Please see the website of the TUM Emeriti of Excellence for further information on Professor Peter Russer.
Curriculum Vitae
Scientific work
The areas in which Peter Russer concentrated his academic work are diverse, encompassing high frequency engineering, electronics and optoelectronics. After writing his dissertation on the AC Josephson effect, he started work in 1971 on optical broadband data transmission at the AEG-Telefunken Research Institute in Ulm. Under his direction, the world’s first digital broadband optical fiber transmission segment was realized, with a transmission rate of 1Gbit/s; he made a fundamental contribution to the theory of noise interference in electronic circuits and broadband modulation of semiconductor lasers. In 1981, Peter Russer accepted an appointment at TUM, where he was able to influence the field of high frequency engineering significantly on a national as well as an international scale. His theoretical and experimental work covers a large area that reaches from the development of methods to calculate electromagnetic fields, through integrated microwave and millimeter wave circuitry and static noise analysis in microwave circuitry, to methods of computer-aided design of microwave circuits and antennas. His great passion for passing on knowledge is evidenced in the numerous textbooks he wrote. Peter Russer is the author of more than 900 academic publications and the holder of more than 60 patents. At university, he excelled as a teacher and researcher who often managed to combine knowledge, teaching and practice very effectively. Moreover, he was successful in founding two spin-off companies in microwave engineering and EMI measurement technology.
Short biography
1961 – 1967
Studies in electrical engineering, Vienna University of Technology
1968 – 1971
Hochschulassistent, Lehrkanzel für Physikalische Elektronik, Technische Universität WienResearch assistant, Institute for Physical Electronics, Vienna University of Technology
Doctorate, Vienna University of Technology
1971 – 1980
Research associate, AEG-Telefunken Research Institute, Ulm
1981 – 2008
Professor of high frequency engineering, TUM
1992 – 1995
Director, Ferdinand-Braun-Institute for High Frequency Technology (FBH), Berlin
Appointment to the Technische Universität Berlin
Memberships and honors
Member of the German Physical Society (DPG) (since 1971)
Member of the Austrian Physical Society (since 1971)
Member of the German Information Technology Society (ITG) (since 1974)
Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (since 1981)
Vice President (1999-2002) and President (2002-2005) of Commission D: Electronics and Photonics of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
Member of the German Research Foundation’s senate committee for Collaborative Research Centers (2000-2005)
Member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) (since 2006)
Chair of the IEEE MTT-15 Microwave Field Theory technical committee (2005-2008)
Director of the project nanoelectronics group in the nanotechnology network, acatech (since 2008)
Member of the board of directors of the European Microwave Association (1997-2004, 2007-2008)
Member of the program and organizational committees of various international conferences, such as the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium, European Microwave Conference
Visiting professorships
University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (1990)
University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (1993)
Université Toulouse ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France (2009)
Prize of the Information Technology Society (ITG) (1979)
Peter Johns Prize for the best publication in 1990 in the International Journal of Numerical Modeling (1991)
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (1994)
Distinguished educator award from the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) (2006)
Honorary doctorate from the Moscow University of Aerospace Technology, Moscow Aviation Institute (2007)
Distinguished service award from the European Microwave Association (2009)
Ring of Honor from the Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE) (2010)
Pioneer award from the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (2012)
IEEE Life Fellow (2013)
Medal of Honour from teh Association of Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE) (2016)
Fellow of the International Union of Radio Science (U.R.S.I.) (2017)
Hoffmann, Christian: Entwicklung breitbandiger Zeitbereichsmesssysteme für die Messung elektromagnetischer Störemissionen bis in den Millimeterwellenbereich. Dissertation, 2013 more…BibTeX
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Culhaoglu, Ali Eren: Microwave Metamaterials: Superlensing and Design of Low Reflection Coatings. Dissertation, 2012 more…BibTeX
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Fichtner, Nikolaus: Hybridization of the Transmission-Line-Matrix Method (TLM) with the Integral Equation Method for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Coupling. Dissertation, 2011 more…BibTeX
Yordanov, Hristomir: Wired and Wireless Inter-Chip and Intra-Chip Communications. Dissertation, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Ullrich, Christoph: Effiziente Simulationsmethoden für die Optimierung von komplexen Fahrzeugantennensystemen. Dissertation, 2009 more…BibTeX
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Huang, Libo: Theoretical and experimental investigation of the tunable mobile antenna. Model, designing procedure and measurement methods. Dissertation, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, Michael: Systematic Topological Design of Metamaterials: Scalar and Vectorial 3D Metamaterials and their Realisation. Dissertation, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Khlifi, Rachid: Hybrid Space Discretizing Method – Method of Moments for Numerical Modeling of Transient Interference. Dissertation, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Biscontini, Bruno: Network Methods Applied to Multilayered Cylindrical Radiating Structures. Dissertation, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Lukashevich, Dzianis: Model Order Reduction (MOR) in Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method. Dissertation, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Choi, Jung Han: A Si Schottky Diode Demultiplexer Circuit for High Bit Rate Fiber Optical Receivers. Dissertation, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Coccetti, Fabio: Application of System Identification (SI) to Full--Wave Time Domain Characterization of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Passive Structures. Dissertation, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, Tobias: Feldmodellierung von verteilten Mehrtorschaltungen und systematische Extraktion von Ersatzschaltungen aus konzentrierten Elementen. Dissertation, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Dudek, Damian; Russer, Peter; Kutter, Christoph; Russer, Peter; Weigel, Robert: Hidden Electronics II. VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V., 2020 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Y. V.; Baev, A. B.; Konovalyuk, M. A.; Gorbunova, A. A.; Russer, J. A.: Bit Error Rate Estimation Based on the Probabilistic Model of the Crosstalk Voltage. 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, 2020 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Y. V.; Baev, A. B.; Konovalyuk, M. A.; Gorbunova, A. A.; Russer, J. A.; Russer, P.: Cyclostationary Characterization of Radiated Emissions in Digital Electronic Devices. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 9 (4), 2020, 63--76 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Russer, Johannes A.: Autocorrelation Analysis and Near-Field Localization of the Radiating Sources With Cyclostationary Properties. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2020, 1--10 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Josephson Effect based Electronics. URSI Radio Science Letters, 2020, 1--4 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Josephson Effect based Superconducting Electronics. 2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, IEEE, 2020 more…BibTeX
Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsov, Yury; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Russer, Johannes A.: Modeling of Near-Field to Far-Field Propagator Based on the Jefimenko's Equations. 2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2019 more…BibTeX
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Hei, Yanlin; Russer, Johannes A.; Wu, Wen: A Self-Complementary Fractal Antenna with Broad Bandwidth. 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), 2019 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Konovalyuk, M.; Gorbunova, A.; Haider, M.; Russer, J. A.: Cyclostationary Source Separation Based on Electromagnetic Measurements in the Near-Field of PCB. PIERS PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS. 2019, 2019 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsov, Yury; Russer, Peter: TD Modeling of Noisy Electromagnetic Field Propagation based on Jefimenko's Equations. Proc. ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2019, 2019 more…BibTeX
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Egel, Eugen; Csaba, György; Dietz, Andreas; Breitkreutz-von Gamm, Stephan; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter; Kreupl, Franz; Becherer, Markus: Design of a 40-nm CMOS integrated on-chip oscilloscope for 5-50 GHz spin wave characterization. AIP Advances 8 (5), 2018, 056001 more…BibTeX
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Haider, M.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, J. A.: Near-Field to Far-Field Propagation of Correlation Information for Noisy Electromagnetic Fields. Proceedings of the 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2018 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsov, Yury; Russer, Johannes A.: Near-field to far-field propagation of correlation information for noisy electromagnetic fields. 2018 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Corrales, Pablo; Bajon, Damienne; Wane, Sidina; Russer, Johannes A.: Near-Field MIMO System Assessment. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes: Computer Aided Characterization of Radiated Electromagnetic Interference of Printed Circuit Boards by Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proc. of the 2nd URSI AT-RASC, 2018 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.: Computer Aided Analysis of EMI Radiated from Printed Circuit Boards. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Konovalyuk, M.; Gorbunova, A.; Haider, M.; Russer, J. A.; Russer, P.: Characterization of the cyclostationary emissions in the near-field of electronic device. 2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Konovalyuk, M.; Gorbunova, A.; Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael: Time-domain stochastic electromagnetic field propagator based on Jefimenko's equations. 2018 Baltic URSI Symposium (URSI), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Haider, Michael; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Russer, Johannes A.: Cyclostationary source separation in the near-field of electronic devices. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.: Cyclostationary Source Separation in the Near-Field of Electronic Devices. Proc. of the 2nd URSI AT-RASC, 2018 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Characterizationnof the Cyclostationary Emissions in the Near-Field of Electronic Device. Proc. European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe, 2018 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael: Time-Domain Modeling of Noisy Electromagnetic Field Propagation. Proc. of the IEEE Internationl Microwave Symposium, IMS, 2018 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Ivrlac, Michel T.; Haider, Michael; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Nossek, Josef A.: A Compact Hertzian Dipoles Multiport Model for Near-Field MIMO System Assessment. Proc. IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium (RWS), 2018 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes; Haider, Michael; Bajon, Damienne; Wane, Sidina: Near-Field MIMO System Assessment. Proc. of the 2nd URSI AT-RASC, 2018 more…BibTeX
Stanković, Zoran; Dončov, Nebojša; Milovanovi\, ́ Ivan; ́Biljana, Stoši\'; Milovanovi\'cB́ratislav; Russer, Johannes: 1D Localization of Mobile Stochastic EM Sources with Variable Radiated Power Using Two-Stage Neural Model. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Stošić, Biljana P.; Dončov, Nebojša S.; Russer, Johannes A.: Stochastics Electromagnetic Field Propagation in Multiport Devices Based on Transmission Line Segment Circuits and Wave Digital Networks. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Tran, Q. H.; Wane, S.; Terki, F.; Bajon, D.; Bousseksou, A.; Russer, J. A.; Russer, P.: Co-Design of Spin-Wave Sensors with RFIC Building Blocks for Emerging Technologies. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Johannes; Gradoni, Gabriele; Descamps, Philippe; Russer, Peter: Hybrid Static-Dynamic Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Multi-Scale Complex Environments: Application to Ubiquitous Interactions. 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), IEEE, 2018 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Lesénéchal, Dominique; Bajon, Damienne; Corrales, Pablo; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes; Bolomey, Jean-Charles; Patton, Ruska; Baev(, Stéphane Attal andAndrey; Kuznetsov, Yury; Russer, Peter: Chip-Package-PCB Co-Design and Experimental Co-Verification of Smart Probes for Sensing Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields: Toward Energy-based Metrics. Proc. of the 2nd URSI AT-RASC, 2018 more…BibTeX
Weigelt, Michael; Mayr, Andreas; Kühl, Alexander; Batz, Kilian; Bican, Peter M.; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter; Franke, Jörg: Techno-Economic Evaluation of Technological Alternatives to Extend the Range of Electric Vehicles. 5th Annual Conference on Electric Roads and Vehicles -- CERV, 2018 more…BibTeX
Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Haider, M.; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Time-domain characterization of probes for two-point measurements of stochastic EM fields. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Costanzo, A.; Dionigi, M.; Mastri, F.; Mongiardo, M.; Monti, G.; Russer, J. A.; Russer, P.; Tarricone, L.: Conditions for a Load-Independent Operating Regime in Resonant Inductive WPT. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (4), 2017, 1066--1076 more…BibTeX
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Dončov, Nebojša; Stošić, Biljana; Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Baharuddin, Mohd H.; and, David W. P. Thomas: Characterization of EM field above a single aperture or air-vents of an enclosure for a variable degree of correlation between stochastic sources inside. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Egel, Eugen; Kaiser, Waldemar; Meier, Christian; Gamm, Stephan Breitkreutz-von; Meie, Thomas; Csaba, György; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter; Kreupl, Franz; Becherer, Markus: Design of a Novel 2-50 GHz Low Power Gilbert Cell Down-Conversion Mixer for Spin Wave Readout Circuitry in 40-nm CMOS Technology. Proc. ESSCIRC 2017 Conference, 2017 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.: The correlation transmission line matrix (CTLM) method. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.: Equivalent source localization for stochastic electromagnetic fields. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.: Field Modeling of Dynamic Inductive Power Supply of Electric Vehicles on the Road. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.; Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsovy, Yury; Russer, Peter: Principal Component Analysis Applied in Modeling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Field Propagation. Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2017 more…BibTeX
Hirmer, Q.; Albrecht, A.; Bobinger, M.; Loch, M.; Haider, M.; Russer, J. A.; Becherer, M.; Lugli, P.: Inkjet-printed patch antennas for wireless chip-to-chip communication on flexible substrates. 2017 13th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), 2017 more…BibTeX
Kaiser, W.; Haider, M.; Russer, J. A.; Russer, P.; Jirauschek, C.: Quantum theory of the dissipative Josephson parametric amplifier. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2017, n/a--n/a more…BibTeX
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Kaiser, Waldemar; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Jirauschek, Christian: Generalized Langevin Theory for Josephson Parametric Amplification. Proc. of the IEEE Internationl Microwave Symposium, IMS, 2017 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Haider, M.; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Time-domain far-field measurements for cross-correlation analysis. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Russer, Peter: Cross-Correlation Analysis of the Cyclostationary Near-Field Unintentional Radiations from the PCB. accepted for publication in (paper ID: 230) Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC, 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.: Modeling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proc. 13th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.: Propagation of the Cross-Spectral Density of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2017 (KH2017), 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.: Time-Domain Modeling of Noisy EM Field Propagation Using Correlation Information. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2017 (KH2017), 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Bajon, Damienne; Wane, Sidina; Russer, Peter: An extension of the transverse wave formulation to model stochastic electromagnetic fields. Proc. of the IEEE Internationl Microwave Symposium, IMS, 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Weigelt, Michael; Becherer, Markus; Kahlert, Sebastian; Merz, Christoph; Hoja, Markus; Franke, Joerg; Russer, Peter: A System for Wireless Inductive Power Supply of Electric Vehicles while Driving Along the Route. Electric Drive Production Conference E\textbarDPC, 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Ivrlac, Michel T.; Haider, Michael; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Peter; Nossek, Josef A.: Multiport Model of Hertzian Dipoles Coupled in the Near-Field. Proceedings of the 47th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Network Methods for Full-Wave Modeling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: A System for Dynamic Inductive Power Supply of Electric Vehicles on the Road. IMS Workshop High power WPT, 2017 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Measurement and Modeling of Stationary and Cyclostationary Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. IMS Workshop Uncertainty in RF/Microwave Measurement and Modeling, 2017 more…BibTeX
Stošić, Biljana; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes; Dončov, Nebojša; Russer, Peter: Modelling of Propagation of Correlation Information of Stochastic Signals in Multiport Devices by using a Wave Digital Filter Network. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2017 (KH2017), 2017 more…BibTeX
Thomas, David W. P.; Baharuddin, Mohd H.; Smartt, Christopher; Gradoni, Gabriele; Tanner, Gregor; Creagh, Stephen; Doncov, Nebojsa; Haider, Michael; Johannes; Russer: Near-Field Scanning of Stochastic Fields Considering Reduction of Complexity. Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC, 2017 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Corrales, Pablo; Bolomey, Jean-Charles; Bluteau, Philippe; Thomas, David; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Patton, Ruska; Atta, Stéphane: Toward Standard Near-Field Measurement Solutions for Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proc. Assemblée générale GDR ONDES ``Interférences d'Ondes'', 2017 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Corrales, Pablo; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter; Moschetta, Jean-Marc: Energy Spectrum Sensing using Two-Antenna Probes based on the Measurement of Field-Field Auto-Correlation and Cross-Correlation Functions. Journées scientifiques URSI-France, 2017 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Dinh, Thanh Vinh; Bajon, Damienne; Lesénéchal, Dominique; Mattheijssen, Paul; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter: Analysis of broadband power combiners and coupled antennas with stochastic load matching in a random field for mm-wave applications. Proc. of the IEEE Internationl Microwave Symposium, IMS, 2017 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Dinh, Thanh Vinh; Bajon, Damienne; Lesénéchal, Dominique; Mattheijssen, Paul; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter; Ivrlac, Michel; Nossek, Josef: 3D Antenna Patterning for MIMO and Phased-Array Systems: Energy-based Built-In-Self-Test for Multiphysics Co-Design. Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC, 2017 more…BibTeX
Costanzo, Alessandra; Dionigi, Marco; Mastri, Franco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Monti, Giuseppina; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: The Basic Cell Operating Regimes for Wireless Power Transfer of Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference WPTC, 2016 more…BibTeX
Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Differential Forms Formulation for Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016 (KH2016), 2016 more…BibTeX
