Mission and Goals
Obtaining information is a fundamental task in our information society. Electromagnetic sensors and measuring systems are becoming increasingly important in information gathering for the precise and reliable determination of a wide variety of measured variables. The areas of application are diverse and include areas such as medicine, security technology, electromagnetic compatibility, earth research, communication, robotics and transport. Sensors and measuring systems must be designed and implemented in such a way that they meet the special requirements of the various areas of application and contribute to optimal system behavior. In order to achieve this goal, experts from sensor technology, measurement technology, electromagnetic field theory and from specific application areas such as medicine, biology, environmental technology or mechanical engineering come together under the umbrella of the research area Electromagnetic Sensors and Measurement Systems. Expertise on the topics of sensor technology, electromagnetic field theory, medical electronics, biology, signal processing, microwave technology, radar and navigation is bundled here and contributes to the realization of the electromagnetic sensors and measuring systems of the future through fundamental as well as application-oriented research.
Core Competencies
- Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- Sensor Technologies
- Reconfigurable Systems
- Measurement Techniques
- Microwave Technology
- Sensor-Related Signals and Signal Processing
Mikhail Belkin, Prof. Dr.
Norbert Hanik, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Research Areas
- Sensors (electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, optical, electro-acoustic, microelectro-mechanical, etc.)
- Sensor Arrays
- Sensor Technology
- Biosensors and Sensor Implants
- Sensor and Measurement Systems
- Multiple Sensor Systems
- Sensor Based Automatic Test Systems
- Laser Based Measurement Systems
- Optical and IR-Spectroscopy
- Radar and Radiometry
- Antenna Measurement Techniques
- EMC Measurements
- Navigation and Positioning
- Sensor-Related Signal Processing and Signal Design
Selected Projects
- ESA: Portable Antenna Measurement System (PAMS)
- EU: Passive RFID MEMS sensors
- EU: Reconfigurable sensor array
- Helmholtz Society: Regional Precipitation Observation by Cellular Network Microwave Attenuation and Application to Water Resources Management
- Helmholtz Society: Plasma Dynamical Processes and Turbulence Studies using Advanced Microwave Diagnostics
- EDA: Surveillance in an Urban environment using Mobile sensors (SUM)
- BMWi: Cooperative sensors and transponders for automotive safety applications (Ko-TAG)
- Bavarian state ministry StMWIVT: Development of a Miniaturised Infrared Oil Sensor into the On-line Analysis of Lubricants
- Industry: Car@TUM project FLEXKAB: Flexibilisierung des Fahrzeugkabelbaumes
- Industry: Anti-Collision Sensor System for Machine Tools
- Industry: Millimeter-Wave Helicopter Obstacle Warning Radar
- DFG: Integrating Microwave Link Data for Analysis of Small Scale Precipitation Variability in Complex Terrain
- DFG SFB-initiative 1061: Mechanisms of multimodal integration in Biology and Technique
- Federal ministry BMU: Dynamic Load Measurement in Rotor Blades by means of Fibre-Optical Measuring Technology