
Prof. Tong was invited to visit Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, USA, for its Chapter activities, and give an IEEE Distinguished…

Prof. Tong was invited to attend the "2024 Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium" annual meeting held in Orlando, Florida, USA from…

In recognition of his outstanding doctoral dissertation „Surface Source Representations for the Accurate and Stable Solution of Electromagnetic…

In recognition of his exceptional performance in research and teaching, Prof. Meisong Tong from the Tongji University in Shanghai is awarded the 65000…

Jonas Kornprobst receives "Dr. Georg Spinner Hochfrequenz Preis 2023".

Han Na won the "Best Student Paper Award at the PIERS in Prague, Czech, with his contribution "Utilization of Multiple Huygens Surfaces in Ray Tracing…

Matthias Saurer won the 3rd place on the »URSI Young Scientist Best Paper Award«.

The “Best Measurement Paper Award” was given to Josef Knapp, Jonas Kornprobst, and Prof. Thomas Eibert at the “European Conference on Antennas and…

Antennas are crucial in our everyday life. They are needed in mobile communication, air traffic control, and satellite technology. With his research…