Kaiser, Waldemar; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter H.; Jirauschek, Christian: Modeling of the lossy Josephson parametric amplifier. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016 (KH2016), 2016 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Thomas, David; Smartt, Christopher; Baharuddin, Mohd H.; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Localization of the Equivalent Sources on the PCB Surface by Using Ultra-Wideband Time Domain Near-Field Measurements. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe, 2016 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Haider, Michael; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Cyclostationary characterization of electromagnetic interference with spread spectrum clocking. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016 (KH2016), 2016 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, Farooq; Russer, Peter: Brune's Algorithm for Lumped Element Equivalent Circuit Synthesis of Linear Lossy Multiports. \AEU\ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 76, 2016, 175--187 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Cangellaris, Andreas; Russer, Peter: Correlation Transmission Line Matrix (CTLM) Modeling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proceeding of IEEE International Microwave Symposium, IMS, 2016 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Dionigi, Marco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Mastri, Franco; Costanzo, essandra; Russer, Peter: A System for Dynamic Inductive Power Supply of Electric Vehicles on the Road. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference WPTC, 2016 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Baharuddin, Mohd H.; Smartt, Christopher; Baev, Andrey; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Kuznetsov, Yury; Thomas, David; Russer, Peter: Correlation Measurement and Evaluation of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe, 2016 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Gors, Jean-Baptiste; Bajon, Damienne; Wane, Sidina; Russer, Peter: Correlation Transverse Wave Formulation (CTWF) for Modeling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016 (KH2016), 2016 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Haider, Michael; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Kuznetsov, Yury; Thomas, David; Russer, Peter: Near-Field Correlation Measurement and Evaluation of Stationary and Cyclostationary Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference, 2016 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Modeling and Analysis of Stationary and Cyclostationary Noisy EM Fields. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe, Workshop WS1A-WS1B, 2016 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Lesenechal, Dominique; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Thomas, David; Tanner, Gregor; Gradoni, Gabriele; Kuznetsov, Yury: Near-Field Measurement of Connected Smart RFIC Objects accounting for Environmental Uncertainties. Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference, 2016 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Lesenechal, Dominique; Russer, Johannes A.; Thomas, David; Russer, Peter: Multi-Probe Near-Field Measurement of Stochastic Noisy Radiations: Perspectives for Chip-Package LNA-Probe Co-Design. Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference, 2016 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Lesénéchal, Dominique; Russer, Johannes; Russer, Peter; Moschetta, Jean-Marc; Thomas, David; Tanner, Gregor: Near-Field Measurement and Analysis of Noisy Electromagnetic Emissions: Towards Stochastic Energy-Oriented Approaches. Journees Scientifiques Energy and Radio Science, U.R.S.I. France, 2016 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Gros, Jean Baptiste; Moschetta, Jean-Marc; Thomas, David; Kuznetsov, Yury: Measurement and Analysis of Radiated Emissions from Coupled UAV and Smart RFIC Objects. Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference, 2016 more…BibTeX
Yordanov, H.; Poulkov, V.; Russer, P.: On-Chip Monolithic Integrated Antennas Using CMOS Ground Supply Planes. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 6 (8), 2016, 1268--1275 more…BibTeX
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Costanzo, Alessandra; Diionigi, Marco; Mastri, Franco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Design of magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer links realized with two coils: Comparison of solutions. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 7 (3), 2015, 1--11 more…BibTeX
Csaba, György; Russer, Johannes A.; Porod, Wolfgang: A Network Approach to EM Modeling based on Arrays of Coupled Oscillators. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2015, IEEE, 2015 more…BibTeX
Haoyu, L.; Russer, J. A.; Che, Wenquan; Russer, P.: A Monte Carlo method approach for the solution of the Helmholtz equation. In: 2015 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). , 2015, 1--3 more…BibTeX
Russer, J.A.; Jirauschek, C.; Szakmany, G.P.; Schmidt, M.; Orlov, A.O.; Bernstein, G.H.; Porod, W.; Lugli, P.; Russer, P.: High-Speed Antenna-Coupled Terahertz Thermocouple Detectors and Mixers. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (12), 2015, ?? more…BibTeX
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Russer, J.A.; Jirauschek, C.; Szakmany, G.P.; Schmidt, M.; Orlov, A.O.; Bernstein, G.H.; Porod, W.; Lugli, P.; Russer, P.: A Nanostructured Long-Wave Infrared Range Thermocouple Detector. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 5 (3), 2015, 335--343 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Gradoni, G.; Tanner, Gregor; Creagh, S. C.; Thomas, D.; Smartt, C.; Russer, Peter: Evolution of Transverse Correlation in Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Proceeding of: IEEE International Microwave Symposium, IMS, 2015 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Modeling of Noisy EM Field Propagation Using Correlation Information. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (1), 2015, 76--89 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Induktive Energieversorgung von Elektrofahrzeugen. Tagungsband AmE 2015 - Automotive meets Electronics, GMM Gesells. Mikroelektronik, Mikro- und Feinwerkt im VDE/VD, 2015 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsov, Yury: Analysis of Cyclostationary Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2015, IEEE, 2015 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Konovalyuky, Maxim; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsov, Yury: Near-Field Propagation of Cyclostationary Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2015, IEEE, 2015 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Uddin, Nasir; Awny, Ahmed Sanaa; Thiede, Andreas; Russer, Peter: Near-field measurement of stochastic electromagnetic fields. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 4 (3), 2015, 79--85 more…BibTeX
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Wane, Sidina; Doussin, Olivier; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Stochastic Approach for Power Integrity, Signal Integrity, EMC and EMI Analysis of Moving Objects. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2015, IEEE, 2015 more…BibTeX
Xiong, Ying; Russer, Johannes A.; Ch, Wenquan; Shen, Guangxu; Han, Ye; Russer, Peter: Dispersion analysis of a fishnet metamaterial based on the rotated transmission-line matrix method. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2015, 1 -- 9 more…BibTeX
Asenov, Tatjana; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Efficient Characterization of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields using Eigenvalue Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis Method. XXXIst URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2014 more…BibTeX
Asenov, Tatjana; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Principal Component Analysis of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2014 more…BibTeX
Costanzo, Alessandra; Dionigi, Marco; Mastri, F.; Mongiardo, M.; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Rigorous Design of Magnetic-Resonant Wireless Power Transfer Links Realized with Two Coils. Proc. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2014 more…BibTeX
Costanzo, Alessandra; Dionigi, Marco; Mastri, Franco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Rigorous network modeling of magnetic-resonant wireless power transfer. Wireless Power Transfer 1 (01), 2014, 27--34 more…BibTeX
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Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Osipov, Andrey V.; Russer, Peter: Imaging by a double negative metamaterial slab excited with an arbitrarily oriented dipole. Radio Science, 2014 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, Farooq; Russer, Johannes A.; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Kuo, An-Yu; Russer, Peter: Brune's Four-Port Equivalent Circuit Models for MMMWICs. Proc. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2014 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, Farooq; Russer, Johannes A.; Wane, Sidina; Kuo, An-Yu; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Peter: Brune Lumped Element Multiport Modeling of MMMICs. XXXIst URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Asenov, Tatjana; Russer, Peter: Computation of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Asenov, Tatjana; Russer, Peter: Modeling of Noisy Electromagnetic Fields Using Principal Component Analysis. Proc. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Asenov, Tatjana; Russer, Peter: Near-Field Measurement and Modelling of Stochastic Fields in EMI. Proc. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Workshop WF1: EMI Challenges in Future Complex Multi-Functional (Digital) Systems, IEEE, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Dionigi, Marco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Costanzo, Alessandra; Russer, Peter: An Inductive Power Transfer Highway System for Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of IEEE CALCON 2014, National Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Fielonik, Oliver; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Russer, Peter: Modelling of Noisy EM Field Propagation Using Correlation Information of Sampled Data. IEEE Int. Conf. on Numerical Electromagnetical Modeling and Optimization NEMO2014, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Mukhtar, Farooq; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Kuo, An-Yu; Russer, Peter: Variation-Aware X-Topology Architecture with Local Ground References for Broadband Characterization of Passives. Proceedings of: IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, RFIC, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Dynamics of Long-Wave Infrared Range Thermocouple Detectors. XXXIst URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2014, 1--4 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Measurement and Computer Aided Analysis of Noisy Electromagnetic Fields. Proceeding of: IEEEE International Microwave Symposium, IMS Volume: Workshop WFD - 3, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Xiong, Ying; Abdellah, Alaa; Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Che, Wenquan; Lugli, Paolo; Russer, Peter: Carbon Nanotube Based Millimeterwave Fishnet. Proc. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Xiong, Ying; Russer, Peter: Modeling of Organic Millimeterwave Fishnet Metamaterial Structures. IEEE Int. Conf. on Numerical Electromagnetical Modeling and Optimization NEMO2014, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Verfahren und Anordnung zur drahtlosen Energieübertragung. 2014, more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering for Electronic Circuits and Devices (Invited). Proceedings of IEEE CALCON 2014, National Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Ferdinand Braun - A Forgotten Hero of Electronic Engineering (Invited). Presentation at the Kolkata IEEE AP-MTT Chapter, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Nanoelectronics as a Key Enabling Technology (Invited Keynote Speech). Proceedings of IEEE CALCON 2014, National Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Some Remarks on the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method and Its Application to Transient EM Fields and to EMC Problems. In: Ahmed, Ifthikar; Chen, Zhizhang David (Ed.): Computational Electromagnetics---Retrospective and Outlook. Springer, 2014, 29--56 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Network Methods in Electromagnetic Field Computation. Proceeding of: IEEEE International Microwave Symposium, IMS Volume: Workshop WFA - 1, 2014 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.; Lugli, Paolo; Ivrlac, M.-T.; Nossek, J. A.; Porod, W. A.; Wane, S.: On-Chip Transmitter and Receiver Front-Ends with Integrated Antennas up into the THz Range. Proceeding of: IEEEE International Microwave Symposium, IMS Volume: Workshop WFH - 1, 2014 more…BibTeX
Stanković, Zoran; Dončov, Nebojša; Russer, Johannes A.; Milovanovic, I.; Milovanovi\, ́ Bratislav: Neural Network Approach for Efficient DOA Determination of Multiple Stochastic EM Sources in Far-field. IEEE Int. Conf. on Numerical Electromagnetical Modeling and Optimization NEMO2014, 2014 more…BibTeX
Szakmany, Gergo P.; Orlov, Alexei O.; Bernstein, Gary H.; Porod, Wolfgang; Bareiss, Mario; Lugli, Paolo; Russer, Johannes A.; Jirauschek, Christian; Russer, Peter; Ivrlac, Michel T.; Nossek, Josef A.: Nano-Antenna Arrays for the Infrared Regime. 18th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), 2014 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Massenot, S.; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter; Kuo, An-Yu; Brenneman, M.: Network-based Broadband Modeling of Material Properties and Passive Circuits from DC, RF, to THz Domain accounting for Anisotropy. IEEE Int. Conf. on Numerical Electromagnetical Modeling and Optimization NEMO2014, 2014 more…BibTeX
Warnick, Karl F.; Russer, Peter H.: Differential Forms and Electromagnetic Field Theory (Invited Paper). PIER Progress In Electromagnetics Research 148, 2014, 83--112 more…BibTeX
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Xiong, Y.; Russer, J. A.; Che, W.; Russer, P.: Organic Millimeterwave Fishnet Metamaterial Structures under Oblique incidence of Plane Electromagnetic Waves. XXXIst URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2014, 1--4 more…BibTeX
Xiong, Ying; Shen, Guangxu; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Equivalent Circuit Models for Fishnet Metamaterials. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2014 more…BibTeX
Baev, A.; Gorbunova, A.; Konovalyuk, M.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, J. A.: Planar stochastic sources localization algorithm in EMC problems. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2013, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Baev, Andrey; Gorbunova, Anastasia; Konovalyuk, Maxim; Kuznetsov, Yury; Russer, Johannes A.: Stochastic EMI sources localization based on ultra wide band near-field measurements. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Osipov, Andrey V.; Russer, Peter: Mono-and bistatic scattering reduction by a metamaterial low reflection coating. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 61 (1), 2013, 462--466 more…BibTeX
Frech, Arnd; Klugel, Markus; Russer, Peter: Adaptive filtering for noise cancellation and signal analysis in real-time. Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2013 European, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, F.; Russer, P.: Brune's Algorithm for Circuit Synthesis. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2013, 2013 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, F.; Russer, P.: Brune's Multiport Lumped Element Equivalent Circuits in Admittance Representation. 2013 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2013 more…BibTeX
Nossek, Josef A.; Russer, Peter; Noll, Tobias; Mezghani, Amine; Ivrla\textbackslashtextbackslashvc, Michel T.; Korb, Matthias; Mukhtar, Farooq; Yordanov, Hristomir; Russer, Johannes A.: Chip-to-Chip and On-Chip Communications. Ultra--Wideband Radio Technologies for Communications,Localization and Sensor Applications, Intech Open, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, J. A.; Braun, S.; Frech, A.; Russer, P.: Time-domain measurement of spectra of stochastic electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2013 International Conference on, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, J. A.; Mukhtar, F.; Gorbunova, A.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y. V.; Russer, P.: A Brune's Two-Port Process Applied to Lumped Element Filter Modeling. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2013, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, J. A.; Mukhtar, F.; Wane, S.; Bajon, D.; Russer, P.: Network model of coupled integrated antennas. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2013 International Conference on, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Dionigi, Marco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter: Nonlinear Dynamics of a Switched Moving Field Inductive Power Transfer System. Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, NDES 2013, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Dionigi, Marco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter: A bidirectional moving field inductive power transfer system for electric vehicles. Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), 2013 11th International Conference on, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Dionigi, Marco; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter: A moving field inductive power transfer system for electric vehicles. Proc. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Design considerations for a moving field inductive power transfer system. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference WPTC, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Korrelationsspektren elektrischer Signale und Anordnung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens. 2013, more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Network Methods for Electromagnetic Field Modeling. 43rd European Microwave Conference EuMC, EuMW Doctoral School, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: The geometric representation of electrodynamics by exterior differential forms. 11th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.; Mukhtar, Farooq; Lugli, Paolo; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Porod, Wolfgang: Integrated Antennas for RF Sensing, Wireless Communications and Energy Harvesting Applications. International Workshop on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2013, 2013 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes; Hoffmann, Christian; Slim, Hassan Hani: Real-time EM spectrum and EM interference measurement techniques. Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2013 European, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Stankovic, Zoran; Doncov, Nebojsa; Milovanovic, Bratislav; Russer, Johannes; Milovanovic, Ivan; Agatonovic, Marija: Neural networks-based DOA estimation of multiple stochastic narrow-band EM sources. Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), 2013 11th International Conference on, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Stanković, Zoran; Dončov, Nebojša; Russer, Johannes; Asenov, Tatjana; Milovanovi\, ́ Bratislav: Efficient DOA Estimation of Impinging Stochastic EM Signal using Neural Networks. paper submitted for 2013 Electromagnetic Metrology Symposium (EMS), 2013 more…BibTeX
Stosic, B.; Doncov, N.; Russer, J.; Milovanovic, B.: A combined wave digital/full-wave electromagnetic approach used for response calculation in equivalent networks of microwave circuits. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2013 International Conference on, IEEE, 2013 more…BibTeX
Baev, A.; Gorbunova, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Mukhtar, F.; Russer, J.A.; Russer, P.; Bajon, D.; Wane, S.: Equivalent circuit model for coupled monolithic integrated millimeter-wave folded antennas. 2012 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2012 more…BibTeX
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Braun, Stephan; Russer, Peter: Requirements and solutions for emission measurements in time-domain according to international EMC Standards. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, A.; Osipov, A.; Russer, P.: Mono- and Bistatic Scattering Reduction by a Metamaterial Low Reflection Coating. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation PP (99), 2012, 1 more…BibTeX
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Dončov, Nebojša; Stošić, Biljana; Russer, Johannes; Asenov, Tatjana; Milovanovi\, ́ Bratislav: Lossy Microwave Circuits -- Systematic Synthesis of Equivalent Lumped Element Model based on Extended Foster Canonical Expansion. ICEAA2012, 2012 more…BibTeX
Frech, Arnd; Russer, Peter: Real-time Ambient Noise Cancellation for EMI Measurements on Open Area Test Sites. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, Christian; Sidhom, Ayoub; Braun, Stephan; Russer, Peter: A Broadband, Low-Noise Time-Domain System for EMI Measurements through Ka-Band up to 40 GHz. IEEE EMC Pittsburgh, 2012 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, Christian; Slim, Hassan Hani; Russer, Peter: A Time-Domain System for the Measurement of Non-Stationary EMI up to 40 GHz. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Jirauschek, Christian; Russer, Peter: Hamiltonian Formulations for Lossy Nonlinear Quantum Circuits. Proc. Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, NDES 2012, 2012Journal Abbreviation: Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Proceedings of NDES 2012more…BibTeX
Krenz, P. M.; Russer, Johannes A.; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Lugli, Peter Russer Paolo; Boreman, G. D.; Porod, Wolfgang: Nanoantenna Infrared Detectors. IEEE 2012 MTT International Microwave Symposium Workshop WME: THz Devices and Systems based on Nanotechnology, 2012 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, F.; Russer, J.A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, P.: Methodology for generation of Brune's equivalent circuit models for linear passive reciprocal multi-ports. 2012 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2012 more…BibTeX
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Russer, J.; Mukhtar, F.; Wane, S.; Bajon, D.; Russer, P.: Design and modeling of monolithic integrated millimeterwave chip-package antennas and wireless communication links. 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP), 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, J.A.; Frech, A.; Braun, S.; Russer, P.: Spatially resolved measurement of radiated electromagnetic interference for mapping of noise sources and ambient noise cancellation. 2012 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2012 more…BibTeX
