The “Best Measurement Paper Award” was given to Josef Knapp, Jonas Kornprobst, and Prof. Thomas Eibert at the “European Conference on Antennas and…
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Antennas are crucial in our everyday life. They are needed in mobile communication, air traffic control, and satellite technology. With his research…
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Dr.-Ing. Josef Knapp is awarded the lecturer award 2022 in the category "best assistent" by the faculty student council of Electrical and Computer…
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Josef Knapp is awarded with the VDE ITG dissertation award for his dissertation "Antenna Field Measurements and Transformations in Arbitrary Echoic…
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The "Best Measurement Paper Award" was given to Josef Knapp, Jonas Kornprobst, and Prof. Thomas Eibert at the "European Conference on Antennas and…
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The "2019 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Award on Antenna Measurements and Applications" is presented to…
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