Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jia Chen
Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 23350
Fax: +49 (89) 289 - 23348
jia.chen [at]
Room: N1512
Jia Chen’s current research focuses on quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and understanding the metabolism of air pollutants in urban environments. Besides the development of novel, compact optical sensors, she has established the worldwide first city sensor network based on the novel method of differential column measurements (MUCCnet, This pioneering work enables long-term assessment of urban greenhouse gas emissions. A more detailed description of our research activities can be found in Research Focus
Her major research path can be summarized as follows: She has developed the differential column measurement method (Chen et al. 2016), based on which she and her team have established the worldwide first permanent urban column sensor network MUCCnet (Dietrich et al. 2021). With MUCCnet and additional in-situ measurements, they were able to discover and quantify unaccounted sources such as Oktoberfest (Chen et al. 2020, Dietrich et al. 2023) and highly underestimated sources (Forstmaier et al. 2023) in urban areas. To infer urban emissions from observations, she and her team have developed novel modeling approaches, based on Bayesian inversion, compressed sensing, computational fluid dynamics, and machine learning, that cover different scales and are particularly suited for urban application, given the highly heterogeneous landscape and source types (Toja-Silva et al. 2017; Jones et al. 2021; Zanger et al. 2022, Gensheimer et al. 2022; Zhao et al. 2023).
Her research is supported among others by ERC Consolidator Grant, EU Horizon 2020, United Nations Environment Programme, NSF, NASA, and German Research Foundation.
Jia Chen studied electrical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (Dipl.-Ing.) and was awarded a PhD with highest distinction (summa cum laude) from TUM. From 2011 to 2015 she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Environmental Science & Engineering Department at Harvard University (advisor: Steven C. Wofsy). Since 2015, Jia Chen has been Professor of Environmental Sensing and Modeling at the TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She is also Associate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University. In 2020, Prof. Chen was named as Germany’s “Top 40 unter 40” by the magazine Capital and in 2021 she was selected to be a member of the Global Young Academy, where she chairs the working group “Citizen Science for the 2030 SDG Agenda”.
Publications and Patents:
Jia Chen has authored and co-authored 2 books and 2 book chapters, 2 chapters in WMO report, 81 peer-reviewed journal publications and more than 175 conference contributions. Further, she has filed 12 patents, of which 9 are international patents. h‑index: 34, i10‑index: 73.
Complete list of patents and publications
ORCID Researchgate Dissertation
Selected Awards and Recognition:
2024 | Timothy Oke Award for original research in the field of urban climatology |
2023 | ERC Consolidator Grant |
2021 | Arnold-Sommerfeld-Award |
2021 | Member of the Global Young Academy |
2020 | Young Elite - Top 40 under 40, Capital Magazine |
2015 | Rudolf Mößbauer Fellowship |
2014 | Postdoctoral Award for Professional Development, Harvard University |
2012 | VDE/ITG Award (ceremony) |
2011 | Rohde & Schwarz Award |
2009 | Kaiser Friedrich Forschungspreis (nationwide research award in optical technology) |
2009 | Best Poster Award paper (first place) at the international conference EUROSENSORS |
2009 | Nomination for the international AMA SENSOR Innovation Award |
2009 | Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Grant Award |
2008 | IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society Graduate Student Fellowship Award |
2007 | Ernst von Siemens Promotionsstipendium |
1999 | 2nd prize in the Chinese National Mathematics Olympiad Competition |
Major Projects: | |
2023-2028 | ERC Consolidator Grant: CoSense4Climate. Role: PI |
2023-2026 | BMBF ITMS (01LK2303B): Ground-based FTIR measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO. Role: PI |