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Russer, J.A.; Scarpa, G.; Lugli, P.; Russer, P.: Stochastic wave sensing with logarithmic periodic circular antenna arrays. 2012 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2012 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Braun, Stephan: A Novel Vector Near-field Scanning System for Emission Measurements in Time-Domain. IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Mukhtar, F.; Wane, S.; Bajon, D.; Russer, P.: Broad-band modeling of bond wire antenna structures. Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2012 The 7th German, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Mukhtar, Farooq; Stošić, Biljana; Asenov, Tatjana; Atanaskovic, A.; Nebojša Dončov, Bronislav Milovanovic; Russer, Peter: Systematic Network Model Generation for Linear Reciprocal Microwave Multiports. Proc. 42nd European Microwave Conference EuMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Application of the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method to EMC Problems. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Imaging of Incoherent Sources of Radiation. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulations for Classical and Quantum Circuits. IFAC Proceedings, Elsevier, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Lugli, Paolo; Russer, Peter: Sensing of Stochastic Waves with Circular Antenna Arrays. Proc. 42nd European Microwave Conference EuMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Lugli, Peter Russer Paolo; Porod, Wolfgang: Nanoelectronic Based Integrated Antennas. IEEE 2012 MTT International Microwave Symposium Workshop WMF: Wireless Energy Transfer and Scavenging Techniques, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Russer, Peter: DOA Estimation and Parameter Separation of Broad-Band Stochastic Electromagnetic Waves. MIKON 2012, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes; Asenov, Tatjana; Russer, Peter: Sampling of stochastic electromagnetic fields. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2012, 2012 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Nanoelektronik als Schlüsseltechnologie der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik. 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Ferdinand Braun - A Pioneer in Wireless Technology and Electronics. In: Grandin, Karl; Mazzinghi, Piero; Olande, Nils; Pelosi, Giuseppe (Ed.): A Wireless World. Firenze University Press, 2012, 228 -- 247 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Ferdinand Braun - A Pioneer in Wireless Technology and Electronics. Presentation given at the colloquium "Das Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik wird 50 Jahre alt", Institut für theoretische Elektrotechnik, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Modeling and Measurement of Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields in EMI. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Lugli, Paolo; Porod, Wolfgang: Integrated Antennas for RF Sensing, Wireless Communications and Energy Harvesting. Proc. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility APEMC, 2012 more…BibTeX
Scarpa, Giuseppe; Russer, Johannes A.; Lugli, Paolo; Russer, Peter: Quantum Dynamics of Circuits with Memory Capacitors and Inductors. ICEAA2012, 2012 more…BibTeX
Scarpa, Giuseppe; Russer, Johannes A.; Lugli, Paolo; Russer, Peter: Sensing of Stochastic Waves with Logarithmic Periodic Linear Antenna Arrays. Proc. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC Europe 2012, 2012 more…BibTeX
der Technikwissenschaften, acatech-Deutsche Akademie (Ed.): Nanoelektronik als künftige Schlüsseltechnologie der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik in Deutschland. acatech BEZIEHT POSITION -- Nr. 8. Springer-Verlag, 2011 more…BibTeX
Cangellaris, Andreas C.; Russer, Johannes A.: EMI/EMC modeling of packaged electronics: Challenges and opportunities. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Culhaoglu, A. E; Osipov, A.; Russer, P.: Metamaterial slab excited by an arbitrarily oriented dipole. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Frech, A.; Limmer, S.; Russer, P.: Noise cancelling algorithms for FPGA-based time-domain EMI measurements in real-time. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Frech, Arnd; Limmer, Steffen; Russer, Peter: A novel real-time ambient noise cancellation system for EMI measurements in time-domain. EMC Europe 2011 York, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
Gorbunova, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, P.: Equivalent network synthesis for multiport microwave structures. 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Hoffmann, C.; Russer, P.: A low-noise high dynamic-range time-domain EMI measurement system for CISPR Band E. Advances in Radio Science 9, 2011, 309--315 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, C.; Russer, P.: A Time-Domain system for EMI measurements above 1 GHz with high sensitivity. Microwave Conference (GeMIC), 2011 German, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, C.; Russer, P.: A broadband high-dynamic time-domain system for EMI measurements in K-Band up to 26 GHz. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Hoffmann, C.; Slim, H. H.; Russer, P.: System Strategies for Time-Domain Emission Measurements above 1 GHz. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 11 (4), 2011 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, Christian; Boge, Alexander; Russer, Peter: A low-noise time-domain EMI measurement system for measurements up to 26 GHz. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Hoffmann, Christian; Russer, Peter: A Real-Time Low-Noise Ultrabroadband Time-Domain EMI Measurement System up to 18 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 53 (4), 2011, 882--890 more…BibTeX
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Hoffmann, Christian; Russer, Peter: Measuring electromagnetic interference in time-domain in CISPR Band E and beyond. EMC Europe 2011 York, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, Christian; Slim, Hassan Hani; Russer, Peter: A time-domain EMI measurement system up to 26 GHz with amplitude probability distribution. 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Mukhtar, F.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Hoffmann, C.; Russer, P.: Brune's synthesis of linear lossy distributed one-port and symmetric two-port microwave circuits. Microwave Conference (GeMIC), 2011 German, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, F.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, P.: Network modelling with Brune's synthesis. Advances in Radio Science 9, 2011, 91--94 more…BibTeX
Mukhtar, F.; Yordanov, H.; Russer, P.: Network model of on-chip antennas. Advances in Radio Science 9, 2011, 237--239 more…BibTeX
Russer, Christoph Ullrich und Peter Russer Christoph Ullrich und Peter: A Hybrid MoM/UTD Method for the Analysis of a Monopole Antenna in an Aperture. In: Lindenmeier, Stefan; Weigel, Robert (Ed.): Electromagnetics and Network Theory and Their Microwave Technology Applications: A Tribute to Peter Russer. Springer, 2011, 3 -- 20 more…BibTeX
Russer, J.A; Baev, A; Kuznetsov, Y.; Mukhtar, F.; Yordanov, H.; Russer, P.: Combined lumped element network and transmission line model for wireless transmission links. Microwave Conference (GeMIC), 2011 German, 2011 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Cangellaris, Andreas C.: Analysis of a Time-Space Periodic Filter Structure with Tunable Band-Pass Characteristic. In: Lindenmeier, Stefan; Weigel, Robert (Ed.): Electromagnetics and Network Theory and Their Microwave Technology Applications: A Tribute to Peter Russer. Springer, 2011, 309 -- 317 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Gorbunova, A.; Mukhtar, F.; Yordanov, H.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, P.: Equivalent circuit models for linear reciprocal lossy distributed microwave two-ports. Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Lugli, P.; Bareiss, M.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Porod, W.; Yordanov, H.; Russer, P.: Si and SiGe based monolithic integrated antennas for electromagnetic sensors and for wireless communications. 2011 IEEE 11th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, P.: An efficient method for computer aided analysis of noisy electromagnetic fields. Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Imaging of Sources of Radiated Electromagnetic Interference. Frequenz 65, 2011, 261--265 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Quantum Circuit Theory. European Microwave Conference, 2011 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Network methods applied to the computation of stochastic electromagnetic fields. 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Russer, Peter: Circuit models in quantum electrodynamics. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Scarpa, Giuseppe; Lugli, Paolo; Russer, Peter: On the Modeling of Radiated EMI on the Basis of Near-Field Correlation Measurements. European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2011 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes; Dončov, Nebojša; Mukhtar, Farooq; Stošić, Biljana; Milovanovi\, ́ Bratislav; Russer, Peter: Compact Equivalent Network Synthesis for Double-Symmetric Four-Ports. 10th International Confernce on Te;ecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS, 2011 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Russer, J.: Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) and network methods applied to electromagnetic field computation. Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: The Impossible Takes Longer. In: Lindenmeier, Stefan; Weigel, Robert (Ed.): Electromagnetics and Network Theory and Their Microwave Technology Applications: A Tribute to Peter Russer. Springer, 2011, 319 -- 381 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: EMC measurements in the time-domain. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Nanoelectronic RF Josephson Devices. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (10), 2011, 2685--2701 more…BibTeX
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Slim, H. H; Russer, P.: A prototype for a time-domain EMI measurement system using pipelined time-interleaved ADCs up to 4 GHz. Microwave Conference (GeMIC), 2011 German, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
Slim, H. H; Russer, P.: Digital automatic calibration method for a time-interleaved ADCs system used in time-domain EMI measurement receiver. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
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Slim, Hassan Hani; Hoffmann, Christian; Braun, Stephan; Frech, Arnd; Russer, Johannes A.: A Time-Domain EMI Measurement System up to 26 GHz with Multichannel APD Measuring Function. ITEM Interference Technology - 2011 Test and Design Guide, 2011 more…BibTeX
Slim, Hassan Hani; Hoffmann, Christian; Braun, Stephan; Russer, Peter: A novel multichannel amplitude probability distribution for a time-domain EMI measurement system according to CISPR 16-1-1. EMC Europe 2011 York, IEEE, 2011 more…BibTeX
Tomassoni, Cristiano; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter; Sorrentino, Roberto: Electromagnetic and Network Theory of Waveguide Radiation by Spherical Modes Expansions. In: Lindenmeier, Stefan; Weigel, Robert (Ed.): Electromagnetics and Network Theory and Their Microwave Technology Applications: A Tribute to Peter Russer. Springer, 2011, 21 -- 34 more…BibTeX
cov, N. Don\textbackslashh; Mukhtar, F.; Russer, J.; sić, B. Sto\textbackslashh; B. Milovanovi\ ́and Russer, P.: Methods for Generation of Compact Lumped Element Model for Passive Microwave Circuits. XLVI International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies - ICEST 2011, 2011 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Osipov, A.; Russer, Peter: Towards Low Reflection Microwave Coatings with Lorentz Dispersive Metamaterials. IVth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, 2010 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, N.; Russer, P.: An accelerated hybrid TLM-IE method for the investigation of shielding effectiveness. Advances in Radio Science 8, 2010, 13--18 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, N.; Russer, P.: Investigation of a UWB Antenna Link Using the Hybrid TD--IE/TLM Technique. Proceedings of the 40th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2010, 2010 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, Nikolaus; Russer, Peter: A Hybrid TLM-Integral Equation Method Using Time-Domain Plane-Waves for Shielding Effectiveness Computations. 26th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), 2010 more…BibTeX
Pierantoni, L.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: Nanoelectronics: The Paradigm Shift [From the Guest Editors' Desk]. IEEE Microwave Magazine 11 (7), 2010, 8--10 more…BibTeX
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Russer, J. A.; Cangellaris, A. C.: A method for enhancing the efficiency of numerical solution of time-periodic transmission line problems with highly disparate time scales. Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2010 European, 2010 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.: Methodologies for electromagnetic field modeling for computer aided analysis of multi-domain physical interactions. PhD Thesis, 2010 more…BibTeX
Russer, Johannes A.; Kuznetsov, Yury; Russer, Peter: Discrete-time network and state equation methods applied to computational electromagnetics. Mikrotalasna Revija (Microwave Review), 2010, 2--14 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Fichtner, N.: Nanoelectronics in Radio-Frequency Technology. IEEE Microwave Magazine 11 (3), 2010, 119--135 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Fichtner, N.; Lugli, P.; Porod, W.; Russer, Johannes A.; Yordanov, H.: Nanoelectronics-Based Integrated Antennas. IEEE Microwave Magazine 11 (7), 2010, 58--71 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter; Russer, Johannes A.: Network methods for electromagnetic field and multiphysics modeling. International Workshop on Advances in Modeling and Optimization of High Frequency Structures, Reykjavik University, 2010 more…BibTeX
Yordanov, Hristomir; Russer, Peter: Antennas Embedded in CMOS Integrated Circuits. Facta Universitatis, Ser.: Elec. Energ 23 (2), 2010, 169--177 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Hoffmann, C.; Frech, A.; Russer, P.: A realtime time-domain EMI measurement system for measurements above 1 GHz. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2009. EMC 2009. IEEE International Symposium on, 2009 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, Ali Eren; Osipov, Andrey; Russer, Peter: Determination of Spectral Focusing Features of a Metamaterial Slab. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, March 8 -- 12 2009, Monterey, California, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Felsen, Leopold B.; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter: Electromagnetic Field Computation by Network Methods. Springer-Verlag, 2009 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, Nikolaus; Russer, Peter: A Total-Field/Scattered-Field Technique Applied for the TLM-Integral Equation Method. 2009 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig, June 7--12 Boston, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Frech, Arnd; Braun, Stephan; Russer, Peter: Time-domain EMI measurements in the presence of ambient noise. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2009 more…BibTeX
Hipp, Susanne; Siart, Uwe; Fichtner, Nikolaus; Russer, Peter: Electromagnetic Simulation of Electrically Large Scenarios using an Incoherend Transmission Line Matrix ITLM Approach. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, March 8 -- 12 2009, Monterey, California, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Hoffmann, C.; Hermann, T.; Russer, P.: A Novel Precision Real-Time Material Inspection System Using Cascaded Wide Gain Range Amplifiers With High Modulation Bandwidth. Proceedings of the German Microwave Conference GeMiC 2009, March 10--12, 2009, Munich, Germany, 2009 more…BibTeX
Kasper, E.; Kissinger, D.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: High speeds in a single chip. IEEE Microwave Magazine 10 (7), 2009, 28--33 more…BibTeX
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Mongiardo, Mauro; Tomassoni, Cristiano; Russer, Peter; Sorrentino, Roberto: Rigorous Computer-Aided Design of Spherical Dielectric Resonators for Wireless Non-Radiative Energy Transfer. 2009 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig, June 7--12 Boston, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.: Electromagnetic Field Computation by Network Methods. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, March 8 -- 12 2009, Monterey, California, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Siart, U.; Hipp, S.; Fichtner, N.: Time-Domain Full-Wave Modeling of Electromagnetic Structures in Automotive Systems. 20th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, WS-5 Electromagnetic Modeling of Distributed Automotive Systems, 2009 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Network Methods Applied to Computational Electromagnetics. to be published in Proc. 9th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS, IEEE, 2009 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Overview over Network Methods Applied to Electromagnetic Field Computation. ICEAA2009, Proc. Int. Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Sept. 14-18, 2009, Torino, 2009 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Bajon, Damienne; Wane, Sidina; Fichtner, Nikolaus: Overview and status of numerical electromagnetic field simulation methods applied to integrated circuits. Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2009. SiRF 2009. IEEE Topical Meeting on, 2009 more…BibTeX
Sinha, Siddhartha; Russer, Peter: Quantum computing algorithm for electromagnetic field simulation. QUIP 9 (3), 2009, 385--404 more…BibTeX
Slim, H. H.; Gülten, E.; Braun, S.; Frech, A.; Russer, P.: Automated Measurement of Intermittent Signals using a Time-domain EMI Measurement System. IEEE EMC Society Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Austin, Texas, 2009 more…BibTeX
Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Peter; Kuznetsov, Yury; Fichtner, Nikolaus; Siart, Uwe: Passive Guaranteed Broadband Equivalent Circuit Derivation of Symmetrical Multi-port Systems: Application to Multi-conductors and RF-Inductors. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, March 8 -- 12 2009, Monterey, California, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Wang, Chao; Che, Wenquan; Russer, Peter: High-isolation multiway power dividing/combining network implemented by broadside-coupling SIW directional couplers. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 19 (5), 2009, 577--582 more…BibTeX
Warnick, K. F; Woestenburg, B.; Belostotski, L.; Russer, P.: Minimizing the Noise Penalty Due to Mutual Coupling for a Receiving Array. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (6), 2009, 1634--1644 more…BibTeX
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Yordanov, Hristomir; Ivrlač, Michel; Russer, Peter; Nossek, Josef: Arrays of Isotropic Radiators -- A Field-theoretic Justification. 2009 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, 2009 more…BibTeX
Yordanov, Hristomir; Russer, Peter: Integrated On-Chip Antennas for Communication On and Between Monolithic Integrated Circuits. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 1 (4), 2009, 309--314 more…BibTeX
Zedler, M.; Eleftheriades, G. V.; Russer, P.: Three-Dimensional Isotropic Scalar Metamaterial with Drude Dispersion for the Permittivity and Permeability. 2009 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig, June 7--12 Boston, USA, 2009 more…BibTeX
Albrecht, Michael; Luy, Johann-Friedrich; Russer, Peter: Source stirring technology for automotive antenna measurement. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Biscontini, B. Siart, U.; Russer, P.: On the Modeling of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Radiating Structures. Time-Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electromagnetics, Springer, 2008 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Donauer, T.; Russer, P.: A Real-Time Time-Domain EMI Measurement System for Full-Compliance Measurements According to CISPR 16-1-1. Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on 50 (2), 2008, 259--267 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Frech, A.; Russer, P.: CISPR Specification and Measurement Uncertainty of the Time-domain EMI Measurement System. 2008 IEEE International Symposium On Electromagnetic Compatibility, Detroit, USA, 2008 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Frech, A.; Slim, H. H.; Russer, P.: Automation of radiated emission measurements with an ultra-fast time-domain EMI measurement system. Electromagnetic Compatibility and 19th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2008. APEMC 2008. Asia-Pacific Symposium on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Frech, A.; Slim, H. H.; Russer, P.: Automation of radiated emission measurements with an ultra-fast time-domain EMI measurement system. Electromagnetic Compatibility and 19th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2008. APEMC 2008. Asia-Pacific Symposium on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Braun, Stephan; Frech, Arnd; Russer, Peter: Time-Domain Measurements of Electromagnetic Interference. In: Time Domain Methods in Electrodynamics. , 2008, 375--392 more…BibTeX
Che, Wenquan; Li, Cuixia; Russer, Peter; Chow, Y. L.: Propagation and band broadening effect of planar integrated ridged waveguide in multilayer dielectric substrates. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Che, Wenquan; Wang, Zhanxian; Chang, Yumei; Russer, Peter: Permittivity Measurement of Biological Materials with Improved Microwave Cavity Perturbation Technique. Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Osipov, A.; Russer, Peter: Numerical analysis of focusing by a metamaterial lens. Proceedings of the Vth International Workshop on Electromagnetic Wave Scattering, 2008 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Osipov, A.; Russer, Peter: Numerical Study of Focusing by a Composite Right Left Handed Metamaterial. 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Pamplona, Spain, September 21-26, 2008, 2008 more…BibTeX
