terms and conditions
External bachelor / master thesis
Before we set up an external thesis, a signed confirmation letter (with name, address, phone number & email) of the supervisor from the company (pdf-file sent to hes(at)ei.tum.de by Email) that he will supervise and instruct you to the best possible extend and that he will adhere to the Academic and Examination Regulations of BSEI/MSEI/MSCE/MSPE https://www.cit.tum.de/cit/studium/studierende/abschlussarbeit-abschluss/elektrotechnik-informationstechnik/ . If this is done, you will send an email with your student matriculation number, start date, tentative title of your thesis and supervisor email address to to hes(at)ei.tum.de and we will register you for the thesis. You will get an Email from koinon@xcit.tum.de, where you need to confirm your registration. Please note that the koinon portal is stupid and does not allow (in most cases) to enter the correct start date. MSC-PE candidates should check at https://wiki.tum.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=876675779 for the relevant forms. Or you can send the original signed form by mail (I need the original form signed by you) or send a pdf/scan by email or leave it with the secretary. Then you can begin with your thesis. More information about the master/bachelor thesis can be obtained from here:
A template (.dotx-file) for the layout of a Bachelor or Master thesis can be downloaded here (win) or here (tex). You do not need to adhere to a specific font and font size, but the typical layout and elements are shown in the template. The frontpage is mandatory.
An example of good structured thesis with readable figures can be seen in the folder
\\nas.ads.mwn.de\tuei\hes\public\example\ (Example_Masters_Thesis_Layout_Figures_Figure_Captions.pdf).
(You need to be logged in to the TUM network to have access or use web-access https://webdisk.ads.mwn.de/ and navigate to the folder \tuei\hes\public\example\ )
Because many students make fundamental and elementary mistakes in their scientific thesis and because I was tired of having to give a lower grade just because of this, I wrote a short summary for my students in the document "Dos and Don'ts in your writing and presentation.pdf", which you also find in that folder. Please follow these guidelines.
6 month (full time) after you have started your thesis, you will submit your final version by sending
a pdf-file of your thesis (no printed version!) to the Koinon portal and to hes(at)ei.tum.de. Please share big files and/or sensitive data via https://gigamove.rwth-aachen.de/en or any other file sharing site. 1-3 weeks after final submission of your thesis, you will give a 20 minute long presentation (no mandatory format) with Q&A about your work on an individual appointment on short notice. The master thesis will be rated - the presentation not.