2022-2025 | EU Horizon 2020 (101037319): PAUL (Pilot application in urban landscapes towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases). Role: Scientific Lead for Munich, Task Lead for total column measurements |
2021-2024 | NASA: OCO validation and flux inversion using ground-based FTIR data from MUCCnet. Role: PI |
2021-2024 | Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs-und Technologiefonds (ESR20-030): Vienna Urban Carbon Laboratory. Role: Co-PI |
2020-2022: | Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (TLK 01U-75487): Engmaschiges NO2-Sensornetzwerk in München. Role: PI |
2020-2021: | BaCaTeC-Project (14 [2019-2]): Real-time Urban Emission Maps for Greenhouse Gases Based on Concentration Measurements. Role: PI |
2020-2021: | United Nations Environmental Programme Project: German Methane Emission Assessment in Urban Regions (German MEASURE). Role: PI |
2019-2021: | DFG Sachbeihilfe (419317138): Mesoscale Network for Monitoring Greenhouse Gas and Pollutant Emissions. Role: PI |
2019: | DFG Forschungsgroßgeräte (422614568): Differentielles Säulenmesssystem. Role: PI |
2015-2018: | NASA: Validation and Application of OCO-2 Data in the Northeastern United State. Role: Co-PI |
2013-2016: | National Science Foundation (Award #1337512): MRI: Acquisition of Mesoscale Network of Surface Sensors and Solar-tracking Spectrometers. Role: Co-PI |
Selected Media Coverage | |
02/2023 | Anthropocene: Are gas or electric appliances better for the climate? The answer is a moving target. |
01/2023 | Die Zeit: Auf der Suche nach den Klimakiller-Wolken |
05/2022 | Planet Wissen, ARD-Alpha: Methan – Das unterschätzte Klimagas (Methan in Städten) |
03/2022 | Gut zu wissen, BR Fernsehen: Die Methanjäger (Our research starts ~ 20 min) |
10/2021 | Süddeutsche Zeitung: Einzigartiger Sensor misst Treibhausgasemissionen |
10/2021 | TUM press release: Dr. Markus Söder praises cutting-edge research 'Made in Bavaria' |
10/2021 | Sat.1: Kampf gegen Klimawandel: Einzigartige Technologie an der TU München |
08/2021 | Die Zeit: Treibhausgas Methan : Wo ist das Leck? |
06/2021 | Deutschlandfunk, Forschung aktuell: Forschungsteam misst regionalen Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen |
04/2021 | Rundschau, BR Fernsehen: Wie klimaschädlich sind unsere Städte? |
03/2021 | Physics Today: Automating greenhouse gas measurements |
06/2020 | Urban Climate News (International Association for Urban Climate): How time-limited events such as Oktoberfest contribute to the global CH4 budget |
04/2020 | American Geophysical Union’s Eos Magazine: Oktoberfest’s Methane Rise Is the Wurst |
10/2019: | The Guardian: Oktoberfest produces 10 times as much methane as Boston |
09/2019: | Abendschau, BR Fernsehen: Hohe Methan-Werte auf der Wiesn |
09/2019: | Deutschlandfunk, Forschung aktuell: Erhöhte Methanwerte auf der Wiesn |
09/2019 | Der Standard: Beim Oktoberfest wird jede Menge Methan freigesetzt |
09/2019: | Süddeutsche Zeitung: Schlechte Luft |
09/2019: | Welt: Forscher messen Methan-Ausstoß in München |
09/2019 | Münchner Merkur: Moderne Messtechnik auf dem Rathausdach |
09/2018: | Focus: Erhöhter Methan-Ausstoß in München zur Wiesn-Zeit |
09/2018: | ZEIT WISSEN: "Jetzt mal ehrlich: Was liegt in der Luft, Frau Chen?" (PDF) |
05/2018: | Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Detektivarbeit für bessere Luft" |
01/2018: | Faszination Forschung 150 Jahre TUM: "Carbon Detective" |
10/2013: | VDE Youtube Channel: “Mobilität der Zukunft” |
- Umweltsensorik und Modellierung
- Advanced Seminar Environmental Sensing
- Gemeinschaftspraktikum Electromagnetic Sensors and Measurement Systems
- Lab Course Innovative Atmospheric Sensing Devices
Additional affiliations:
- Associate at Harvard University: - Member of TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering: - Member of TUM Institute of Advanced Study (IAS):
My Thesis:
- Doktorarbeit: Compact laser-spectroscopic gas sensors using Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
- Diplomarbeit: Analyse von CDMA-Verfahren für PLC auf zukünftigen Bordnetzen im Kraftfahrzeug
- Studienarbeit: Entwicklung eines VHDL-Codes zur Nachbildung eines Impulsstörerszenarios für Kfz Powerline Kanäle (Patent: DE102005063273B4)