Culhaoglu, Ali E.; Zedler, M.; Hoefer, W. J. R.; Osipov, A.; Russer, P.: Full Wave Numerical Simulation of a Finite 3D Metamaterial Lens. Conference Proceedings ACES, 2008 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, Nikolaus; Siart, Uwe; Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Russer, Peter: Bandwidth Optimization using Transmission Line Matrix Modeling and System Identification. In: Russer, Peter; Siart, Uwe (Ed.): Time-Domain Methods in Electrodynamics. Springer, 2008, 147--171 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, Nikolaus; Wane, Sidina; Bajon, Damienne; Russer, Peter: Interfacing the TLM and the TWF method using a diakoptics approach. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Frech, A.; Zakaria, A.; Braun, S.; Russer, P.: Ambient noise cancelation with a time-domain EMI measurement system using adaptive filtering. Electromagnetic Compatibility and 19th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2008. APEMC 2008. Asia-Pacific Symposium on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Hermann, Tobias; Olbrich, Gerhard R.; Russer, Peter: A Novel System for Real-time Measurement of the Electrical Properties of a Cavity Resonator. Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008 more…BibTeX
Li, Cuixia; Che, Wenquan; Russer, P.; Chow, Y. L.: Propagation and band broadening effect of planar ridged substrate-integrated waveguide (RSIW). Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, 2008. ICMMT 2008. International Conference on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Li, Cuixia; Che, Wenquan; Russer, P.; Chow, Y. L.: Propagation and band broadening effect of planar ridged substrate-integrated waveguide (RSIW). Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, 2008. ICMMT 2008. International Conference on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Connection Subnetworks for the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method. In: Russer, Peter; Siart, Uwe (Ed.): Time-Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electromagnetics. Springer, 2008, 263--281 more…BibTeX
Rossi, Filippo V.; So, Poman P. M.; Fichtner, Nikolaus; Russer, Peter: Massively parallel two-dimensional TLM algorithm on graphics processing units. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Cangellaris, Andreas C.: An efficient methodology for the modeling of electromagnetic wave phenomena in domains with moving boundaries. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit - Überblick und Einführung. Seminary on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Carl Cranz Gesellschaft, 2008 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Siart, Uwe: Time-Domain Methods in Electrodynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008 more…BibTeX
Shevgunov, T.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, P.: Network Oriented Modeling of the One-Port Antenna Structure. Proc. URSI GA 2008, Chicago, 2008 more…BibTeX
Shevgunov, Timophey; Baev, Andrey; Kuznetsov, Yury; Russer, Peter: Lumped element network synthesis for one-port passive microwave structures. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, 2008. MIKON 2008. 17th International Conference on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Siart, U.; Hofmann, S.; Fichtner, N.; Russer, P.: Computation of frequency average power density based on the TLM method. Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008, 2008 more…BibTeX
Siart, U.; Hofmann, S.; Fichtner, N.; Russer, P.: Coverage prediction in large scenarios based on the TLM method. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2008. AP-S 2008. IEEE, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Tomassoni, Cristiano; Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter; Sorrentino, Roberto: Rigorous computer-aided design of coaxial/circular antennas with semi-spherical dielectric layers. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Ullrich, Christoph; Warnick, Karl F.; Russer, Peter: Radiation from a monopole antenna in an aperture backed by an absorbing body using a hybrid MoM/UTD approach. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2008. AP-S 2008. IEEE, 2008 more…BibTeX
Ullrich, Christoph; Warnick, Karl F.; Russer, Peter: Radiation from a monopole antenna in an aperture backed by an absorbing body using a hybrid MoM/UTD approach. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2008. AP-S 2008. IEEE, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Wang, Chao; Che, Wenquan; Li, Chao; Russer, P.: Multi-way microwave power dividing/combining network based on substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) directional couplers. Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, 2008. ICMMT 2008. International Conference on, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Warnick, Karl F.; Belostotski, Leonid; Russer, Peter: Minimizing the Noise Penalty Due to Mutual Coupling for a Receiving Array. 2008 Int. Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium Digest, 2008 more…BibTeX
Warnick, Karl F.; Russer, Peter: Quantifying the noise penalty for a mutually coupled array. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2008. AP-S 2008. IEEE, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Yordanov, Hristomir H.; Russer, Peter: Integrated on-chip antennas for chip-to-chip communication. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2008. AP-S 2008. IEEE, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Yordanov, Hristomir; Russer, Peter: Chip-to-Chip Interconnects Using Integrated Antennas. Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, 2008 more…BibTeX
Zedler, M.; Russer, P.: A three-dimensional left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated TLM method. Metamaterials III, Proc. of SPIE, SPIE Digital Library, 2008 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, Michael; Siart, Uwe; Russer, Peter: Circuit theory unifying description for metamaterials. Proc. URSI GA 2008, Chicago, 2008 more…BibTeX
Al-Ahmad, M.; Matz, R.; Russer, P.: 0.8 GHz to 2.4 GHz Tunable Ceramic Microwave Bandpass Filters. Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE/MTT-S International, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Aidam, M.; Russer, P.: Development and Evaluation of a Realtime Time-Domain EMI Measurement System for Automotive Testing. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2007. EMC 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Russer, P.: Uncertainty Analysis and Novel Test Procedures Performed with a Realtime Time-Domain EMI Measurement System. IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2007. EMC 2007., 2007 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Russer, Peter: An emission measurement system for the twenty-first century based on time-domain measuring methods. The International Journal of Electromagnetic Compatibility Interference Technology, Directory & Design Guide 2007, 2007 more…BibTeX
Braun, Stephan; Frech, Arnd; Russer, Peter: A low-noise realtime time-domain EMI measurement system. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2007. EMC Zurich 2007. 18th International Zurich Symposium on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Fichtner, N.; Siart, U.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Russer, P.: TLM Modeling and system identification of optimized antenna structures. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2007 more…BibTeX
Fichtner, N.; Siart, U.; Russer, P.: Antenna Bandwidth Optimization Using Transmission Line Matrix Modeling and Genetic Algorithms. Signals, Systems and Electronics, 2007. ISSSE '07. International Symposium on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Fichtner, N.; Zhou, X.; Russer, P.: Investigation of copper and carbon nanotube antennas using thin wire integral equations. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2007 more…BibTeX
Huang, Libo; Russer, P.: Tunable Antenna Design Procedure and Harmonics Suppression Methods of the Tunable DVB-H Antenna for Mobile Applications. Wireless Technologies, 2007 European Conference on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Huang, Libo; Russer, P.: Tunable antenna design procedure and harmonics suppression methods of the tunable DVB-H antenna for mobile applications. Microwave Conference, 2007. European, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Huang, Libo; Russer, Peter: Tunable antenna design procedure and harmonics suppression methods of the tunable DVB-H antenna for mobile applications. Proc. 37th European Microwave Conference, Munich, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Huang, Libo; Schroeder, W. L.; Russer, P.: Coexistence of an Electrically Tunable DVB-H Antenna with the GSM Transmitter in a Mobile Phone. Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE/MTT-S International, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Khlifi, R.; Russer, P.: Analysis of transient radiated interferences by the hybrid TLM-IE/MOM algorithm. Microwave integrated circuit conference, 2007. eumic 2007. european, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Khlifi, Rachid; Russer, Peter: Analysis of transient radiated interferences by the hybrid TLM-IE/MOM algorithm. Proc. 37th European Microwave Conference, Munich, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Network Oriented Modeling of Passive Microwave Structures. EUROCON, 2007. The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool", 2007 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Discrete and Modal Source Modeling with Connection Networks for the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method. Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE/MTT-S International, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Lukashevich, D.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: System identification and model order reduction for TLM analysis. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 20 (1--2), 2007, 75--92 more…BibTeX
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Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Sorrentino, R.; Tomassoni, C.: Spherical modal expansion for arrays of flange-mounted rectangular waveguides. Microwave Conference, 2007. European, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Sorrentino, R.; Tomassoni, C.: Spherical Mode Expansions for Flange-mounted Waveguide Apertures. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2007. ICEAA 2007. International Conference on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Mongiardo, M.; Tomassoni, C.; Russer, P.: Generalized Network Formulation: Application to Flange---Mounted Radiating Waveguides. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 55 (6), 2007, 1667--1678 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Sumant, P. S.; Cangellaris, A. C.: A Lagrangian Approach for the Handling of Curved Boundaries in the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE/MTT-S International, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Electromagnetic properties and realisability of gyrator surfaces. ICEAA2007, Proc. Int. Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Sept. 17-20, 2007, Torino, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Siart, U.; Fichtner, K.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Russer, P.: TLM Modeling and System Identification of Distributed Microwave Circuits and Antennas. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2007. ICEAA 2007. International Conference on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Siart, U.; Fichtner, N.; Russer, P.: Efficient Time-Domain Analysis of Microwave Filter Structures through System Identification. Microwave Conference, 2007. APMC 2007. Asia-Pacific, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Tuncer, O.; Lukashevich, D.; Russer, P.: FMM based MOR applied to 2-D electromagnetic scattering problems. Proc. 23rd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, 19-23 March 2007, Verona, Italy, 2007 more…BibTeX
Wanner, R.; Lachner, R.; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: A SiGe Monolithically Integrated 278 GHz Push-Push Oscillator. 2007 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. June 4--8, Honolulu, USA, 2007ISSN: 0149-645Xmore…BibTeX
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Yordanov, H.; Ivrlač, M.; Nossek, J.; Russer, P.: Field modelling of a multiconductor digital bus. Microwave integrated circuit conference, 2007. eumic 2007. european, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Yordanov, H.; M.Ivrlač; Nossek, J.; Russer, P.: Field modelling of a multiconductor digital bus. Microwave Conference, 2007. European, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Yordanov, H.; Russer, P.: Computing the Transmission Line Parameters of an On-chip Multiconductor Digital Bus. Time-Domain Methods in Modern Engineering Electromagnetics, Springer, 2007 more…BibTeX
Yordanov, H.; Russer, P.: Computation of the Electrostatic Parameters of a Multiconductor Digital Bus. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2007. ICEAA 2007. International Conference on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, M.; Caloz, C.; Russer, P.: Russer, Peter; Siart, Uwe (Ed.): A 3-D isotropic left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme. Springer, 2007 more…BibTeX
Zedler, M.; Caloz, C.; Russer, P.: Analysis of a planarized 3D isotropic LH metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme. Microwave Conference, 2007. European, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, M.; Caloz, C.; Russer, P.: Numerical Analysis of a Planarized 3D Isotropic LH Metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme. EUROCON, 2007. The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool", 2007 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, M.; Caloz, C.; Russer, P.: 3D Composite Right-Left Handed Metamaterials with Lorentz-type Dispersive Elements. Signals, Systems and Electronics, 2007. ISSSE '07. International Symposium on, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, M.; Caloz, C.; Russer, P.: Circuital and Experimental Demonstration of a 3D Isotropic LH Metamaterial based on the rotated TLM scheme. Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE/MTT-S International, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, M.; Russer, P.: Three-dimensional CRLH metamaterials for microwave applications. Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, 2007 more…BibTeX
Zedler, Michael; Caloz, Christophe; Russer, Peter: A 3-D isotropic left-handed metamaterial based on the rotated transmission-line matrix (TLM) scheme. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 55 (12), 2007, 2930--2941 more…BibTeX
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de Sousa, M. N.; Menezes, L. R. A. X.; Russer, P.: Hybrid TLM-SPICE method in electromagnetic problems. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2007 IEEE, 2007 more…BibTeX
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de Sousa, M. N.; Vital, J. V.; Menezes, L. R. A. X.; Russer, P.: UWB system coverage using transmission line matrix power flow. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2007 IEEE, 2007 more…BibTeX
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Al-Ahmad, M.; Matz, R.; Russer, P.: Piezoelectric Tuned LTCC Bandpass Filters. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Biscontini, B.; Hamid, S.; Demmel, F.; Russer, P.: A Novel Antenna for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Intelligent Antenna Systems. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Al-Qedra, M.; Russer, P.: A novel Realtime Time-domain EMI Measurement System based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. 17th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Digest, 2006 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Russer, P.: Measurements of spurious emission with a time-domain EMI measurement system using multi-sampling techniques. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2006. EMC 2006. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on, 2006 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Russer, P.: A novel Multi-source Model to predict the radiated Emissions with a Time-domain EMI Measurement System. 17th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Topical Meetings, 2006 more…BibTeX
Choi, Jung Han; Russer, P.: The picosecond pulse transmission on the conductor-backed coplanar waveguide with via holes. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 16 (7), 2006, 419--421 more…BibTeX
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Dinardo, S.; Farinelli, P.; Giacomozzi, F.; Mannocchi, G.; Marcelli, R.; Margesin, B.; Mezzanotte, P.; Mulloni, V.; Russer, P.; Sorrentino, R.; Vitulli, F.; Vietzorreck, L.: Broadband RF-MEMS Based SPDT. European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, 2006. The 1st, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Dressel, W.; Russer, P.: TLM Modelling of Electromagnetic Structures Using Static Sub-Griddings. Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications, 2006. MIKON 2006. International Conference on, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Dressel, W.; Russer, P.: TLM Modelling of Electromagnetic Structures Using Static Sub-Griddings. Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications, 2006. MIKON 2006. International Conference on, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Fichtner, N.; Russer, P.: Metallic and Superconducting Rectangular Cavity Resonators in TLM. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Fichtner, Nikolaus; Russer, Peter: On the Possibility of Nanowire Antennas. Microwave Conference, 2006. 36th European, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Huang, Libo; Schroeder, W. L.; Russer, P.: Estimation of Maximum Attainable Antenna Bandwidth in Electrically Small Mobile Terminals. Microwave Conference, 2006. 36th European, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Khlifi, R.; Russer, P.: Hybrid Space-Discretizing Method---Method of Moments for the Analysis of Transient Interference. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 54 (12), 2006, 4440--4447 more…BibTeX
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Khlifi, R.; Russer, P.: A Novel Efficient Hybrid TLM/TDMOM Method for Numerical Modeling of Transient Interference. Proceedings of the 22th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 2006, Miami, FL, USA, 2006 more…BibTeX
Khlifi, R.; Russer, P.: Numerical Modeling of Transient Radiated Interferences by the Hybrid TLM-TDMOM Method. FACE Applied Computational Electromagnetics, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2006 more…BibTeX
Khlifi, R.; Russer, P.: A hybrid method combining TLM and MoM method for efficient analysis of scattering problems. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Shevgunov, T.; Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Application of the Stability Criterion to the Passive Electromagnetic Structures Modeling. Microwave Conference, 2006. 36th European, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Wrapping Existing Electromagnetic Code into an Object-Oriented Scripting Programming Language. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, March 12-16, 2006, Miami, FL, 2006 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, D.; Cangellaris, A. C.; Russer, P.: Oblique-Oblique Projection in TLM-MOR for High-Q Structures. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 54 (10), 2006, 3712--3720 more…BibTeX
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Lukashevich, D.; Tuncer, O.; Russer, P.: Fast Multipole Method based Model Order Reduction for Large Scattering Problems. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Russer, J. A.; Ramachandran, A.; Cangellaris, A. C.; Russer, P.: Phenomenological Modeling of Passive Intermodulation (PIM) due to Electron Tunneling at Metallic Contacts. 2006 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Cangellaris, A. C.; Russer, P.: Electromagnetic Field Interaction with a Transmission Line. In: Göknar, I. C.; Sevgi, L. (Ed.): Complex Computing-Networks Brain-like and Wave-oriented Electrodynamic Algorithms. Springer, 2006, 13--26 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Johannes A.; Cangellaris, Andreas C.; Russer, Peter: A reciprocity-based methodology for the expedient and accurate prediction of electromagnetic field coupling to multi-conductor transmission lines. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2006 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering. Artech House (Second. edn.), 2006 more…BibTeX
Shevgunov, T.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, P.: Improved System Identification Scheme for the Linear Representation of the Passive Electromagnetic Structures. Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications, 2006. MIKON 2006. International Conference on, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Wanner, R.; Sobhy, M. I.; Russer, P.: Bidirectional Field Compensated Active Antenna. Radar Conference, 2006. EuRAD 2006. 3rd European, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Warnick, K. F.; Russer, P.: Green's Theorem in Electromagnetic Field Theory. Journal of the European Microwave Association 2 (2), 2006, 141--146 more…BibTeX
Warnick, K. F.; Russer, P.: Solving Maxwell's equations using fractional wave equations. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 2006, IEEE, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Warnick, Karl F.; Russer, Peter: Two, three and four-dimensional electromagnetics using differential forms. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 14 (1), 2006, 153--172 more…BibTeX
Zedler, M.; Russer, P.: Investigation on the Dispersion Relation of a 3D LC-based Metamaterial with an Omnidirectional Left-Handed Frequency Band. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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de Sousa, M. N.; Vital, J. V.; Menezes, L. R. A. X.; Russer, P.: UWB System Coverage using the complex envoltory in 2D TLM Power Flow (TLMPF). Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. IEEE MTT-S International, 2006 more…BibTeX
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Ahmad, Mahmoud Al; Maenner, Ruth; Matz, Richard; Russer, Peter: A Piezoelectric Tuned Combline Filter. Proceedings of the 35th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2005, 2005 more…BibTeX
Al-Ahmad, M.; Maenner, R.; Matz, R.; Russer, P.: Wide piezoelectric tuning of LTCC bandpass filters. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Biscontini, B.; Russer, P.: A design approach for radiating cylindrical multilayered structures. 35th European Microwave Conference and European Conference on Wireless Technology, 2005 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Aidam, M.; Russer, P.: Development of a multiresolution time domain EMI measurement system that fulfills CISPR 16-1. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2005. EMC 2005. 2005 International Symposium on, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Alt, A.; Russer, P.: A Novel Multiresolution High-dynamic Ultra-broadband Time-domain EMI Measurement System. 2005 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. 12.--17. June 2005, Long Beach, USA, 2005 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Russer, P.: A low-noise multiresolution high-dynamic ultra-broad-band time-domain EMI measurement system. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 53 (11), 2005, 3354--3363 more…BibTeX
