Hybrid Electronic Systems - Prof. Dr. Franz Kreupl
Our research has focused on the utilization of nano- and carbon-based materials in a wide range of electronic applications and circuits. Engineered functional nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes, nanowires and other carbon-based materials - like graphene or graphenic carbon materials - have the potential to significantly improve the performance of electronic devices, sensors, interconnects, energy- and information storage devices and circuits based on them. At the same time, nano- and carbon-based materials may offer a route towards a more sustainable form of materials used in engineering - a form which relies less on the precious limited natural resources. Our efforts to create new functional devices bridge classical electrical engineering and circuits with material science and physics. Meanwhile, we extended our activities to a wide range of other, more doable topics due to missing infrastructure and resources.
Unfortunately, our research infrastructure has been completely destroyed by the move to our new building in Garching and with all the resources stripped of, it will take years to rebuilt the required infrastructure from scratch.
Lena Zeitlhöfler joined our group in March. She will work towards her PhD thesis on ESD-related topics in collaboration with Infineon. We wish her a…
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On Wednesday 31.1.2018, Dr. Wolfgang Spirkl from Micron Technology, Munich Center of Excellence for High Speed DRAM Design will speak about
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Dr. Sebastian Hübner has been awarded the Rhode & Schwarz Prize 2017 of the TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for his outstanding…
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Christian Pfeffer joined our group in November. He will work towards his PhD thesis on Sensors in collaboration with Texas Instruments and Prof.…
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A new paper has been published in the open-access IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. "Graphenic Carbon: A Novel Material to Improve the…
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Prof. Kreupl will give a talk about "High Performance Metal-Silicon Junctions Based on Graphenic Carbon" at the Emerging Technologies 2017…
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In a March 2017 article "How to Successfully Overcome Inflection Points, or Long Live Moore's Law" Paolo Gargini, who is chairman of IRDS and the…
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Markus Hefele joined our group in March. He will work towards his PhD thesis on "Sensor Systems" in collaboration with Prof. Wolf. We wish him a…
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Mudussir Ayub joined our group in January. He will work towards his PhD thesis on "Pre-Silicon Power Estimation and Optimization for System Scenarios…
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The IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) with ~2000 attendees from academia and semiconductor industries is the world’s preeminent forum…
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