | K. A. Yinusa and T. F. Eibert: (doi) A Multi-Probe Antenna Measurement Technique with Echo Suppression Capability IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, No. 10, pages 5008 - 5016, October 2013. |
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