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Braun, S.; Russer, P.: The dynamic range of a Time-Domain EMI Measurement System using several parallel Analog to Digital Converters. 16th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, February 13-18, Zürich, Switzerland, 2005 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Russer, P.: A FPGA based Time-domain EMI Measurement System for Quasi-Peak Detection and Disturbance Analysis. German Microwave Conference Gemic 2005, April 5-7, Ulm, Germany, 2005 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Russer, P.: Predicted radiated emissions of systems according to the EMC standards with a time-domain EMI measurement system. Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain, 2005. CEM-TD 2005. Workshop on, 2005 more…BibTeX
Cangellaris, A.; Lukashevich, D.; Russer, P.: Model Order Reduction in Electromagnetic Field Computation. 35th European Microwave Conference, Workshop on Advanced Modelling Methods in Microwaves, 2005 more…BibTeX
Choi, Jung Han; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: An Si Schottky diode demultiplexer circuit for high bit-rate optical receivers. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 53 (6), 2005, 2033--2042 more…BibTeX
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Fujii, M.; Omaki, N.; Tahara, M.; Sakagami, I.; Poulton, C.; Freude, W.; Russer, P.: Optimization of nonlinear dispersive APML ABC for the FDTD analysis of optical solitons. Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 41 (3), 2005, 448--454 more…BibTeX
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Gupta, M.; Russer, P.: Synthetic transmission lines and their applications. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Huang, Libo; Schroeder, W. L.; Russer, P.: Theoretical and experimental investigation of adaptive antenna impedance matching for multiband mobile phone applications. Wideband and Multi-band Antennas and Arrays, 2005. IEE (Ref. No. 2005/11059), 2005 more…BibTeX
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Kasper, E.; Wanner, R.; Russer, P.: Resonance phase operation of heterobipolar transistors beyond their transit frequency. Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 2005. Proceedings of the, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Russer, P.: Quasi-peak detector model for a time-domain measurement system. Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on 47 (2), 2005, 320--326 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Bekhtin, M.; Braun, S.; Russer, P.: The Time-Domain EMI Measurement System Based on a Multi-level Analog-to-Digital Converter. 35th European Microwave Conference and European Conference on Wireless Technology, Paris, France, 3.-7.10.2005, 2005 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Bekhtin, M.; Braun, S.; Russer, P.: The time-domain EMI measurement system based on a multi-level analog-to-digital converter. Wireless Technology, 2005. The European Conference on, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Shevgunov, T.; Zedler, M.; Russer, P.: Transfer function representation of passive electromagnetic structures. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: The hybrid transmission line matrix - multipole expansion (TLMME) method for the modeling of electromagnetic structures in unbounded regions. Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain, 2005. CEM-TD 2005. Workshop on, 2005 more…BibTeX
Lorenz, P.; Vital, J. V.; Biscontini, B.; Russer, P.: TLM-G--a grid-enabled time-domain transmission-line-matrix system for the analysis of complex electromagnetic structures. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 53 (11), 2005, 3631--3637 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, P.; Vital, J. V.; Biscontini, B.; Russer, P.: A grid-enabled time domain transmission line matrix (TLM-G) system for the analysis of complex electromagnetic structures. Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain, 2005. CEM-TD 2005. Workshop on, 2005 more…BibTeX
Lorenz, P.; Vital, J. V.; Biscontini, B.; Russer, P.: High-throughput transmission line matrix (TLM) system in grid environment for microwave design, analysis and optimizations. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, P.; Vital, J. V.; Biscontini, B.; Russer, P.: High-throughput transmission line matrix (TLM) system in grid environment for the of complex electromagnetic structures. Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2005. IEEE/ACES International Conference on, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz; Russer, P.: Hybrid Transmission Line Matrix - Multipole Expansion (TLMME) Method. 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA'05 and 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference, 2005 more…BibTeX
Lukashevic, D.; Cangellaris, A.; Russer, P.: Acceleration of Time-Domain TLM Electromagnetic Macromodeling Trough the Scattering-Symmetric Lanczos Algorithm. 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA'05 and 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference, 2005 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, D.; Cangellaris, A.; Russer, P.: Broadband electromagnetic analysis of interconnects by means of TLM and Krylov model order reduction. Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, 2005. IEEE 14th Topical Meeting on, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Lukashevich, D.; Cangellaris, A.; Russer, P.: Two-step reduction approach based on the scattering-symmetric Lanczos algorithm for TLM-ROM. Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, 2005. IEEE/ACES International Conference on, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Lukashevich, D.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: System identification and model order reduction for TLM analysis of microwave components. Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain, 2005. CEM-TD 2005. Workshop on, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Lukashevich, D.; Russer, P.: Oblique-oblique projection in TLM-MOR for high-Q structures. Proc. 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, 3.-7.10.2005, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Massaro, A.; Pierantoni, L.; Rozzi, T.; Russer, P.: Analytical modelling of 3D-dielectric corners for E.M. simulators. Microwave Conference, 2005 European, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Editorial. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 53 (6), 2005, 1935--1936 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: The Geometry of Electrodynamics. European Microwave Journal 1 (1), 2005, 3--16 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Geometrical Concepts in Teaching Electromagnetics. 35th European Microwave Conference, Workshop on Microwave Education for the Future,, 2005 more…BibTeX
Siart, U.; Biscontini, B.; Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Ultra-Wide-Band Antenna Design. Radio Techniques and Technologies for Commercial Communication and Sensing Applications (RadioTecC), Berlin, 2005 more…BibTeX
Wanner, R.; Schafer, H.; Lachner, R.; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: A fully integrated 70 GHz SiGe low phase noise push-push oscillator. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Wanner, R.; Schafer, H.; Lachner, R.; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: A fully integrated SiGe low phase noise push-push VCO for 82 GHz. Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductor Application Symposium, 2005. EGAAS 2005. European, 2005 more…BibTeX
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Zedler, M.; Russer, P.: UC-PBG Antenna on Thick Dielectric Substrate. XXVIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, 2005 more…BibTeX
Biscontini, Bruno; Burger, Markus; Demmel, Franz; Russer, Peter: Dyadic Green's Function for Conformal Antennas in Multi Layered Cylindrical Structures Using Generalized Transmission Lines. 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11.-15.10.2004, 2004 more…BibTeX
Biscontini, Bruno; Burger, Markus; Russer, Peter: Network Methods Applied to Multilayered Cylindrical Radiating Structures. In: Russer, Professor Dr Peter; Mongiardo, Professor Mauro (Ed.): Fields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems in Modern Electrodynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, 129--142 more…BibTeX
Braun, S.; Krug, F.; Russer, P.: A Novel Automatic Digital Quasi-Peak Detector for a Time Domain Measurement System. 2004 IEEE International Symposium On Electromagnetic Compatibility Digest, August 9--14, Santa Clara, USA, 2004 more…BibTeX
Choi, Jung Han; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: A sampler-based ETDM optical receiver using Si schottky diodes. 34th European Microwave Conference, 2004., 2004 more…BibTeX
Coccetti, F.; Dressel, W.; Burger, M.; Hasch, J.; Russer, P.: Analysis of SOI cavity resonator by means of a fully automatic time-domain response prediction algorithm. Microwave Conference, 2004. 34th European, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: A Prony's model based signal prediction (PSP) algorithm for systematic extraction of Y-parameters from TD transient responses of electromagnetic structures. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, 2004. MIKON-2004. 15th International Conference on, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Coccetti, Fabio; Russer, Peter: Application of System Identification to Time-Domain Modeling of Electromagnetic Structures. In: Russer, Professor Dr Peter; Mongiardo, Professor Mauro (Ed.): Fields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems in Modern Electrodynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, 143--156 more…BibTeX
Do-Hong, T.; Olbrich, G.; Russer, P.: Smart antenna technology for high-altitude-platform based wireless communication systems. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, 2004. MIKON-2004. 15th International Conference on, 2004 more…BibTeX
Do-Hong, Tuan; Demmel, F.; Russer, P.: Wideband direction-of-arrival estimation using frequency-domain frequency-invariant beamformers: an analysis of performance. Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE 14 (8), 2004, 383--385 more…BibTeX
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Do-Hong, Tuan; Demmel, F.; Russer, P.: Wideband direction-of-arrival estimation using frequency-domain frequency-invariant beamformers: an analysis of performance. Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE 14 (8), 2004, 383--385 more…BibTeX
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Do-Hong, Tuan; Russer, P.: Beam-space processing with spatially interpolated wideband bearnformers for wideband direction-of-arrival estimation. Wireless Technology, 2004. 7th European Conference on, 2004 more…BibTeX
Do-Hong, Tuan; Russer, P.: Wideband direction-of-arrival estimation using spatially interpolated wideband beamformers. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2004. IEEE, 2004 more…BibTeX
Farinelli, P.; Giacomozzi, F.; Mannocchi, G.; Marcelli, R.; Margesin, B.; Mezzanotte, P.; Nardo, S. Di; Russer, P.; Sorrentino, R.; Vitulli, F.; Vietzorreck, L.: RF-MEMS SPDT switch on silicon substrate for space applications. Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2004. Digest of Papers. 2004 Topical Meeting on, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Mueller, D.; Russer, P.: Signal processing strategies with the TDEMI measurement system. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 53 (5), 2004, 1402--1408 more…BibTeX
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Kuznetsov, Y.; Baev, A.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: The Ultra Wideband Transfer Function Representation of Complex Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Structures. 2004 International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics ISSSE'04, August 10-13, Linz, Austria, 2004 more…BibTeX
Kuznetsov, Yury; Baev, Andrey; Coccetti, Fabio; Russer, Peter: The Ultra Wideband Transfer Function Representation of Complex Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Structures. 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11.-15.10.2004, 2004 more…BibTeX
Lorenz, P.; Russer, P.: Hybrid Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) and multipole expansion method for time-domain modeling of radiating structures. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2004 IEEE MTT-S International, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Lorenz, Petr; Russer, Peter: Hybrid Transmission Line Matrix --- Multipole Expansion (TLMME) Method. In: Russer, Professor Dr Peter; Mongiardo, Professor Mauro (Ed.): Fields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems in Modern Electrodynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, 157--168 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, D.; Cangellaris, A.; Russer, P.: Model Order Reduction by Krylov Space Methods Applied to TLM Electromagnetic Field Simulation. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2004 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, Dzianis; Russer, Peter; Cangellaris, Andreas: TLM Model Order Reduction. In: Russer, Professor Dr Peter; Mongiardo, Professor Mauro (Ed.): Fields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems in Modern Electrodynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, 205--217 more…BibTeX
Mongiardo, Mauro; Russer, Peter: Field computations and network representations for open electromagnetic structures. e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 121 (1), 2004, 2--5 more…BibTeX
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Olbrich, G.; Russer, P.: Reduction of complexity for digital beamforming in high-altitude-platform and satellite systems. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2004 IEEE MTT-S International, 2004 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Exterior Differential Forms in Teaching Electromagnetics. In: Pinto, I. M.; Galdi, V.; Felsen, L. B. (Ed.): Electromagnetics in a Complex World - Challenges and Perspectives. Springer, 2004, 9--24 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Coccetti, F.: Network methods in electromagnetic field computation. Proc. Turkish URSI Congress, 2004 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Mongiardo, M.: Fields, Networks, Methods, and Systems in Modern Electrodynamics. Springer, 2004 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Zur Geschichte des elektromagnetischen Feldbegriffs. 2004 more…BibTeX
Tomassoni, Cristiano; Crino, Mauro Mongiardoand V.; Felsen, Leopold; Omar, Abbas; Russer, Peter: Electromagnetic Field Computations with the Generalized Network Formulation (GNF). In: Electromagnetics in a Complex World. Springer, 2004, 123--134 more…BibTeX
Tuan-Do-Hong; Russer, P.: Signal processing for wideband smart antenna array applications. IEEE Microwave Magazine 5 (1), 2004, 57-- 67 more…BibTeX
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Wanner, R.; Russer, P.: The resonance phase transistor cascode circuit. Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2004. Digest of Papers. 2004 Topical Meeting on, 2004 more…BibTeX
Wanner, Robert; Russer, Peter: Amplifier Design with Resonance Phase Transistors. Proceedings of IX. Scientific Exchange Seminary 2004, 26.09--03.10.2004, Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik, München, Germany, 2004 more…BibTeX
Wanner, Robert; Russer, Peter: A Stable Two-Port Resonance Phase Transistor Amplifier. 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11.-15.10.2004, 2004 more…BibTeX
Biscontini, Bruno; Do-Hong, Tuan; Demmel, Franz; Russer, Peter: Adaptive Cancellation of Multiple Large Power Interference Sources in the Near-Field of an Antenna Array. Proceedings of 2003 European Conference on Wireless Technology, 2003, 249 -- 252 more…BibTeX
Broido, B.; Lukashevich, D.; Russer, P.: Hybrid method for simulation of passive structures in RF-MMICs. 2000 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Digest, Garmisch, 26-28 April 2000, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Cangellaris, Andreas; Russer, Peter: Network methods in electromagnetic field modelling II: Local modelling and system identification. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 17 (1-3), 2003, 19--30 more…BibTeX
Choi, Jung Han; Weiske, C. J.; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: Flip-chip bonded Si Schottky diode sampling circuits for high speed demultiplexers. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Choi, Jung Han; Weiske, C. J.; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.: Si Schottky sampling bridge circuits for demultiplexer. 2003 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2003. Digest of Papers., 2003 more…BibTeX
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Coccetti, F.; Dressel, W.; Russer, P.; Pierantoni, L.; Farina, M.; Rozzi, T.: Accurate modeling of high frequency microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) switches in time-and frequency-domain. Advances in Radio Science-Kleinheubacher Berichte 1, 2003 more…BibTeX
Do-Hong, Tuan; Demmel, Franz; Russer, Peter: Direction-of-arrival estimation for wideband smart antennas using frequency-domain frequency-invariant beamformers. Proceedings of 2003 European Conference on Wireless Technology, 2003, 293--296 more…BibTeX
Do-Hong, Tuan; Demmel, Franz; Russer, Peter: A Method for wideband direction-of-arrival estimation using frequency-domain frequency-invariant beamformers. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Digest 3, 2003, 244--247 more…BibTeX
Do-Hong, Tuan; Russer, P.: An analysis of wideband direction-of-arrival estimation for closely-spaced sources in the presence of array model errors. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 13 (8), 2003, 314-- 316 more…BibTeX
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Do-Hong, Tuan; Russer, P.: A method for design of digital beamformer with prescribed main beam width and sidelobe level. Microwave Conference, 2003. 33rd European, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Do-Hong, Tuan; Russer, Peter: Wideband direction-of-arrival estimation and beamforming for smart antennas system. Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, 2003, 127--130 more…BibTeX
Fujii, M.; Freude, W.; Russer, P.: Wavelet-collocation finite-difference analysis of 3D optical ring resonator. Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 2003. CLEO/Europe. 2003 Conference on, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Fujii, M.; Lukashevich, D.; Sakagami, I.; Russer, P.: Convergence of FDTD and wavelet-collocation modeling of curved dielectric interface with the effective dielectric constants obtained by static field analysis. Microwave Conference, 2003. 33rd European, 2003 more…BibTeX
Fujii, M.; Tentzeris, M. M.; Russer, P.: Performance of nonlinear dispersive APML in high-order FDTD schemes. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 IEEE MTT-S International, 2003 more…BibTeX
Fujii, Masafumi; Freude, Wolfgang; Russer, Peter: Efficient High-Spatial-Order FDTD Analysis of 3D Optical Ring Resonator Filters. The 19th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 2003,, 2003 more…BibTeX
Krug, F.; Hermann, T.; Mueller, D.; Russer, P.; Waldmann, J.; Aidam, M.: Strategies for precompliance measurements using the TDEMI measurement system. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2003 IEEE International Symposium on, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Hermann, T.; Russer, P.: Precompliance Measurements Using a Time-domain Measurement System. Proceedings of XII. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, ISTET'03, July 6 - 9, Warsaw, Poland, 2003 more…BibTeX
Krug, F.; Mueller, D.; Russer, P.: Statistical physical noise behavior analysis of the time domain EMI measurement system. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2003. IEEE, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Russer, P.: The time-domain electromagnetic interference measurement system. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 45 (2), 2003, 330--338 more…BibTeX
Krug, F.; Russer, P.: A new Short-time Spectral Estimation Technique for Precompliance Measurements. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), September 8 - 12, 2003, Torino, Italy, 2003 more…BibTeX
Krug, F.; Russer, P.: Signal processing methods for time domain EMI measurements. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2003. EMC '03. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on, 2003 more…BibTeX
Krug, F.; Russer, P.: Statistical evaluations of time-domain EMI measurements. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2003. EMC '03. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Russer, P.; Beffa, F.; Bachtold, W.; Lott, U.: A switched-LNA in 0.18 $\mu$m CMOS for Bluetooth applications. Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2003. Digest of Papers. 2003 Topical Meeting on, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Krug, Florian; Braun, Stephan; Kishida, Yuta; Russer, Peter: A novel Digital Quasi-Peak Detector for Time-Domain Measurements. European Microwave Conference, 2003. 33rd, 2003 more…BibTeX
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Krug, Florian; Hermann, Tobias; Russer, Peter: A Novel EMC Testing Technique based on Time Domain Methods. The 19th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 2003,, 2003 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, D.; Broido, B.; Pfost, M.; Russer, P.: The hybrid TLM-MM approach for simulation of MMICs. Microwave Conference, 2003. 33rd European, 2003 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, D.; Broido, B.; Russer, P.: Using of transmission line matrix method and mode matching approach for simulation of MMICs. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 IEEE MTT-S International, 2003 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, Dzianis; Cangellaris, Andreas; Russer, Peter: Reduced Order Modeling in TLM. The 19th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 2003,, 2003 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, Dzianis; Russer, Peter: Full-Wave Analysis of Transmission Line Structures in Damascene Technology. The 19th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 2003,, 2003 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, Dzianis; Russer, Peter: Network-Oriented Models of Transmission Line Structures in MMICs. Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, April 9--11, 2003, Garmisch, Germany, 2003 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, Dzianis; Russer, Peter; Cangellaris, Andreas: Krylov Space Methods in TLM. The 5th International Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time Domain-TLM, FDTD and Other Techniques (CEM-TD), Dalhousie University, 2003 more…BibTeX
