Welcome to the Chair of Nano & Quantum Sensors

The Chair of Nano & Quantum Sensors is working on the experimental investigation of advanced nanostructures with novel or hybrid functionalities with a particular focus on sensing applications both in the classical and in the quantum regime. Our expertise lies in the cleanroom-based fabrication of nanostructures as well as in their characterization with state-of-the-art measurement techniques.

The research of the chair led by Eva Weig is focussing on nanomechanical and cavity optomechanical systems. These freely-suspended nanostructures exhibit discrete vibrational modes with high mechanical quality factor. We explore their vibrational properties with a special emphasis on aspects of dissipation, nonlinear dynamics, coupling and coherent control. Of particular interest is the integration of the mechanical resonator with optical or microwave cavities which allows for the additional exploitation of radiation-pressure induced backaction, which provides access to the quantum regime of nanomechanics. 

The research group of Markus Becherer explores nanomagnetic devices. Please see the Becherer group pages for more details.

Chair of Nano and Quantum Sensors

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eva Maria Weig | Team: Weig group 
Adjunct Teaching Professor: PD. Dr.-Ing. habil. Markus Becherer | Team: Becherer group 
We form a research and teaching unit with following professorships

Molecular Electronics

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marc Tornow