Ong, Tian Jan; Fujii, M.; Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.: Generalized Network Formulation of Electromagnetic Fields -- Tableau Analysis of Waveguide Discontinuities. The 19th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES 2003,, 2003 more…BibTeX
Pierantoni, L.; Farina, M.; Rozzi, T.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.; Bushyager, N.; Tentzeris, M.: Comparison of electromagnetic solvers for the analysis of LTCC components. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2003. IEEE, 2003 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.: The transmission line matrix method. In: Baudrand, H. (Ed.): New Trends and Concepts im Microwave Theory and Technics. Research Signpost, 2003, 41--82 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.: Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering. Artech House, 2003 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Network methods in electromagnetic field modelling I: global modelling. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 17 (1-3), 2003, 5--17 more…BibTeX
Schnepp, H.; Muller, T.; Luy, J.-F.; Russer, P.: The implementation of channel diversity in mobile software radio receivers. Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE 13 (8), 2003, 323--325 more…BibTeX
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Do-Hong, Tuan; Hagerty, Joseph A.; Popovic, Zoya; Russer, Peter: Front-End Processing with Lens Antenna Arrays for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation. European Microwave Conference, 2002. 32nd, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Felsen, L. B.; Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.: Electromagnetic Field Representations and Computations in Complex Structures I: Complexity Architecture and Generalized Network Formulation. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 15, 2002, 93--107 more…BibTeX
Felsen, L. B.; Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.: Electromagnetic Field Representations and Computations in Complex Structures II: Alternative Green's Functions. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 15, 2002, 109--125 more…BibTeX
Fujii, M.; Russer, P.; Hoefer, W. J. R.: Numerical modeling of an optical beam-splitter by the time-domain wavelet-collocation technique. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, 2002. MIKON-2002. 14th International Conference on, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Fujii, Masafumi; Russer, Peter: A Modified Anisotropic Perfectly Matcheed Layer Absorbing Boundary Condition for the Time Domain Analysis of Nonlinear and Dispersion Media. Microwave Conference, 2002. 32nd European, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Russer, P.: Ultra-fast broadband EMI measurement in time domain using classical spectral estimation. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2002 IEEE MTT-S International, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Krug, F.; Russer, P.: Ultra-fast broadband EMI measurement in time-domain using FFT and periodogram. Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2002. EMC 2002. IEEE International Symposium on, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Krug, Florian; Russer, Peter: Time-Domain Broad-Band EMI Measurement Techniques. European Microwave Conference, 2002. 32nd, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Olbrich, G. R.; Luy, J. F.; Russer, P.: A Five-Band Antenna for Terrestrial and Satellite Radio Services. Proceedings of the 17th URSI General Assembly 2002, Maastricht, Niederlande, 17.-24. August 2002, 2002 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, D.; Russer, P.: Full-Wave Simulation of Transmission Line Structures in Monolithic Integrated Circuits. Proceedings of the 17th URSI General Assembly 2002, Maastricht, Niederlande, 17.-24. August 2002, 2002 more…BibTeX
Lukashevich, Dzianis; Vietzorreck, Larissa; Russer, Peter: Numerical Investigation of Transmission Lines and Components in Damascene Technology. European Microwave Conference, 2002. 32nd, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Pierantoni, L.; Farina, M.; Rozzi, T.; Coccetti, F.; Dressel, W.; Russer, P.: Comparison of the efficiency of electromagnetic solvers in the time- and frequency-domain for the accurate modeling of planar circuits and MEMS. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2002 IEEE MTT-S International, 2002 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Network-oriented modeling of radiating electromagnetic structures. Elektrik -- Turk. J. Elec. Engin. 10 (2), 2002, 147--162 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Mongiardo, M.; Felsen, L. B.: Electromagnetic Field Representations and Computations in Complex Structures III: Network Representations of the Connection and Subdomain Circuits. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 15, 2002, 127--145 more…BibTeX
Sorrentino, R.; Oxley, T.; Salmer, G.; Vorst, A. V.; Ligthart, L. P.; Russer, P.; Gerosa, G.; Pelosi, G.; Andersen, J. B.; Raisanen, A. V.; Kollberg, E.; Modelski, J.; Vendik, O. G.; Berceli, T.; Salazar-Palma, M.; Freire, J. Costa; Uzunoglu, N.; Madjar, A.: Microwaves in Europe. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 50 (3), 2002, 1056--1072 more…BibTeX
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Altintas, A.; Russer, P.: Time-domain equivalent edge currents for transient scattering. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 49 (4), 2001, 602--606 more…BibTeX
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Chtchekatourov, V.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: Direct Y-parameters estimation of microwave structures using TLM simulationand Prony's method. Proc. 17th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, ACES, Monterey, 2001 more…BibTeX
Chtchekatourov, V.; Fisch, W.; Coccetti, F.; Russer, P.: Full--Wave Analysis and Model--Based Parameter Estimation Approaches for S- and Y- Matrix Computation of Microwave Distributed Circuits. 2001 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, Phoenix, 2001 more…BibTeX
Coccetti, F.; Chtchekatourov, V.; Russer, P.: Time-Domain Analysis of RF Structures by Means of TLM and System Identification Methods. European Microwave Conference, 2001. 31st, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Do-Hong, T.; Fisch, W.; Russer, P.: Direction finding using spectral estimation with arbitrary antenna arrays. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2001 IEEE MTT-S International, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Heppenheimer, K. P.; Vietzorreck, L.; Russer, P.: Planar antennas on silicon for millimeterwave emitters. 2001 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Digest, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Heppenheimer, K. P.; Vietzorreck, L.; Russer, P.: Analysis and design of a planar antenna for a millimetre-wave emitter using TLM. Microwave Symposium Digest, 2001 IEEE MTT-S International, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Heppenheimer, Klaus P.; Vietzorreck, Larissa; Russer, Peter: Design of a Planar Antenna for a Millimetre-Wave Emitter using TLM. Proc. 17th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, ACES,, 2001 more…BibTeX
Heppenheimer, Klaus P.; Vietzorreck, Larissa; Russer, Peter: Active Millimeterwave Antennas on Silicon. Microwave Conference, 2001. 31st European, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Luy, J. F.; Russer, P.: A Multifunctional Antenna for Terrestrial and Satelite Radio Applications. 2001 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, Phoenix, 2001 more…BibTeX
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Rebel, J. N.; Aidam, M.; Russer, P.: On the convergence of the classical symmetrical condensed node-TLM scheme. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 49 (5), 2001, 954--963 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Cangellaris, A. C.: Network--Oriented Modeling, Complexity Reduction and System Identification Techniques for Electromagnetic Systems. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in the Time--Domain: TLM/FDTD and Related Techniques, 17--19 September 2001 Nottingham, 2001, 105--122 more…BibTeX
Christopoulos, C.; Russer, P.: Application of TLM to EMC Problems. In: Applied Computational Electromagnetics. Springer, 2000, 324--350 more…BibTeX
Christopoulos, C.; Russer, P.: Application of TLM to Microwave Circuits. In: Applied Computational Electromagnetics. Springer, 2000, 300--323 more…BibTeX
Chtchekatourov, V.; Vietzorreck, L.; Fisch, W.; Russer, P.: Time-domain system identification modeling for microwave structures. Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, 2000. MMET 2000. International Conference on, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Coccetti, F.; Vietzorreck, L.; Chtchekatourov, V.; Russer, P.: A numerical study of MEMS capacitive switches using TLM. Proc. 16th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Monterey, 2000 more…BibTeX
Fisch, W.; Chtchekatourov, V.; Russer, P.: SDMA system for GPS navigation. Kleinheubacher Berichte 43, 2000, 263--270 more…BibTeX
Fisch, W.; Chtchekatourov, V.; Russer, P.: Transmitter position estimation methods demonstrated on a GPS-SDMA-system. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications. 2000. MIKON-2000. 13th International Conference on, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Christopoulos, C.; Russer, P.: Methods for the modeling of thin wire structures with the TLM method. Microwave Symposium Digest., 2000 IEEE MTT-S International, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Rebel, J.; Russer, P.: TLM characterization of planar microwave transformers for monolithic power amplifiers. Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2000. Digest of Papers. 2000 Topical Meeting on, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Rebel, J.; Wohlmuth, H.-D.; Russer, P.: Time domain characterization of planar microwave transformers using the SCN-TLM method. Microwave Symposium Digest., 2000 IEEE MTT-S International, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: The Transmission Line Matrix Method. In: NATO Advanced Study Institute -- Applied Computational Electromagnetics July 26--August 5, 1997. Springer, 2000, 243--269 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Mongiardo, M.: The application of network methods to distributed microwave circuit analysis. Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications. 2000. MIKON-2000. 13th International Conference on, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Nichtlineare Modellierung von Mikrowellen-Oszillatoren. VDE ITG Diskussionssitzung "Anforderungen und Charakterisierungen nicht-linearer HF-Schaltungen", 2000 more…BibTeX
Vietzorreck, L.; Coccetti, F.; Chtchekatourov, V.; Russer, P.: Modeling of MEMS capacitive switches by TLM. Microwave Symposium Digest., 2000 IEEE MTT-S International, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Vietzorreck, L.; Coccetti, F.; Chtchekatourov, V.; Russer, P.: Numerical methods for the high-frequency analysis of MEMS capacitive switches. 2000 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Digest, Garmisch, 26-28 April 2000, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Vietzorreck, Larissa; Russer, Peter: Numerical Investigation of Micromachined Structures for Thin Layers. European Microwave Conference, 2000. 30th, 2000 more…BibTeX
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Englmaier, A.; Scholl, B.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: EMC Modelling Strategy For Automotive Applications. European Microwave Conference, 1999. 29th, 1999 more…BibTeX
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Fisch, Walter; Chtchekatourov, Vitali; Russer, Peter: Transmitter Frequency and Position Detection Methods For Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) Systems. European Microwave Conference, 1999. 29th, 1999 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Pierantoni, L.; Russer, P.: Hybrid space discretizing-integral equation methods for numerical modeling of transient interference. Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on 41 (4), 1999, 425--430 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Pierantoni, L.; Russer, P.: Time domain modelling of E.M. coupling between microwave circuit structures. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1999 IEEE MTT-S International, 1999 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, T.; Russer, P.: Full-wave modeling and automatic equivalent-circuit generation of millimeter-wave planar and multilayer structures. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 47, 1999, 851--858 more…BibTeX
Mangold, Tobias; Russer, Peter: Electromagnetic Field Modeling and Synthesis of Equivalent Circuits for Distributed Microwave Circuits. Proc. 10th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET99), 1999 more…BibTeX
Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Tomassoni, C.; Felsen, L. B.: Analysis of N-furcation in elliptical waveguides via the generalized network formulation. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 47 (12), 1999, 2473--2478 more…BibTeX
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Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Tomassoni, C.; Felsen, L. B.: Generalized network formulation analysis of the N--furcations application to elliptical waveguide. Proc. 10th International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET99), 1999 more…BibTeX
Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Tomassoni, C.; Felsen, L. B.: Analysis of N-furcation in elliptical waveguides via the generalized network formulation. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1999 IEEE MTT-S International, 1999 more…BibTeX
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Pierantoni, Luca; Cerri, Graziano; Lindenmeier, Stefan; Russer, Peter: Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of the Hybrid MoM-FDTD, TLM-IE and ARB Methods for the Efficient Modelling of EMC Problems. European Microwave Conference, 1999. 29th, 1999 more…BibTeX
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Aidam, Martin; Russer, Peter: Comparison of Finite Difference and Wavelet-Galerkin Methods for the Solution of Telegraph Equations. European Microwave Conference, 1998. 28th, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Alimenti, F.; Tiezzi, F.; Sorrentino, R.; Lindenmeier, S.; Pierantoni, L.; Russer, P.: Accurate analysis and modeling of slot coupled patch antennas by the TLM--IE and the FDTD methods. Proc. 28th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam 1, 1998, 30--35 more…BibTeX
Fisch, W.; Russer, P.: Global Positioning System using digital beam forming. Microwaves and Radar, 1998. MIKON '98., 12th International Conference on, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Pierantoni, L.; Russer, P.: Adapted radiating boundaries (ARB) for efficient time domain simulation of electromagnetic interferences. 1998 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, Baltimore, 1998, 465--468 more…BibTeX
Mangold, T.; Gulde, P.; Neumann, G.; Russer, P.: A multichip module integration technology on silicon substrate for high frequency applications. 1998 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Digest, Ann Arbor, 26-28 Sept 1998, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, T.; Russer, P.: Microwave circuits. Signals, Systems, and Electronics, 1998. ISSSE 98. 1998 URSI International Symposium on, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, T.; Russer, P.: A systematic approach to the problem of equivalent circuit model generation. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1998 IEEE MTT-S International, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, T.; Wolf, J.; Topper, M.; Reichl, H.; Russer, P.: A multichip module integration technology for high-speed analog and digital applications. Signals, Systems, and Electronics, 1998. ISSSE 98. 1998 URSI International Symposium on, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, T.; Wolf, J.; Töpper, M.; Reichl, H.; Russer, P.: Multilayer Multichip Modules for Microwave and Millimeterwave Integration. Proc. 28th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam 2, 1998, 443--448 more…BibTeX
Mangold, Tobias; Russer, Peter: Automated Circuit Model Generation for Distributed Microwave Circuits. URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics (ISSSE), 1998 more…BibTeX
Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Dionigi, M.; Felsen, L. B.: Generalized networks for waveguide step discontinuities. Proc. 14th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, Monterey, 1998, 952--956 more…BibTeX
Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Dionigi, M.; Felsen, L. B.: Waveguide step discontinuities revisited by the generalized network formulation. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1998 IEEE MTT-S International, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Plerantoni, L.; Lindenmeier, S.; Russer, P.: Efficient analysis of microstrip radiation by the TLM integral equation (TLMIE) method. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1998 IEEE MTT-S International, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Si and SiGe millimeter-wave integrated circuits. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 46 (5), 1998, 590--603 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Si and SiGe millimeterwave integrated circuits for sensor and communications applications. Microwaves and Radar, 1998. MIKON '98., 12th International Conference on, 1998 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Arnold, G.: Direct modulation of semiconductor injection lasers. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 30 (11), 1998, 1809--1821 more…BibTeX
Aidam, M.; Russer, P.: Derivation of the TLM method by finite integration. AEÜ Int. J. Electron. Commun. 51, 1997, 35--39 more…BibTeX
Felsen, L. B.; Mongiardo, M.; Russer, P.; Conti, G.; Tomassoni, C.: Waveguide Component Analysis by a Generalized Network Approach. Proc. 27th European Microwave Conference, Jerusalem, 1997, 949--954 more…BibTeX
Lindenmeier, S.; Bader, B.; Russer, P.: Investigation of various H-shaped antennas with an ATLM field-solver. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1997., IEEE MTT-S International, 1997 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Isele, B.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: A fast spatial-domain method for the suppression of excitation-induced spurious modes in SCN TLM. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 45 (11), 1997, 1998--2006 more…BibTeX
Lindenmeier, S.; Russer, P.: Design of planar circuit structures with an efficient magnetostatic-field solver. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 45 (12), 1997, 2468--2473 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Russer, P.: Design of Planar Circuit Structures with an Efficient Magneto-Static Field Solver. 1997 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, Denver, 1997 more…BibTeX
Lindenmeier, S.; Russer, P.; Heinrich, W.: Applications of the Hybrid Dynamic-Static Finite Difference Approach on 3D-MMIC Structures. Proc. 13th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Monterey, 1997 more…BibTeX
Lindenmeier, Stefan; Bader, Bernhard; Russer, Peter: The ATLM Method. Second International Workshop on Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Modeling -- Theory and Applications, Munich, Germany, 29.-31.10.1997, pp. 236--245, Oct. 1997., Technical University Munich, 1997 more…BibTeX
Lindenmeier, Stefan; Bader, Bernhard; Russer, Peter: CAD of viahole fed planar antennas using space discretizing field solvers. European Microwave Conference, 1997. 27th, 1997 more…BibTeX
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Luy, J.-F.; Russer, P.: SiGe SIMMWICs. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 1997., IEEE, 1997 more…BibTeX
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Mangold, T.; Russer, P.: Modeling of multichip module interconnections by the TLM method and system identification. Proc. 27th European Microwave Conference, Jerusalem, 1997, 538--543 more…BibTeX
Mangold, T.; Russer, P.: Modeling Of Multichip Module Interconnections by the TLM Method and System Identification. Microwave Conference and Exhibition, 1997 27th European, 1997 more…BibTeX
Mangold, Tobias; Russer, Peter: Generation of lumped element equivalent circuits for distributed multiport structures via TLM simulation. Second International Workshop on Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Modeling -- Theory and Applications, Munich, Germany, 29.-31.10.1997, pp. 236--245, Oct. 1997., 1997 more…BibTeX
Olbrich, G.; Russer, P.: Nonlinear Methods For Microwave Oscillator Design. Microwave Conference and Exhibition, 1997 27th European, 1997 more…BibTeX
Pierantoni, L.; Lindenmeier, S.; Russer, P.: A Combination Of Integral Equation Method And Fd/tlm Method For Efficient Solution Of Emc Problems. Microwave Conference and Exhibition, 1997 27th European, 1997 more…BibTeX
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Pierantoni, Luca; Lindenmeier, Stefan; Russer, Peter: A hybrid TLM-Integral Equation (TLMIE) method for efficient solution of EMC problems. Second International Workshop on Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Modeling -- Theory and Applications, Munich, Germany, 29.-31.10.1997, pp. 236--245, Oct. 1997., Technical University Munich, 1997 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Lindenmeier, S.: Compact distributed microwave circuit models generated by the TLM method and systems identification. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, 1997. 'Linking to the Next Century'. Proceedings., 1997 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International, 1997 more…BibTeX
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Zenzinger, A.; Mathiae, S.; Russer, P.; Reindl, L.; Weigel, R.: MSK direct sequence spread spectrum system incorporating SAW tapped delay line and SAW shaping filter. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE, 1997 more…BibTeX
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Bader, B.; Russer, P.: Modelling of edges and corners in the alternating transmission line matrix (ATLM) scheme. Electronics Letters 32 (20), 1996, 1897--1898 more…BibTeX
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Holm, A.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.; Ruile, W.: A laser probing system for characterization of SAW propagation on LiNbO3, LiTaO3, and quartz. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996., IEEE MTT-S International, 1996 more…BibTeX
Holm, A.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.; Ruile, W.: A laser probing system for characterization of SAW propagation on LiNbO3, LiTaO3, and quartz. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996., IEEE MTT-S International, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Isele, B.; Aidam, M.; Russer, P.: TLM modeling of planar microwave circuits. European Microwave Conference, 1996. 26th, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Isele, B.; Russer, P.: The modeling of coplanar circuits in a parallel computing environment. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996., IEEE MTT-S International, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Heinrich, W.; Russer, P.: A fast magneto-static field simulation for the incorporation into a hybrid dynamic-static finite-integral algorithm. European Microwave Conference, 1996. 26th, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Isele, B.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: A fast spatial domain method for the suppression of excitation-induced spurious modes in SCN-TLM. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996., IEEE MTT-S International, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Lindenmeier, S.; Russer, P.; Heinrich, W.: Hybrid dynamic-static Finite-Difference approach for MMIC design. 1996 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco 44, 1996, 197--200 more…BibTeX
Lindenmeier, Stefan; Russer, Peter: The alternating rotated TLM scheme (ARTLM) for fast simulations in time domain. European Microwave Conference, 1996. 26th, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Niederhoff, M.; Heinrich, W.; Russer, P.: Three-dimensional modelling of high-power laser diodes based on the finite integration beam propagation method. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996., IEEE MTT-S International, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Noise analysis of linear microwave circuits with general topology. The review of radio science 1993--1996, Oxford, England,, 1996, 887--890 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: The alternating rotated transmission line matrix (ARTLM) scheme. Electromagnetics 16 (5), 1996, 537--551 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Modelling of Lossy Coplanar Waveguides and Waveguide--Discontinuities by the Mode--Matching Approach. Workshop Proc. 26th European Microwave Conference, 1996 more…BibTeX
Thomann, W.; Russer, P.: The evaluation of electrooptic-sampling including diffraction and aperture masking of a tilted astigmatic Gaussian sampling beam. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996., IEEE MTT-S International, 1996 more…BibTeX
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Anzill, W.; Stryk, O. von; Bulirsch, R.; Russer, P.: Phase noise minimization of microwave oscillators by optimal design. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Felgentreff, T.; Anzill, W.; Olbrich, G.; Russer, P.: Analysis of g-r noise upconversion in oscillators. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Fillebock, M.; Russer, P.: Robust continuation method for tuning characteristics computation and global stability analysis of microwave oscillators. European Microwave Conference, 1995. 25th, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Gungerich, V.; Zinkler, F.; Anzill, W.; Russer, P.: Noise calculations and experimental results of varactor tunable oscillators with significantly reduced phase noise. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 43 (2), 1995, 278--285 more…BibTeX
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Hein, S.; Krumpholtz, M.; Russer, P.: Comment on ``A field theoretical derivation of TLM'' [and reply]. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 43 (7), 1995, 1629 more…BibTeX
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Huber, C.; Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: Dispersion in anisotropic media modeled by three-dimensional TLM. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 43 (8), 1995, 1923--1934 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Bader, B.; Russer, P.: On the theory of discrete TLM Green's functions in three-dimensional TLM. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 43 (7), 1995, 1472--1483 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Huber, C.; Russer, P.: A field theoretical comparison of FDTD and TLM. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 43 (8), 1995, 1935--1950 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Roselli, L.; Russer, P.: Dispersion characteristics of the TLM scheme with symmetrical super-condensed node. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Niederhoff, M.; Heinrich, W.; Russer, P.: The finite-integration beam-propagation method (FIBPM). Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Righi, M.; Eswarappa, C.; Hoefer, W. J. R.; Russer, P.: An alternative way of computing S--parameters via impulsive TLM analysis without using absorbing boundary conditions. 1995 Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, Orlando, 1995, 1203--1206 more…BibTeX
Rosler, U.; Cohrs, D.; Dietz, A.; Fischerauer, G.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Determination of leaky SAW propagation, reflection and coupling on LiTaO3. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Bader, B.: The alternating transmission line matrix (ATLM) scheme. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: The Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) Method and its Application to the CAD of Microwave Circuits. In: COMETT Course on Modelling of Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits. University of Bologna in Connection with the EuMC 95, 1995 more…BibTeX
Schmidt, R.; Russer, P.: Modeling of cascaded coplanar waveguide discontinuities by the mode-matching approach. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 43 (12), 1995, 2910--2917 more…BibTeX
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Schmidt, R.; Russer, P.: Modelling of cascaded coplanar waveguide discontinuities by the mode-matching approach. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Sobhy, Mohamed I.; Bakkar, EI-Sayed A.; Ng, Ming W. R.; Hosny, Essam A.; Isele, Bertram; Russer, Peter: Modelling of microwave circuits by system identification methods. European Microwave Conference, 1995. 25th, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Vahldieck, R.; Chen, Shuoqi; Jin, Hang; Russer, P.: Field theory analysis of distributed microwave effects in high speed semiconductor lasers and their interconnection with passive microwave transmission lines. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995., IEEE MTT-S International, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Vahldieck, Ruediger; Chen, Shuoqi; Jin, Hang; Russer, Peter: Flip-chip and bond wire/airbridge transitions between passive microwave transmission lines and laser diodes. European Microwave Conference, 1995. 25th, 1995 more…BibTeX
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Anzill, Werner; Kärtner, Franz; Russer, Peter: Simulation of the Phase Noise of Oscillators in the Frequency Domain. AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 48, 1994, 153--159 more…BibTeX
Bader, B.; Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: Current sources in TLM. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1994. AP-S. Digest, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Felgentreff, T.; Olbrich, G.; Russer, P.: Noise parameter modeling of HEMTs with resistor temperature noise sources. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Fischerauer, G.; Bader, B.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Design of mobile phone IIDT-type SAW filters with block-like distribution of transducers. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 42 (7), 1994, 1380--1386 more…BibTeX
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Fischerauer, G.; Gogl, D.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Investigation of parasitic effects in multi-transducer SAW RF filters. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Fischerauer, G.; Gogl, D.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Rigorous modeling of parasitic effects in complex SAW RF filters. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Gungerich, V.; Deuringer, J.; Anzill, W.; Russer, P.: Phase noise reduction of microwave oscillators by optimization of the dynamic behaviour. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Gungerich, V.; Janke, B.; Zinkler, F.; Heinrich, W.; Russer, P.: MMIC oscillator simulation considering bias-voltage dependence. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: Two-dimensional FDTD and TLM. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 7, 1994, 141--153 more…BibTeX
Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: A field theoretical derivation of TLM. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 42 (9), 1994, 1660--1668 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: On the dispersion in TLM and FDTD. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 42 (7), 1994, 1275--1279 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: TLM and Maxwell's equations. Computation in Electromagnetics, 1994. Second International Conference on, 1994 more…BibTeX
Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.; LoVetri, J.; Simons, N. R. S.: Comments on ``A class of symmetrical condensed node TLM methods derived directly from Maxwell's equations'' [and reply]. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 42 (8), 1994, 1586--1587 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.; Zhang, Qi; Hoefer, J. R.: Field-theoretic foundation of two-dimensional TLM based on a rectangular mesh. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Luy, J.-F.; Russer, P.: Silicon-Based Millimeter-Wave Devices. Volume 32. Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics. Springer, 1994 more…BibTeX
Muller, G.; Bergmann, A.; Ruile, W.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Experimental determination of the complete scattering matrix of SAW reflectors by a new deembedding method. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Muller, G.; Herzinger, S.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Extended phased array model for the calculation of mechanical bulk wave excitation in SAW reflectors. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Olbrich, G. R.; Felgentreff, T.; Anzill, W.; Hersina, G.; Russer, P.: Calculation of HEMT oscillator phase noise using large signal analysis in time domain. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Olbrich, G. R.; Felgentreff, T.; Anzill, W.; Hersina, G.; Russer, P.: Calculation of HEMT oscillator phase noise using large signal analysis in time domain. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Rheinfelder, C.; Scholl, G.; Weigel, R.; Ruppel, C. C. W.; Russer, P.: Feedback-controlled compensation of parameter fluctuations of mobile radio SAW IF channel filters. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Isele, B.; Sobhy, M.; Hosny, E. A.: A general interface between TLM models and lumped element circuit models. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Righi, M.; Eswarappa, C.; Hoefer, W. J. R.: Lumped element equivalent circuit parameter extraction of distributed microwave circuits via TLM simulation. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Evaluation of the S-Matrix of microwave circuits with general topology. AEÜ Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik 48 (01), 1994, 347--350 more…BibTeX
Sobhy, M. I.; Hosny, E. A.; El-Azeem, M. H.; Russer, P.; Isle, B.: Interfacing electromagnetic structures and lumped nonlinear circuits. Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits, 1994. Third International Workshop on, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Sobhy, M. I.; Hosny, E. A.; Russer, P.; Isele, B.; Christopoulos, C.: Interfacing the transmission line method (TLM) and state-space (SS) techniques to analyse general non-linear structures. Computation in Electromagnetics, 1994. Second International Conference on, 1994 more…BibTeX
Thomann, W.; Russer, P.: Quasi-simultaneous external electrooptic probing of transverse and longitudinal field distributions taking into account the probe tip invasiveness. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994., IEEE MTT-S International, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Fauter, A.; Russer, P.; Reindl, L.; Seifert, F.: On the design of moderate time-bandwidth SAW convolver for indoor and mobile radio applications. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 1994. Wireless Networks - Catching the Mobile Future.,, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Rosler, U.; Meier, H.; Russer, P.: Analysis of the interaction of surface acoustic waves with charge carriers in layered structures. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE, 1994 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, Robert; Holm, Andreas; Soelkner, Gerald; Ruile, Werner; Russer, Peter; Scheps, Richard: Laser probing system for the accurate detection of surface acoustic wave phase velocities. Visible and UV Lasers, SPIE, 1994 more…BibTeX
Anzill, W.; Russer, P.: A general method to simulate noise in oscillators based on frequency domain techniques. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 41 (12), 1993, 2256--2263 more…BibTeX
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Anzill, W.; Russer, P.: A general method based on harmonic balance techniques to simulate noise in free running oscillators. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Fauter, A.; Reindl, L.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.; Seifert, F.: Miniaturized SAW convolver for indoor mobile communication. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., IEEE 1993, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Fillebock, M.; Schwab, M.; Russer, P.: Automatic generation of starting values for the simulation of microwave oscillators by frequency domain techniques. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 41 (5), 1993, 809--813 more…BibTeX
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Gungerich, V.; Zinkler, F.; Anzill, W.; Russer, P.: Reduced phase noise of a varactor tunable oscillator: numerical calculations and experimental results. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Jin, H.; Vahldieck, R.; Russer, P.; Huang, J.: Full-wave analysis of discontinuities in uniplanar and multiplanar transmission lines using the frequency-domain TLM method. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Jin, Hang; Vahldieck, R.; Huang, Jifu; Russer, P.: Rigorous analysis of mixed transmission line interconnects using the frequency-domain TLM method. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 41 (12), 1993, 2248--2255 more…BibTeX
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Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: Discrete Time--Domain Green's Functions for Three--dimensional TLM Modelling of the Radiating Boundary Conditions. Proc. 9th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, Monterey, 1993 more…BibTeX
Krumpholz, M.; Russer, P.: A generalized method for the calculation of TLM dispersion relations. European Microwave Conference, 1993. 23rd, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Machui, J.; Muller, G.; Ruile, W.; Reindl, L.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: A new low loss SAW filter structure with extremely wide bandwidth for mobile communication systems. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Meier, H.; Russer, P.: Analysis of leaky surface acoustic wave reflections. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., IEEE 1993, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Muller, G.; Machui, J.; Reindl, L.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Design of a low loss SAW reflector filter with extremely wide bandwidth for mobile communication systems. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 41 (12), 1993, 2147--2155 more…BibTeX
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Muller, G.; Machui, J.; Reindl, L.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Design of a low loss SAW reflector filter with extremely wide bandwidth for mobile communication systems. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 41 (12), 1993, 2147--2155 more…BibTeX
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Rauch, W.; Gornik, E.; Valenzuela, A. A.; Solkner, G.; Fox, F.; Behner, H.; Gieres, G.; Russer, P.: Planar transmission line resonators from YBa2Cu3 O7-x thin films and epitaxial SIS multilayers. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on 3 (1), 1993, 1110--1113 more…BibTeX
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Rottenkolber, M.; Thomann, W.; Russer, P.: Characterization and optimization of electrooptic sampling by volume-integral-method and application of space-harmonic potential. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Krumpholz, M.: The Hilbert Space Formulation of the TLM Method. Int. J. Numerical Modelling : Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 6 (1), 1993, 29--45 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Krumpholz, Michael: On the Field Theoreticl Foundation of the Transmission Line Matrix Method. Second International Workshop on Discrete Time Domain Modelling of Electromagnetic Fields and Networks, Ferdinand Braun Institute, 1993 more…BibTeX
Sattler, S.; Felgentreff, T.; Russer, P.: A coplanar millimeterwave resonator on silicon. Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium, 1993. Digest of Papers., IEEE 1993, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Sattler, S.; Felgentreff, T.; Russer, P.: CPW resonator modelling on GaAs using the mixed potential integral equation. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Sattler, Sebastian; Russer, Peter: Advance in analyzing passive planar radiating structures with moment of moment matrices. Proc. 9th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics ACES, 1993 more…BibTeX
Scholl, G.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P. H.: P-matrix modeling of transverse-mode coupled resonator filters. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., IEEE 1993, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Thomann, W.; Isele, B.; Stockeler, F.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: Characterization and simulation of bi-quadratic coplanar waveguide tapers for time-domain applications. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Thomann, W.; Rottenkolber, M.; Russer, P.: Optimization of electrooptic sampling by volume-integral method. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 41 (12), 1993, 2392--2399 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Bader, B.; Fischerauer, G.; Russer, P.: Design and performance of wide-band IIDT-type SAW filters with low loss and improved sidelobe suppression. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Bader, B.; Fischerauer, G.; Russer, P.: IIDT-type low-loss SAW filters used in wideband cellular radio systems. Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, 1993., IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Holm, A.; Russer, P.; Ruile, W.; Solkner, G.: Accurate optical measurement of surface acoustic wave phase velocity. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., IEEE 1993, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Holm, A.; Russer, P.; Ruile, W.; Solkner, G.: Accurate optical measurement of surface acoustic wave phase velocity. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., IEEE 1993, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Weigel, R.; Nalezinski, M.; Valenzuela, A. A.; Russer, P.: Narrow-band YBCO superconducting parallel-coupled coplanar waveguide band-pass filters at 10 GHz. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1993., IEEE MTT-S International, 1993 more…BibTeX
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Biebl, E. M.; Russer, P.: Elastic properties of proton exchanged lithium niobate. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on 39 (3), 1992, 330--334 more…BibTeX
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Gungerich, V.; Schwab, M.; Russer, P.: Nonlinear design and experimental results of a low-noise varactor tunable oscillator using a coupled microstrip resonator. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1992., IEEE MTT-S International, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Isele, B.; Russer, P.: Modeling of nonlinear dispersive active elements, in TLM. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1992., IEEE MTT-S International, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Kessler, J.; Dill, R.; Russer, P.: Characterization of millimeterwave transmission lines on silicon substrates. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1992. AP-S. 1992 Digest. Held in Conjuction with: URSI Radio Science Meeting and Nuclear EMP Meeting., IEEE, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Kessler, J.; Russer, P.; Dill, R.: Modelling of miniaturized coplanar striplines based on \$\textbackslashmboxYBa_2 \textbackslashmboxCu_3\textbackslashmboxO_7-x\$ thin films. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1992., IEEE MTT-S International, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Klieber, R.; Ramisch, R.; Valenzuela, A. A.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: A coplanar transmission line high-Tc superconductive oscillator at 6.5 GHz on a single substrate. Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE 2 (1), 1992, 22--24 more…BibTeX
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Klieber, R.; Ramisch, R.; Weigel, R.; Schwab, M.; Valenzuela, A. A.; Dill, R.; Russer, P.: Single-Substrate High-Tc Superconducting Coplanar Oscillator at 6.5 GHz. Microwave Conference, 1992. APMC '92. 1992 Asia-Pacific, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Luy, J.-F.; Strohm, K. M.; Buechler, J.; Russer, P.: Silicon monolithic millimetre-wave integrated circuits. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, IEE Proceedings H 139 (3), 1992, 209--216 more…BibTeX
Meier, H.; Russer, P.: Analysis of leaky surface acoustic waves on LiTaO3 substrate. Frequency Control Symposium, 1992. 46th., Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE, 1992 more…BibTeX
Meier, H.; Schneiderbauer, B.; Russer, P.: Propagation of leaky surface acoustic waves under thin periodic metal electrodes. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1992. Proceedings., IEEE 1992, 1992 more…BibTeX
Rinck, A.; Wagner, K. C.; Russer, P.: Bulk wave radiation by group-type-unidirectional-transducers. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1992. Proceedings., IEEE 1992, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Rinck, A.; Wagner, K. C.; Russer, P.: Bulk wave radiation by group-type-unidirectional-transducers. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1992. Proceedings., IEEE 1992, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Muller, S.: Noise Analysis of Circuits with General Topology and Arbitrary Representation. Microwave Conference, 1992. APMC '92. 1992 Asia-Pacific, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Müller, S.: Noise analysis of microwave circuits with general topology. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1992., IEEE MTT-S International, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Millimeterwave Integrated Circuits. 9th National Meeting on Electromagnetics, 1992 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter; Isele, Bertram: Modeling of Skin Effect in TLM. Int. Conf. on Ultrawide¬band Short-Pulse Electromagnetics, Springer, 1992 more…BibTeX
Sattler, Sebastian; Russer, Peter: A note on the computational storage in the subsectional basis function approach to the method of moments. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 5 (4), 1992, 245--250 more…BibTeX
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Sattler, Sebastian; Russer, Peter: On the Green's function of the transverse scalar potential and the exact evaluation of its corresponding Sommerfeld integral. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 5 (11), 1992, 566--572 more…BibTeX
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Sattler, Sebastian; Russer, Peter: Method of Moments Computational Storage Minimization. Proceeedings of the ISAP 1992, 1992 more…BibTeX
Schirdewahn, B.; Ostertag, T.; Weigel, R.; Riha, G.; Russer, P.: A Low-Cost Saw-Resonator Transmitter for Radio Control Applications in the 70 Cm Band. Microwave Conference, 1992. APMC '92. 1992 Asia-Pacific, 1992 more…BibTeX
Thomann, W.; Isele, B.; Russer, P.: Characterization of a 90\textrm\textbackslashcirc\$ curved microstrip transmission line in the time-domain and frequency-domain with 3D-TLM-method and measurements. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1992. AP-S. 1992 Digest. Held in Conjuction with: URSI Radio Science Meeting and Nuclear EMP Meeting., IEEE, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Vanselow, M.; Isele, B.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: 3D-TLM analysis of high-Tc superconducting coupled-coplanar waveguide. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1992. AP-S. 1992 Digest. Held in Conjuction with: URSI Radio Science Meeting and Nuclear EMP Meeting., IEEE, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Vanselow, M.; Isele, B.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: High-Tc superconducting coupled coplanar transmission lines: a 3D-transmission line matrix analysis. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1992., IEEE MTT-S International, 1992 more…BibTeX
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Anemogiannis, K.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.; Zimmermann, C.: SAW microstrip front-end for mobile communication systems in the GHz range. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1991., IEEE MTT-S International, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Biebl, E. M.; Anemogiannis, K.; Weigel, R.; Russer, P.: High performance mobile communication front-ends in the GHz range using low loss SAW-filters. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1991. Proceedings., IEEE 1991, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Buechler, J.; Strohm, K. M.; Luy, J. F.; Goeller, T.; Sattler, S.; Russer, P.: Coplanar Monolithic Silicon Impatt Transmitter. 21st European Microwave Conference, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Goeller, T.; Schwab, M.; Russer, P.: Efficient simulation of millimeter-wave IMPATT oscillators by FATE, a combined time- and frequency-domain method. Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE 1 (11), 1991, 343--345 more…BibTeX
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Hausner, J.; Russer, P.: A broadband tunable distributed feedback resonator. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1991., IEEE MTT-S International, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Hoefer, W. J. R.; Isele, B.; Russer, P.: Modelling of nonlinear active devices in TLM. Computation in Electromagnetics, 1991., International Conference on, 1991 more…BibTeX
Kessler, J.; Dill, R.; Russer, P.: Field theory investigation of high-\$T_c\$ superconducting coplanar waveguide transmission lines and resonators. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 39 (9), 1991, 1566--1574 more…BibTeX
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Klieber, R.; Ramisch, R.; Weigel, R.; Schwab, M.; Dill, R.; Valenzuela, A. A.; Russer, P.: High-temperature superconducting resonator-stabilized coplanar hybrid-integrated oscillator at 6.5 GHz. Electron Devices Meeting, 1991. IEDM '91. Technical Digest., International, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Meier, H.; Russer, P.: Propagation characteristics of leaky surface acoustic waves for two thin metal layers on LiTaO3 substrate. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1991. Proceedings., IEEE 1991, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Meier, H.; Weigel, R.; Anemogiannis, K.; Russer, P.: SAW Microstrip Antenna-Duplexer for Radio Communication Transceivers in the GHz Range. European Microwave Conference, 1991. 21st, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Ramisch, Roland; Olbrich, Gerhard R.; Russer, Peter: A tapped-delay-line superconductive chirp filter in shielded microstrip. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 39 (9), 1991, 1575 -- 1581 more…BibTeX
Rinck, A.; Dill, R.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P.: Design of two-phase unidirectional transducers for a predetermined triple transit signal suppression. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1991. Proceedings., IEEE 1991, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Silicon Monolithic Millimeterwave Integrated Circuits. European Microwave Conference, 1991. 21st, 1991 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; So, P. P. M.; Hoefer, W. J. R.: Modeling of nonlinear active regions in TLM [distributed circuits]. Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE 1 (1), 1991, 10--13 more…BibTeX
Scholl, G.; Christ, A.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P. H.; Weigel, R.: Efficient analysis tool for coupled-SAW-resonator filters. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on 38 (3), 1991, 243--251 more…BibTeX
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Scholl, G.; Christ, A.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P. H.; Weigel, R.: Efficient analysis tool for coupled-SAW-resonator filters. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on 38 (3), 1991, 243--251 more…BibTeX
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Anemogiannis, K.; Beck, C.; Roth, A.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: A 900 MHz SAW microstrip antenna-duplexer for mobile radio. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1990., IEEE MTT-S International, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Anzill, W.; Goeller, T.; Kaertner, F. X.; Russer, P.; Buechler, J.: Self-consistent simulation of a high-power 73 GHz integrated IMPATT oscillator. Electronics Letters 26 (20), 1990, 1697--1698 more…BibTeX
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Biebl, E. M.; Russer, P.: Analysis of the acoustooptic interaction in proton-exchanged lithium niobate [light deflectors]. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1990. Proceedings., IEEE 1990, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Dill, R.; Otto, J.; Riha, G.; Russer, P.; Schultz, L.; Solkner, G.; Valenzuela, A. A.; Wolfgang, E.: Testchip for high temperature superconductor passive devices. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1990., IEEE MTT-S International, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Fleischmann, B.; Roth, A.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Low Noise Phase Locked VCO at 2.5 GHz for Optical Transmission Networks using Fifth Harmonic STW Delay Line. European Microwave Conference, 1990. 20th, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Gratzl, R.; Hausner, J.; Russer, P.: Nonlinear design approach of a broadband hybrid integrated Ku -band common-source GaAs FET VCO. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1990., IEEE MTT-S International, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Hausner, J.; Richter, W.; Russer, P.; Scheuvens, B. J.: A Low Noise Hybrid Integrated 4.5 Gbit/s Optical Front End. European Microwave Conference, 1990. 20th, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Kaertner, Franz X.; Russer, Peter: Generation of squeezed microwave states by a dc-pumped degenerate parametric Josephson junction oscillator. Phys. Rev. A 42 (9), 1990, 5601--5612 more…BibTeX
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Keßler, J.; Dill, R.; Russer, P.; Valenzuela, A. A.: Property Calculations of a Superconducting Coplanar Waveguide Resonator. Proc. 20th European Microwave Conference, 1990., 1990 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Kaertner, F. X.: Squeezed-state generation by a DC pumped degenerate Josephson parametric amplifier. AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 44 (3), 1990, 216--224 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Müller, S.: Noise analysis of linear microwave circuits. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 3, 1990, 287--316 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.; Schwab, M.; Kaertner, F. W.: Numerical analysis of microwave oscillators. International Workshop of German IEEE MTT/AP Joint Chapter on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwaxe Circuits (INMMC 1990), 1990 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Was heißt und zu welchem Ende treibt man Hochfrequenztechnik. Technische Universität München, 1990, more…BibTeX
Schwab, M.; Zimmermann, F. J.; Russer, P.; Kaertner, F. X.; Goeller, T.: Steady State of a SAW Stabilized Bipolar Oscillator Obtained by Solution of a Boundary Value Problem. European Microwave Conference, 1990. 20th, 1990 more…BibTeX
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Thomas, V.; Russer, P.: Internal And External Frontside Electra-optic Voltage Probing Utilizing A Diode Laser. Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, 1990. LEOS '90. Conference Proceedings., IEEE, 1990 more…BibTeX
A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer: High Q coplanar transmission line resonator of \textrm7-x on Mg0. Applied Physics Letters 5, 1989, 1029--1031 more…BibTeX
Anemogiannis, K.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Wide-band nonlinear chirp transducers for planar acoustooptic deflectors. Microwave Symposium Digest, 1989., IEEE MTT-S International, 1989 more…BibTeX
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Biebl, E. M.; Russer, P. H.; Anemogiannis, K.: SAW propagation on proton-exchanged lithium niobate. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1989. Proceedings., IEEE 1989, 1989 more…BibTeX
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Fleischmann, B.; Roth, A.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: A 2.5 GHz low noise phase locked surface transverse wave VCO. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1989. Proceedings., IEEE 1989, 1989 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Türkner, K.-H.; Riedel, K.; Schaal, T.: Hyperthermia System for Treatment of Malignant Eye Tumors. Proc. Microwaves and Optronics Conference (MIOP) 1989, 1989 more…BibTeX
Scholl, G.; Christ, A.; Grassl, H. P.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Efficient design tool for SAW-resonator filters. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1989. Proceedings., IEEE 1989, 1989 more…BibTeX
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Scholl, G.; Christ, A.; Grassl, H. P.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Efficient design tool for SAW-resonator filters. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1989. Proceedings., IEEE 1989, 1989 more…BibTeX
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Scholl, G.; Christ, A.; Grassl, H. P.; Ruile, W.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: Efficient design tool for SAW-resonator filters. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1989. Proceedings., IEEE 1989, 1989 more…BibTeX
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Buechler, J.; Kasper, E.; Luy, J. F.; Russer, P.; Strohm, K. M.: Planar W¿Band Receiver and Oscillator. European Microwave Conference, 1988. 18th, 1988 more…BibTeX
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Buechler, J.; Kasper, E.; Luy, J. F.; Russer, P.; Strohm, K. M.: Silicon millimeter-wave circuits for receivers and transmitters. Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium, 1988. Digest of Papers., IEEE 1988, 1988 more…BibTeX
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Eichinger, L.; Fleischmann, B.; Hausner, J.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: A Low Noise UHF Surface Transverse Wave Oscillator. European Microwave Conference, 1988. 18th, 1988 more…BibTeX
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Eichinger, L.; Fleischmann, B.; Russer, P.; Weigel, R.: A 2 GHz surface transverse wave oscillator with low phase noise. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 36 (12), 1988, 1677--1684 more…BibTeX
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Hausner, J.; Olbrich, G. R.; Russer, P.; Valenzuela, A. A.: Nonlinear Approach for the Optimization of a DRO at 10.4GHz. European Microwave Conference, 1988. 18th, 1988 more…BibTeX
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Strohm, K. M.; Buechler, J.; Kasper, E.; Luy, J. F.; Russer, P.: Millimeter wave transmitter and receiver circuits on high resistivity silicon. Microwave and Millimetre Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuits, IEE Colloquium on, 1988 more…BibTeX
Buechler, J.; Kasper, E.; Russer, P.; Strohm, K. M.: Silicon High-Resistivity-Substrate Millimeter-Wave Technology. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 34 (12), 1986, 1516--1521 more…BibTeX
Buechler, J.; Kasper, E.; Russer, P.; Strohm, K. M.: Silicon high-resistivity-substrate millimeter-wave technology. Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 33 (12), 1986, 2047--2052 more…BibTeX
Strohm, K. M.; Buechler, J.; Russer, P.; Kasper, E.: Silicon High Resistivity Substrate Millimeter-Wave Technology. Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Circuits, 1986 more…BibTeX
Russer, P.: Dynamics of accelerated Josephson junctions. AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 37, 1983, 153--159 more…BibTeX
Boehm, Konrad; Weidel, Edgar; Russer, Peter; Ulrich, Reinhard: Rotationssensor hoher Empfindlichkeit mit Lichtleitfasern. In: Optoelektronik in der Technik / Optoelectronics in Engineering,. Springer, 1982, 159--163 more…BibTeX
Böhm, K.; Russer, P.; R. Ulrich, E. Weidel: Sensitive fiber optic rotation sensing. Optics Letters 6 (2), 1981, 64--66 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Evaluation of the stimulated emission rate of semiconductors with no k selection rule. Wiss. Ber. AEG-TELEFUNKEN 53 (4-5), 1980, 167--169 more…BibTeX
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Arnold, G.; Russer, P.; Petermann, K.: Modulation of Laser Diodes. In: Kressel, H. (Ed.): Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 39, Optical Semiconductor Devices. Springer, 1979, 213--242 more…BibTeX
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Gruber, J.; Holz, M.; Petschacher, R.; Russer, P.; Weidel, E.: Digitale Lichtleitfaser--Übertragungsstrecke für 1 Gbit/s. Wissenschaftliche Berichte AEG-Telefunken 52, 1979, 123--130 more…BibTeX
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Gruber, J.; Marten, P.; Petschacher, R.; Russer, P.; Weidel, E.: Digital Fibre Optic Communications Link for 1 Gbit/s. Proc. Laser 79 Optoelectronics Conference, Munich, July 1979, 1979 more…BibTeX
Kremers, E.; Marten, P.; Russer, P.; Thomas, H. J.: A 280 Mbit/s Fibre Optic Communication Link. Proc. 5th European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 17 - 19 Sept 1979, 1979 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Digitale optische Nachrichtenübertragung bei hohen Bitraten. In: Nachrichtentechnisches Kolloquium, Manuskripte der im Sommersemester 1979 gehaltenen Vorträge. Fachbereich Elektrotechnik der Universität Duisburg, 1979 more…BibTeX
Arnold, G.; Petermann, K.; Russer, P.; Berlec, F.: Modulation behaviour of double heterostructure injection lasers with coherent light injection. AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 32 (4), 1978, 129--136 more…BibTeX
Gruber, J.; Holz, M.; Marten, P.; Petschacher, R.; Russer, P.; Weidel, E.: A 1 Gbit/s Fibre Optic Communication Link. Proc. 4th European Conference on Optical Communication, Genova, 12 - 15 Sept 1978, 1978 more…BibTeX
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Gruber, J.; Marten, P.; Petschacher, R.; Russer, P.: Electronic circuits for high bit rate fiber optic communication systems. IEEE Trans. Communications 26 (7), 1978, 1088--1098 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Elektrische Bausteine für die breitbandige optische Nachrichtenübertragung. NTG Fachberichte ``Neue Entwicklungen in der Nachrichtenübertragung,'' (München, 17--19. April 1978), Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft, 1978 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Die Anwendung von Josephsonelementen in Mikrowellenempfängern. NTZ - Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift 31 (8), 1978, 604--612 more…BibTeX
Hillbrand, H.; Gruber, J.; Russer, P.; Wörner, K.: Computer Aided Design of a 1 GHz Bandwidth Monolithic Integrated Amplifier. Proc. ESSCIRC 77 Conference, Ulm, Sept. 20--22, 1977, 1977 more…BibTeX
Petschacher; Russer, P.: Demultiplexer using fast hybrid integrated ECL-gates for 1 Gbit/s PCM systems. Proc. 7th European Microwave Conference, Copenhagen, Sept. 5--8 1977, 1977, 527--531 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Ein gleichstromgepumpter Josephson-Wanderwellenverstärker (A direct-current pumped Josephson travelling-wave amplifier). Wissenschaftliche Berichte AEG Telefunken 50, 1977, 171--182 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Arnold, G.; Petermann, K.: High--Speed Modulation of DHS Lasers in the Case of Coherent Light Injection. Proc. 3rd European Conference on Optical Communication, Munich, 1977 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Electronic components for high speed signal processing in fiber optical communication. AEG-Telefunken, 1977, more…BibTeX
Grothe, H.; Harth, W.; Russer, P.: Experimental investigation of parametric sideband amplification in injection lasers. Electronics Letters 12 (20), 1976, 522--524 more…BibTeX
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Hillbrand, H.; Russer, P.: An efficient method for computer aided noise analysis of linear amplifier networks. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems 23 (4), 1976, 235--238 more…BibTeX
Hillbrand, H.; Russer, P.: correction to 'An Efficient method for Computer Aided Noise Analysis of Linear Amplifier Networks'. Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on 23 (11), 1976, 691 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Hillbrand, H.: Rauschanalyse von linearen Netzwerken. Wissenschaftliche Berichte AEG Telefunken 49, 1976, 127--138 more…BibTeX
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Hillbrand, H.; Russer, P.: Large signal P.C.M. behaviour of injection lasers with coherent irradiation into one of their oscillating modes. Electronics Letters 11 (16), 1975, 372--374 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Direct Modulation of Semiconductor Injection Lasers at High Bit Rates. Proc. Laser 75 Optoeleetronies Conference (Munich), June 24 26, 1975, 1975 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Gruber, J.: Hybrid integrierter Multiplexer mit Speicherschaltdioden für den Gbit/s-Bereich. Wissenschaftliche Berichte AEG-Telefunken 48, 1975, 55--60 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Modulation behaviour of injection lasers with coherent irradiation into their oscillating mode. AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 29, 1975, 231--232 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Bayegan, H.: Analog-computer studies on microwave mixing in superconducting weak links. Proceedings of the IEEE 61 (1), 1973, 46 -- 50 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.; Schulz, S.: Direkte Modulation eines Doppelheterostrukturlasers mit einer Bitrate von 2,3 Gbit/s (Direct modulation of a double heterostructure semiconductor injection laser at 2.3 Gbit/s). AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 27, 1973, 193--195 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Influence of Microwave Radiation on Current-Voltage Characteristic of Superconducting Weak Links. J. Appl. Physics 43 (4), 1972, 2008--2010 more…BibTeX
Russer, Peter: Die Mischung von Mikrowellen in Josephsonkontakten. Acta Physica Austriaca 35, 1972, 140--149 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: General energy relations for Josephson junctions. Proceedings of the IEEE 59 (2), 1971, 282-- 283 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Untersuchungen am Wechselstrom-Josephsoneffekt (Investigations of the a.c. Josephson effect). Acta Physica Austriaca 32 (3-4), 1970, 373--381 more…BibTeX
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Russer, P.: Parametric amplification with Josephson junctions. AEÜ Archiv der Elektrischen Übertragung 23 (8), 1969, 417--420 more…BibTeX
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Russer, Peter: Der Tunneleffekt bei Supraleitern. Diplom thesis, 1967 more…BibTeX